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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. Of course this "clip" is stopped just before Trump resumes his speech again - after more than 90 minutes of continuous and clear talking - light years beyond Biden's range. The pause was planned for effect after particular remarks that obviously appealed to South Dakotan Republicans. No McConnell freeze, or any other such nonsense that you might have enjoyed, had it been true.
  2. Yep. Another babbling, burbling showcase from MABA Man.
  3. I disagree. Mature, experienced and capable men and women can and have been invaluable assets and leaders for countries and institutions. I am for independent medical experts to regularly and fully evaluate those holding critical jobs in government, after normal retirement age .
  4. Of course there were, just not so many walking across people's scalps.
  5. San Francisco is where people used to wear flowers in their hair. Now they wear lice.
  6. Only in your make-believe world, where your "reality" quickly reveals itself as fantasy.
  7. Well that "fringe" needs a serious trim because it is overgrown and leading those traditional Democrats that remain, further and further to the left.
  8. Compared to similar ceremonies then protocol was breached. No interpretation required. Your defenses of Biden are just like the big guy himself - weak and wobbly.
  9. How about he walked away because he forgot the ceremonial protocol?
  10. Ten hours! Cheaper to buy Heinz in Thailand than pay the lekky bill.
  11. Enjoy: https://oversight.house.gov/the-bidens-influence-peddling-timeline/
  12. As the story says, this money was received as a result of some alleged "influence peddling". That is corruption, at least. Of course that is a crime.
  13. Rans? Sounds like a disease. Anyway it's about time you two went private.
  14. I happily gave up taking any notice of what you say about 3 posts ago.
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