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Everything posted by worgeordie

  1. Police trying to enforce the law , people against it, an MP to boot, if you speed , park in no parking zone, or any other traffic offence and are given a ticket , you need to pay it, BUT this is Thailand ........ I remember a long time ago they were voting in parliament on laws making DUI an offence , an MP says I am not voting for that as I drink drive, I cannot remember if it passed at that sitting or not... regards Worgeordie
  2. I was lucky and got rid of what I had about a month ago, vinegar and washing up liquid managed to get all the writing off them ,these were ones that had been rejected over the past couple of years by money exchange ,banks would not except them either. Was a bit worried too, termites would get in the safe , no problems now ,plastic. regards Worgeordie
  3. 200 stitches ....two year old child , yes he deserves jail. a few months for him , a lifetime of suffering for the child. regards worgeordie
  4. If it's not a power pole, lamp post ,it's a tree , are drivers about to crash drawn to them, regards Worgeordie
  5. 50 police at one place , never seen that many in one place in Chiang Mai , then where do they go when it's all over ,and you rarely see one . regards worgeordie
  6. Cannot sleep with worry , what if all the chickens get chicken flu , the pigs get swine fever, the cattle foot and mouth , the rice crop fails, the rain stops falling and there's no fruit and veg, only one thing to do find out where Adumbration lives as he is sure to have plenty of fish , but would he share it ? What if all the banks go belly up and I have no cash to buy anything, if there's anything to buy. would Gold be accepted , nobody going to accept Bitcoin ,don't have any anyway. another sleepless night coming up .........???? regards Worgeordie
  7. No checks and balances' then , one person should not be put in control of money , transfers etc, too tempting for them . regards worgeordie
  8. When that happens , does it then mean you will be paying the 12,000 Baht you owe my daughter ........ regards Worgeordie
  9. No guarantee it will not go out at the other Condo , this is Thailand ,happens all the time , especially when it rains. regards worgeordie
  10. sent you PM
  11. Good luck regards Worgeordie
  12. Just shows the state of affairs here , everything is on the table as long as you don't get caught. regards Worgeordie
  13. To late ,the owner has buggered off to the U.S.A, presumably taking funds with him. regards worgeordie
  14. In the bank book ,were you sign the signature , your significant other also signs , so she is authorised to withdraw funds, as you need UV light to see signatures, Immigration does not know . just make sure you trust her 100 % ............... regards worgeordie
  15. It's not just the 700 people dead , it affects their family's ,the places where they worked , there's so much more to it , it's devastating ,and nothing is really getting done about it , regards worgeordie
  16. 11 bodies were found there but it seems the least of his worries....... regards worgeordie
  17. I want to live as long as I am given ,........I just fear and don't want a painful death .if one day I don't wake up ,that's OK , regards Worgeordie
  18. Charges need to be filed , especially if the driver had been drinking, seems paying compensation makes it alright. "pressing the wrong gear." 2nd one reported today , seems like a new excuse...... regards Worgeordie
  19. More likely to be a mild case of food poisonings . regards Worgeordie
  20. That's the problem ,few take responsible for their actions, it's either road conditions, brake failure , micro sleep ,wrong gear , etc ,ect, this guy needs to be made an example and spend a good time in jail, not only is he a drunk driver ,but a liar. regards Worgeordie
  21. Noting freak about that , driver going to fast, must have seen the lady , as he sounded the horn , but failed to brake and slow down it seems .RIP the lady regards worgeorde
  22. Wrong gear ! , but you should pull away slowly, then realise you are in the wrong gear, not shoot forward. regards worgeordie
  23. On the shipping , in Shopee it says "unsupported address " at first I thought they would not ship to me , but I think i means that I am in Chiang Mai , too far for free delivery ? , who knows. regards Worgeordie
  24. You said you bought at 23000 $ , and were going to buy more if it dropped to 20,000 $ , they are below that now, did you manage to buy many ? , good luck regards worgeordie
  25. No , the fanboys reckon it will hit a million in a few years .... so buy now ,please buy now.... regards worgeordie
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