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Posts posted by LennyW

  1. New years eve my freind saw an angry Baht Bus driver tell 2 falangs to get off his bus unless they were going to pay 100 Bt each!!!! both refused and had to get off, the driver was out in the middle of the road and screaming and shouting at them!!! Funny thing was the two of them didnt even have a seat - they were standing on the step at the back!

    This happend on second road around soi 4 area, my mate said it was quite a spectacle and a lot of people were watching??

  2. The foriegners who strut around doing this volunteer police thing are nothing but arse holes.They should all get a life.They're not helping the community,there sad little souls on a would be power trip.

    Harsh words I know but very very true.It makes me cringe seeing them on the Sukhumvit pulling people over.


    i must say ,it is very sad ,you come to retire in the sun and end up a plastic policeman,bit like the security guards in the uk that walk about with torches ,keys and other junk hanging from their belts ,pretending to be important,

    sad bastards. :o

    i totally agree...in the uk they have a similar and emphasize similar force called police "specials" usually guys who have tried and failed to get in the real force because they are too short ,fat unfit and or too old , they take on the shit jobs like west ham v millwall and dog squad...... sill it remails a power trip as the job is only expenses and shit hours. in pattaya i have had one or two of these fpv come in my old business ..no mates -sad f***s even the lasses wanted nowt to do with em. good luck to all 2009

    The specials in Aberdeenshire Scotland were mostly farmers, if you messed with them you got a right thrashin!!! They were well respected!!!

  3. Sorry about the two posts last nite, will make little sense to anyone but me. Waaay over the alchohol intake quota!!!

    Any way, to clarify, we feed about 50 stray dogs a day, and on Monday, at one of the regular spots, some fkr smashed the window of our car and made off with the wifes handbag, my back was turned for about 20 seconds, they must have been hiding in the bushes waiting for us??? Pissed me off big style!!

    The police man says you have good heart feed the dog every day, so i says - well some fkr does not see it that way!!!

    So JerryO if you are still considering what to do with your doggie consider this, if you get her spayed it will totally change her temprament then maybe you can hang on to her, if you still cannot keep her then a spayed dog is a more attractive option for anyone wanting to adopt.

    Good luck to you and good on you for being so considerate about your dog!

  4. Spent the night at the in-laws in the village. Had some Heineken as well as some prawn on the grille that was as long as my arm... (maybe not quite that long, but pretty dam_n big...and tasty too)... as well as too much other food to mention. Played games with the kids until they went to sleep and listened to the relatives sing Karaoke while making <deleted> of themselves (wife included).....

    Aye, mine too, :o:D Have a great day dingdongrb!!

    Thanks Lenny......Actually I rather enjoyed as it is a treat outside the normal American celebration of New Years Eve. I always enjoy time spent with my wife and daughter as well as the in-laws.

    By the way, I have it all recorded on video and in photos to show them at a later date...... :D

    Not too sure if that is good or bad??, i am off to my bed now before my wifey kicks my erse, even us Scots have to sleep sometime!!!

  5. I know it is hard, love me love my dog, make a decision either way, i want to be able to help you, but if you read me, i have little time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and so much mutts to feed and so little apppreciation from the local thievin little fuc_kwits, you cannot compete with " why you give dog beef"? because left from last night!! "you not cook correct, iif cook correct all be gone"

    Same same "why 14 year old boy drive motorcycle?? you want him to walk"????

    I can feel the mince n tatties commin on!!!

  6. Comne on JerryO, we have bin through this for a few days now, what exactly do you want t do??? ( i apprecieate you will be lovin yer dog)

    Please dont dismiss me ,as i feed over 50 stray dogs a day, 100 Kg of rice + a month pisses me off, but to see the wee doggies tails wagin every time we feed em is good!

    Police man says to me what you do?? I say ask the Q in english i will give you 1000 bt,

    easy come , easy go, needless to say he went home not a grey note richer!!

    And some cun_t was kind enough to break my jeep window and make off with the wife's bag while we were feeding the mutts!!

    I think my post is back to front?? Am scottish and bleezin rite now, but i love my dogs??

    Yeah yeah, the two paragraphs above should be reversed!!!

    Anyway, if you or anybody else is a serious dog lover, PM me, if you are a trolling A hole, PM me too, me and the dogs will come round and bite yer banger!!!! You have been warned!!!!!

  7. Spent the night at the in-laws in the village. Had some Heineken as well as some prawn on the grille that was as long as my arm... (maybe not quite that long, but pretty dam_n big...and tasty too)... as well as too much other food to mention. Played games with the kids until they went to sleep and listened to the relatives sing Karaoke while making <deleted> of themselves (wife included).....

    Aye, mine too, :o:D Have a great day dingdongrb!!

  8. Thanks for the reply JohnC - clear as dubs!!!, am havin a few changs the day, so maybe i did not understand your reply completely???

