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Everything posted by worgeordie

  1. It says a lot ,you come on here to ask should I get cat treated or just let it die, 3 days already ,take it today before it is too late , it may need some of your beer money ,but will be your good deed of the day . regards worgeordie
  2. Mid sea airport .....for sea planes , so the ultra rich don't have to mix with the hoypoloi regards Worgeordie
  3. Sarcasm ....I thought that would be obvious , young people are going to read his Farcebook musing and think they can just move here from UK , where in reality is not as easy as this guy thinks regards Worgeordie
  4. Has he come here on refugee status , how does he think he is going to be able to stay here , "aspires to bring his family to Thailand once he has settled down. " his bubble is soon going to be burst . regards worgeordie
  5. **Flame removed** all this hitting women is just going to stir up Thai resentment towards Farangs, regards Worgeordie
  6. Where is this Condo ? if in any big city it must be a <deleted>hole at that price .... how much rent are you paying now ,it must be peanuts regards worgeordie
  7. The law that really only applies if landlord has 5 properties or more , does your landlord have more than 5 properties ? that law ? regards worgeordie
  8. I got mine at a time ,were if you had one you could get free hospital services, used it for a year ,until they started to change things that Thaksin had done. Yes Farangs were once included in the 30 baht hospital system . regards worgeordie
  9. What took you so long , I did it at 42 , without a masters degree and I need google to help me spell correctly , but I am good with numbers ,there's smart and there's smart ,you may have one... I have the other.... regards worgeorgdie
  10. https://thetvapp.to/ try this regards Worgeordie
  11. When is it starting ? regards Worgeordie
  12. Try https://thetvapp.to ,free and more modern subjects ,playit in your browser . regards Worgeordie
  13. Just another case of the small head out thinking the large head , regards worgeordie
  14. Make an example of this guy , in a position of authority over children, and dealing in Meth , regards worgeordie
  15. I wonder how he treats is Elephants ,if the way he treats people is anything to go by, The Elephant sanctuary , he only owns 1 Elephant the rest are brought in from Surin , would not call it a sanctuary regards worgeordie
  16. I expect a few people will be thinking of taking a holiday right now , till it all blows over . regards Worgeordie
  17. What about stopping fires from starting , catch the Arsonists , this could be done with the help of drones , not Russian crap helicopters , if a drone crashes not really a problem ,but Thailand has a history of losing helicopters. regards Worgeordie
  18. Did you get those tips/tricks from Dan ? regards worgeordie
  19. You have already said you would have done exactly the same as the Swiss guy, so no wonder you have sympathy for him , you have to be careful who you choose to have altercations with here ,not everyone is a nobody ,many have influence and power ,so just be careful who you choose to upset Bob , remember you are a guest here..... regards worgeordie
  20. When they veer of the road ,there always seems to be a tree ,electric pole or house in their way , RIP regards worgeordie
  21. Maybe the most important reason they are going with a sub 🙄 standard engine , do they get a free rescue vessel with the sub. regards worgeordie
  22. If its a PIR switch maybe the heat of the car was enough to switch it on and it's been OK since. reards worgeordie
  23. Every morning I have common Mynas and the punk ones ,crests on their heads, plus doves come to my kitchen window ,where i throw any old rice or bread out for them , just throw out enough so it all gets eaten or you will encourage rats too... regards worgeordie
  24. I only wear a sarong around the house and garden ,lets the air circulate , wish this was Burma as then could go out to the shops etc ,and would not look so out of place , regards worgeordie
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