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Everything posted by worgeordie

  1. You can add your wife's signature to the account, but her name won't appear on the book , she signs the part of the book where the signatures go, next to yours, Immigration would need UV light to see her signature , so it looks like sole account. regards Worgeordie
  2. Some of these Temples are more like zoo's , anything to attract the public. Looking at the state of those enclosures ,no wonder Bambi b#ggered off. regards worgeordie
  3. Don't forget Lotus's ,they have it all covered Manufacture ,Wholesale and Retail , regards worgeordie
  4. The only way that is going to happen is if the defendant wins the lottery ,while in prison , regards worgeordie
  5. The damage was done by driver of the car showroom , a car that has been in serious accident like that is going to lose more value. it's just not the same as it used to be, and no fault of the owner. regards worgeordie
  6. So what would you be happy with ?.... pleased to see you used a HaHa emoji , instead of your usual Sad emoji , or was that a mistake ..... regards worgeordie
  7. Maybe take it to head office in Japan , I am sure the won't like the bad publicity , their dealership are causing, she is not going to get the problem solved in Thailand ,to her satisfaction. regards Worgeordie
  8. The strange thing most Thai's only pick the last 2 - 3 numbers hoping to win maybe a couple thousand baht , while in the West lottery pickers choose 6 numbers + 1 ? not sure because don't play any lottery , but they are wishing to win the BIG one .... regards worgeordie
  9. If something is scuttling about in the roof space it's most likely tree rats ,they like to go there in the rainy season, and maybe a monitor is trying to get up there for a meal. regards Worgeordie
  10. If Magic mushrooms are illegal , how come a Government official is quoting prices for them .... "Especially as one kilo of "fresh 'shrooms" goes for 500 baht and 5,000 baht a kilo for dried. " regards Worgeordie
  11. If I was you I would be selling the vehicle, you are never going to be happy with it, and buy something YOU want, as you seem to have bought this one for the wife,Ok if she paid for it. " probably why the wife wanted it so much." "and the driving position (which for my wife is a negative)." Regards Worgeordie
  12. They cannot get the smart BMW started , but as soon as they get new battery they will be on the job...???? regards worgeordie
  13. Not a Napoleon of crime ,what a silly boy. regards worgeordie
  14. Maybe the Police should do a better investigation , to see if the cab driver had any connection with the suspect , could be just an innocent cab driver, hope he has a good lawyer ,as it could be guilt by association. regards Worgeordie
  15. Not so many bank robbers with guns here ,they actually work inside the banks and steal with a pen or click on the keyboard, regards Worgeordie
  16. If you have everything in order you should have no problems, If the check points find people without license , more important no insurance , even more important DUI , I find no problem with them. Is the OP exaggerating the amount of checkpoints in Pattaya ? up here in Chiang Mai cannot remember that last time I seen one, police are like hens teeth , hear the sirens of Police cars most nights especially when its raining ...... regards Worgeordie
  17. Works great for me , they even send email reminding it's due, then another email saying it's been approved , The OP had problems because it was his first time reporting ,suspect everything will be OK going forward. , regards Worgeordie
  18. Did they check in the back of the truck to see what he was carrying, seems he was taking it a bit extreme to flee just for one tablet, regards Worgeordie
  19. Would you accept 50,000 Baht for a loved one , especially if breadwinner for the family. "He warned that funds available may not stretch to the amounts wanted by all the victims' families. " that sounds like take it now or get nowt.... regards Worgeordie
  20. I think the article is putting forward, due to the demand for Condo's the price of land to build them on has risen, not that Russians , Chinese are buying the land. regards Worgeordie
  21. It may take a death for something to get done about this problem. regards worgeordie
  22. At the Dotheboys hall type school I attended , corporal punishment was mandatory , and I am sure sometimes it was warranted ,6 wacks across the hand ,or @rse from the kinky teachers ,with a thin bamboo cane , sure they got off on it . It hurt at the time ,but did it do me any harm ,I don't think so ,it did not turn me into serial killer, rapist , bank robber, or wife beater , really had a good time at school , can even remember all the other boys names in my class, but only one girl ,she with the big tits. Since corporal punishment in the West has stopped , look what's happened , kids killing kids ,they have no respect for their elders, if a policeman caught you doing something not serious,he would clip your ear or kick you up the @rse , today they would stab or shoot him..... regards worgeordie
  23. Could be, Psittacula alexandri (Red-breasted Parakeet) but will not be able to be sure until they have adult plumage. regards worgeordie
  24. But the price of cooking gas has gone up paid B 450 for 15 Kg bottle the other day. regards worgeordie
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