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Everything posted by worgeordie

  1. Without these riders getting some meaningful compensation from the owners of the wire, nothing is going to change , the only way to get them to maintain the wires ,is hit them hard in their pockets, regards worgeordie
  2. In one ear , out the other comes to mind , the only time the give a xxxx about their constituents is at election time, and it's not Only Thailand. regards worgeordie
  3. If one of these influencers ,super stars in their own mind said , today i am eating sh!t , I am sure all their fans would start eating it too, this is what the World has come to ,no one can think for themselves.... regards worgeordie
  4. They just can't let go , welcome to my country where you can buy without restrictions , the excuse they give is that there will be no land for poor people , but it's the rich people here who own most of the land ........ regards worgeordie
  5. Placed an order on Lazada for a bump head for Honda strimmer, chose COD which was available , next day the seller canceled the order, reason payment not made in timely manner ,.....must not know what COD means. regards worgeordie
  6. The weekly flights, which operate every Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday are as follows:...... 4 into 3 does not go is that the reporters or Thai's fault. regards worgeordie
  7. Thongkam .... just said " Make my day " , and the thugs scurried off. regards Worgeordie
  8. I think the delivery guy been smoking too much and got the munchies on the way to deliver. regards worgeordie
  9. Just pleased to hear you got you money , many do not ,the old " Cheques in the post" regards worgeordie
  10. Might have gotten the wrong meal , could have been a special request meal for a Chinese flyer ....... regards Worgeordie
  11. I expect he was in the back of the Merc, so how did he know that, in hurry to catch flight ,did he tell the driver to put his foot down, "she's only a peasant ,need to catch my flight, will pay her family a few bob , it will all be ok, ,77 years old compensation will not be much. regards Worgeordie
  12. Things are getting desperate , home invasions are starting, one thing never show your wealth here ,you are going to make yourself a target. regards Worgeordie
  13. Redraw the maps , everything OK now , but the Army have taken over the houses , will the judges be allowed to move in. regards Worgeordie
  14. 'Annual income 20 pounds, annual expenditure 19 [pounds] 19 [shillings] and six [pence], result happiness. that's according to Mr. Micawber .David Copperfield I follow his advice and I am happy...... regards Worgeordie
  15. On the Makro click web page they have the Orchid blends , but also one 2 kg pack Orchid which they say is 100 % butter, its 782 Baht so might be ? Do you know anyone selling real butter at sensible price in Thailand. ? regards worgeordie
  16. So Zipmex has been repaid all that debt it had loaned out, if not, doubt there will be much to repay their clients. wonder what collateral they had for their loans ? regards Worgeordie
  17. Thanks, I have not seen the packaging close up but it says 100 % Butter , most of the other "Butters" are a mixture of other stuff ,butter oil, milk powder , ??? Orchid are supposed to have a 100 % butter too but it's nearly 800 Baht for 2 Kg. , I am old enough to remember those old grocery shops ,in the window big barrel of real butter from Denmark, I don't know whether its my taste buds but nothing seems to taste like it used too . regards worgeordie
  18. Deep sea diver , Lion tamer, Looking for lost gold mines, I would have thought with all your knowledge on financial affairs ,you would be a multimillionaire and have no need to work , work is vastly overrated could not wait until I had enough to retire and promptly did so , 35 years ago, best thing I ever did. regards worgeordie
  19. I was buying 1 Kg pack of NZ butter from Expatfoods for 195 Baht , it was very good too, price now 490 Baht a Kg , !!!!!, the NZ cows stopped producing milk or something , going to try Home Fresh butter , 100 % butter made in Thailand, 5 kg 1,165 Baht = 235 Baht Kg, cut up in useable pieces it will last 12 months if kept in freezer they have 1 kg sizes at 295 Baht at local bakery supply shop. blame Covid , Ukraine ,? regards worgeordie
  20. I'll take a pint ,hope it's not expensive. regards Worgeordie
  21. They must have done something seriously wrong , like not kicking up the days takings , murder , they usually get sent to an inactive post . regards Worgeordie
  22. Maybe time to make lynching drunks that injure or kill people law , sell the vehicle off to help the family of victim, wonder how many it would take before they realised that DUI is not to be tolerated , quite a few I think as they are thick as pigs sh!t........ regards Worgeordie
  23. It's the same when they find a body in a room that has not been disturbed , it's always naturel causes , before any investigation is done , so there could be a very tidy serial killer out there . Micro sleep , no need to investigate further....... regards Worgeordie
  24. It's not illegal to use an agent to do the paperwork for you , BUT it is certainly a grey area where they use their money, saying it's yours, into a bank account, if any money goes anywhere* ,and they are not bribing bank officials too, it's very murky ,myself I would not do it, * except to agent ,IO , maybe someone in the bank. regards Worgeordie
  25. So what is the new name ..... regards Worgeordie
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