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Everything posted by worgeordie

  1. If the wind blows and it rains a bit ,in my area it will happen automatically .....🙄 regards orgeordi
  2. Why complicate things George ,there are plenty of girls in Thailand , the only benefit of a Filipina Girl here would be if you are Catholic , keep it simple look for a good Thai girl regards Worgordie
  3. Doncha ? is that Russian Lou ... not Scouse ? regards worgeordie
  4. Your right Lou , but this was is a Thai forum , no need to correct every little thing. regards worgeordie
  5. If they were Thai scientists they might have been , many Thais believe in ghosts ...🙄 regards Worgeordie
  6. So you know more than a throat specialist .......that's what is known as hypochondria , You seem to have a complaint about everything , maybe a phyciatrist could help.... regards worgeordie
  7. Thailand ,so many ways to die ,especially if not careful. regards worgeordie
  8. I am sure I read on here not long ago ,they were going to build it in Thailand , and I wondered were they were going to get the plans from .... regards worgeordie
  9. In the picture ...is it a bird or a plane ,,,he should have his fog lights on. regards worgeordie
  10. Big stick , pocket full of stones ,make sure you have running shoes on incase they don't work regards worgeordie
  11. So it's just been sitting there earning money for the godown owner ,he was hoping to get at least another 10 years out of it ,before anyone realised it was there. "a risk exacerbated by the rice’s prolonged exposure to anti-moth chemicals" That's going to be some really fragrant rice ... “We need to release this rice to the market as soon as possible.” who ever said that needs to eat some first.... regards worgeordie
  12. Checking in on his overseas bank accounts ....... regards Worgeordie
  13. I am not a Baboon ,I have not got a red arse , OK you want to help others, I could do with a loan of !0,000 Baht ,will repay honestly ,want to help ?, .....thought not , regards Worgeordie
  14. Ordinary hard working people giving donations in good faith to the temple, and it gets stolen , why do the temples need so much money ,i know they are always building ,but there might be a reason for this if you think about it, Thailand is a corrupt country and nothing or noone is out of its reach.... regards worgeordie
  15. This was just a vote buying ploy ,Thaksin realised long ago give the public populist policies ,use Government money and you don't have to use your own money to buy votes ,that was the norm before then ,as with all populist policies before there will be shrinkage ,thats a given ,then the Thai Government will be saddled with even more debt for years ahead.......when the 10 K has been long gone.. regards Worgeordie
  16. You think too much Bob , things ,made up or not only happen to you, I have lived here for 36 years and have never come across some of the stuff you go on about. you must be a very unlikable person regards worgeordie
  17. Plenty of thunder and lightning up in Chiang Mai last night ,windy with light rain, which also meant the electric went off ,first one of the year ,so not looking good with the rainy season on the way , Thailand always talking about hubs,hubs that, about going into space ,wish they would get the easy things done first ,reliable utilities ,everytime the wind blows or rains the electric is off , then the water, I can piss harder than what comes out our taps , we have to have pump on all the time.... regards worgeordie
  18. Bob ,he spews more hatred than the orange guy , sad really ,does not have a nice word to say about anyone regards worgeordie
  19. Once again spending money to put fires out , what about preventing them from happening in the first place ,one thing Thailand is not is Proactive , just rush to sort things out after they have happened. 1,800 rangers ,add police and army ,well they are not very busy at moment , give them some drones ,set up road blocks , just be in the areas to be a deterrent ,make it illegal for villagers to be in the forests at this time of year , In another story on here 4 years and a big fine for having a sea fan , set the place ablaze ,affect peoples health you get what ? been so few caught and you never hear what sentence they get regards worgeordie
  20. If only they had those kind of sentences for setting Thailand ablaze ,we would have less smoke and pollution Those caught in possession of sea fans without appropriate authorization face up to four years in prison and fines of 500,000 baht. regards worgeordie
  21. "You want to change the climate via rain-seeding airplanes? Might as well invest in Aboriginal raindancers to come and have a jump about for all the good that will do" read what i wrote I never said use rain seeding planes , That's what the Government said. 'Drones, police and rangers to observe the fires that any idiot could simply go to a website showing the latest satellite imagery to observe? Why? What's the point? They know where they are, I could list the ones for yesterday if you like." , i don't want them to use drones to see fires , BUT catch those going into the forests to set fires ... It seems to you we are doomed , nothing will change anything , I would hope one day something will be done , and I am not giving up on that . regards worgeordie
  22. The Government just don't care, it's the same thing every year ,they know it's going to happen , they know when and where ,and do what to prevent it.? There is no deterrent ,people go into the forest and set it on fire ,for their benefit , to make it easier to find mushrooms when the rains start, BUT it's affecting so many people's health ,and also must be no good for the tourist industry that provides jobs for so many, Not buying corn from the neighbors , sending planes up to make rain ,when are they going to be proactive and try and stop the fires before they start , make it illegal for villagers to go into the forest at this time of year , have police, rangers ,army out and about up in the hills , employ drones , give rewards for information about the arsonists ,do something ! every year you think they will stop the smoke pollution , but nothing happens.... regards worgeordie
  23. I thought you hated Russians Bob , now you are sticking up for him what's changed , It's her house ,will have more witnesses and she's Thai.. regards worgeordie
  24. I used to know whereabouts of some shops but when I need one they seemed to have vanished ,I don't actually need gutters ,but just a piece of tin bent in 90 degree angle to cover gap that has opened up between the house and an extension ,had it covered with the black wide sticky rubber tape but it does not last . thanks in advance . regards worgeordie
  25. If the amulets did not work ,you could buy a gun ... regards Worgeordie
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