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  1. More and more suspicious as time goes on ....I hope I'm wrong but .....
  2. Where is the police involvement ? No official names or quotes from the police Col or Police General " Songphonephara' .etc Not normal as they usually are not shy coming forward in these cases ?
  3. Seems to me the only long term solution to this never ending problem is to bring in that world renown Russian birth control specialist. DR
  4. Seems like those pesky Chinese job stealers are at it again Don !
  5. If Enoon 's map is correct - Russia is the place to go . !
  6. Would you like to give us an update Malcolm ?
  7. I thought it would be common sense to assume that if you ' carpet bomb ' one of the most crowded , most populated areas of the world there are going to be huge civilian casualties . Perhaps I'm missing something here ?
  8. Sounds to me like that's cause for a celebration and a bottle of bubbly or two norsurin ?
  9. Perhaps on each trip a school board governor and or head teacher should be on board - by law . I have a feeling things will tighten up.
  10. Does that include the women?
  11. There may be some who are worried about the succession plan.Don't be . There are several as yet unborn or even conceived Thats that can step in.....
  12. Anyone know what the astronauts thoughts were on this ? I guess they came closer than most to having some ideas . Or were they caught up in earthy problems as soon as they got back .?
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