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Posts posted by LennyW

  1. Proposed measures that was rejected are includes cutting hotel room rate and airfare proposed to Thai Airways International, reducing value added tax on hotel room rates for one year, an exemption annual fee of Bt80 per room and urgent plan to promote the major destinations of Phuket, Krabi and Phang Nga for local tourism.

    -- The Nation 2009-01-20

    Seems to contradict this story yesterday?? Somebody is telling porkys!!??

  2. Another new mall, 'The Village', is also opening this week. It's located on the west side of Suk, at Chaiyapook Rd. Does anybody know much about that one?

    The village is not a mall persay, it is open air, meandering through greenery and ponds, located directly at the crossroads Chaiyapruek / Sukhumvit, where the Herb garden resort used to be, not looking too promising at the moment, little take up on their units? - unlike the floating market 1k further south, it is packed out every day!!

    Time will tell, it may work though as it has plenty of parking. :o

  3. In this case, I 'm happy to be wrong :o

    Can't remember if it's been mentioned, but this is going to be a toll road.

    Heard something along that lines, with exemptions for local residents was also mentioned?? not sure how that would work??

  4. It seems that this year weather conditions have been exactly right for the mango trees, there is an abundance of blooms which seem to be causing the excess sap. I saw some trees in an orchard a couple of weeks ago in Suphan Buri where the blooms were so heavy they were near touching the ground, on the same excursion i also made the mistake of parking under a mature tree - car was a sticky mess!!!

    Here in Pattaya too, all the trees seem to be blooming to excess - i guess mango's will be in abundance and cheap this year??

  5. There is parking. I heard some of the owners on the low floors and on the wrong side of VT6 are a little upset that not only do they lose their views, they will also overlook a car park which will make the opening of windows a health hazard.

    That could apply to anywhere in Pattaya, and i dont mean just exhaust fumes!! :o

  6. Man that cop was a good shot.

    Sorry for your loss Beardog.

    At the risk of sounding stupid............what did Beardog lose?

    Come to think of i didn't understand Beardogs post ........ reads as though he is Khun Somshai :D

    Anyone? :o

    Beardog is referring to his own incident a couple of weeks back, and simply pointing out the quality of reporting by PDN!

  7. Am I right in thinking Motorway 7 now runs right into Pattaya rather than if I remember correcly coming off a few kilometers outside

    Within a year the 7 is expected to be completed. Than it will end in Pattaya on Sukhumvit between North Pattaya Road and Central Pattaya Road; no need to take turns then.

    A year...try 2-3 years! Don't let the on-ramp completed on Sukhumvit fool you...the rest of this elevated roadway will snake from the top of Maprachan Lake area to the Sukhumvit on-ramp...and they haven't even done any land appropriation for that portion yet!

    You are mistaken MeetJohnDoe, check out google earth and you will see about 70% of the road completed, now the GE image is at least a year old, it does not even show any sign of the on/off ramp on Suk yet, so there will be more than likely more progress than the map shows! You can see quite a bit of it too if you take the road from Suk towards the crocodile farm and carry on towards the north side of Maprachan. :o

  8. Next to The Infinity, at the corner of Sathron and Narathiswas, a huge lot has been cleared, and it's obvious that it's going to be another condo development. Since excavation hasn't been started, I'd guess that they won't be ready for another 4 years. It's too early for the developer to worry about whether the units are selling or not, but it gives some of you ample time to moan about the "impending oversupply of condos in 2013".

    :o:D:D Lol

  9. If only there was a value on the plastic bags, like the cans and cardboard etc. then the trash pickers would have the streets cleaned OVERNIGHT!!!!! :D

    The biggest offenders are those drinks served in the bags with ice, they drive along on the motorcycle and just toss them when the drink is done!! :o

  10. Move to Ban Amphur, very nice and close to the winery. Just South of Pattaya.


    Winery? Just South of Pattaya?? Where???

    Silverlake vineyard, cant exactly miss it, it's huge!!!!

    Take the road to Khow Chee Chan, (not the one to WatYan but the next one), and like i say, cant miss it!! :o

  11. The reason for double pricing in Thailand is simple, most of the natives have seen the "attractions" before, but as a courtesy to their "farang visitors" they bring them to view their wonderful "attractions" to show off their country!

    So, if the natives did not get in cheaper than the visitors, they would not bring any visitors to that "attraction", simple isnt it??

    Makes sense to me anyway!!! :o

  12. House by far, with our dogs around, too much unknown "people" coming and going in a condo!

    You are joking ,right ! With a Condo the only means of entrance is the front door and balcony door .It is easy to secure both with security devices .Dogs can easily be poisoned .

    Appreciate what you are saying Thaifan2, but for the time i stayed in JBC all the "unknown" people coming and going used to un-nerve me, and the nightly clickety click of high heels coming and going at all hours was most annoying.

    Whilst the guards at the gate were usually awake, the ones in the bottom of the building were usually asleep.

    I just feel more at ease in my house, i guess your "security devices" would just be as easy to overcome as poisoning my dogs, bottom line is if a theif wants in he will get in!! But each to his own i suppose.

    The OP will have the option, by renting, to try both to see what suits him. :o

  13. Cheers Thaifan2

    Where exactly is it on Chaiyapruk, how far down.....Im guessing it will be well sign posted :D Looking forward to it.

    How far UP, it is at the public park adjacent to the Sports Stadium on Chaiyapruek 2, approx 2km east of Sukhumvit...Enjoy :o

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