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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. Again, you are trying to directly connect one thing to another. Poor form, because like that you can create more angst than you think there is to start with, just to suit your own narrative.
  2. No! Read what I said properly. I don't bother with FOX. Pointless here.
  3. Sounds like a good fallback for prosecutors with no real evidence.
  4. You are linking two stories that are not directly linked between themselves. Poor form.
  5. Mediaite? Looking at the LATEST NEWS IN POLITICS AND MEDIA it all seems to have a rather similar theme, a bit like the favorites from this Navigator Research lot. Can't you find anything a bit less obviously biased? Guess not. I'll pass.
  6. As the first two are likely and the third is apparently a possibility, then Trump has a better than even chance of winning then.
  7. No. Considering the amount of "coincidental" events going on right now.
  8. You didn't ask me to explain anything. Read back, preferably in English.
  9. And now you know what I was referring to. If you are so keen on forum rules, stop making thinks up.
  10. I was referring to you last line: I could go on, but I grow bored with wasting my time.
  11. Nothing to explain. My reply was to your first line. You don't know what I think.
  12. I think it was targeted after so many reported irregularities during the election itself.
  13. Responsible president? That would be funny if this was not so serious. The Doha agreement had already been ignored by the other side. Whatever he "inherited" from Trump, Biden had enough time and resources to adjust it, to avoid the disaster that he must now own. And "complied"? Wow!
  14. California seems to have plenty of "disabled" now and these bills are becoming more difficult to pay. The place seems to be going to hell. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/11/16/california-25b-deficit-00068081 https://www.newsweek.com/san-francisco-decline-warning-american-cities-1801200
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