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Everything posted by LennyW

  1. As long as they live in their own selfish bubble they will never acknowledge other road users exist.
  2. Wait till they target Pattaya......
  3. Which it does very easily, recycling plastic is very big business here from street level trash pickers upwards.
  4. Which game does this one come from?
  5. Ha ha, and another one...... good luck with that!!
  6. Ban Chang, Rayong is handy for schools, also easy access to Motorway 7, Au Tapau airport next door, quite a lot of reasonable priced housing, 3 main beaches, a bit more open spaced than most places, great infrastructure now, half way between Rayong city and Pattaya. The air also quite decent here with the wind coming off the beaches. You need to have a look around, start with Google maps and see the layout of Rayong province.
  7. Thai nationals are required to have ID, why would visitors not?
  8. Left behind from Cobra Gold excersizes.
  9. Unfortunately Makro here are not a true cash and carry like the UK was, they let anybody in. No card is required, if you do not have one they scan one of their own at the cash register
  10. No evidence that so called strong waves were to blame, by the description in the full story it is more like he had a heart attack.
  11. Truck did exactly same maneuver just in front of me when we went to Makro on Sunday morning, i explained to my wife that a guy was killed at night when a truck did exactly the same thing right here, her reply was simple, " why motorbike driver cannot see big truck"?
  12. The Strong Waves must have disappeared by the time they took that photo!
  13. Many people dismiss the answers they receive anyway because it does not align with their notion of what they think the answer should be!
  14. Thankyou, hopefully those that are randomly posting without knowing the scenario might now understand.
  15. Yet you are clearly oblivious where and in what scenario this happened.....
  16. Since when were the Oscars not a fiasco?
  17. You are obviously not local to Pattaya or Jomtien, it is not new to those of us that have lived here for many years no matter what slant you choose to believe from the Sun.
  18. Starbucks of coffee is like the McDonalds of burgers, everywhere but not that great!
  19. The sensationalist Sun again, this is nothing new, droves of Russians have been coming here for years, Na Jomtien has been an annex of Russia for a long time now!!
  20. The police will need a lot more that that before they will even think about looking into it!
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