    So there are FPV which i presume means Foreign Police Voulanteer

    TPV which means Tourist Police Voulanteer

    But i have heard TPV to mean Thai police voulanteer.

    Is it just me or are they all the same???

    I am sorry if this has been discussed before, but ma heed is burstin with what is what??

  9. At PBG with some of the usual suspects. Place was completely packed, in fact they closed the doors for entry around 11pm. Never seen that many people on Walking Street before -- and they say tourist numbers are down? I don't think so!

    My friend from Aberdeen that has been coming here for the last 13 years at Chrismas / New year said the same also, never seen it so busy?? I just casually said to him "so quite busy then??" and he completely confirmed it again and again,, never seen it so busy, here's hoping??????

    I actually know 4 lads that got off a chopper from the north sea on chrismas eve in Aberdeen and said "<deleted>%ck" it, lets go to Pattaya, they had no plans to do it before, so who knows???

    Quick hit or peeps running away from the sh%te in their home countries, who knows? time will tell.


  10. A week or so before closure the bank suggested she try to get the seller to pay the transfer tax which to my amazement the seller agreed to.

    The seller is responsible to pay the transfer tax. Sometimes other arrangements are agreed beforehand. 3% I believe it is.

    Not true, the seller is only "legally responsible" to pay the Specific Business Tax, and in most cases it will be shared, but all "transfer" costs are open to negotiaion, nothing like 3% now. (all up less than 0.5% but i am too lazy today to go and look it up again).

    And dont forget it is the Land office appraisal price of the land that is taxable, not anybody else's "value / price" of the land.

    As for "middlemen" post by torrenova today, dont need them and why would you, are you talking agent / broker / Thai friend ????:"? what?

  11. I take it you guys are all American??? by leachfield i presume you mean what i would call a soakaway??

    The septic tank, often called a digester here in Thailand, an Onion in some parts of the UK, is a bacterial breakdown system, if it is working properly then the only run off should be excess water (the solids being "digested" within the tank) and that can go to what i would call a soakaway. Yes you can do it with the concrete rings but that gives a very small surface area to "soakaway", in the UK if we were building a house and there was an excavator / backhoe on site, we would dig a big hole and fill with stones and re cover, all run off water would go this route, this method is foolproof and lasts for years (10+) .

    You may need to search around your site to find a free draining area suitable for a soakaway / leachfield, i have heard people complain that their soakaway is not working, only to find that upon inspection their builders have "washed" all their cement mixing equipment into the nearest "hole" thereby sealing the bottom!!!

    Good luck and Happy New Year!

  12. Slightly off topic, but does anybody have a free to air reciever and an omnidirectional / auto dish setup here in Pattaya?? If you do how good / reliable is it??

    We had one in the UK initally for the wifes Thai channels, and it was superb!! over 5000 channels (including most of the ones i paid for on Sky too!!) more or less instantly downloaded, the limit on channels only governed by the capacity of the reciever box. At the time the whole setup cost 99 pounds.

    There was a mag in UK called "which sattelite" had all the boxes / dishes / tips / ranges etc, anything similar here??

    Any experiences?????

  13. Agree with many above comments...nothing new here...this has always been the case. One constantly reads in the business pages about large Thai companies having to negotiate new leases for property after their 30-year lease has expired. The most recent major one being Central Pattana renewing their lease for the land under which Central Lat Prao sits from the State Railroad of Thailand (apparently it's their land). Now, don't you think if there was any legal basis for a 30+30+30 year lease or anything similar, these large and sophisticated companies would know about it and obtain such leases?

    It always amazed me back in Scotland how many properties were actually on a 99 year lease from British Rail? I wonder if any other countries are similar?

  14. I have seen all these reports and happy I wasn't a victim. Now, I get this: It may be a new scheme of taking small amounts of money from many people or something else I don't understand. It involves two bank accounts at the Kasikorn Pattaya Tai location:

    1. On my account, a mysterious 200 baht "Money Transfer No Book -- Service ATM 09001" withdrawal in November.

    2. Again, exactly the same thing, another 200 baht, in December.

    3. On my wife's account, she's got the very same thing in November (but not the same day as mine), but none in December.

    The catch is, we've been in the USA since September, with both our cards in our possession. The amounts are so small they don't even warrant a phone call. I'll raise the issue at the bank when I'm back this Spring, but in the meantime, someone is getting my money and I'm getting nothing for it.

    I was confused about this "transfer" too, according to the bank it is an annual fee for your ATM card, new one on me, i did pay 100 baht to renew ATM card last time but was unaware of an "annual" fee. That was the official explanation at the bank last week anyway.

  15. Had a little BBQ outside our shop on Chaiyapruek, priceless to see all the wee ones eatin up the sausages with tomato ketchup!!, but they just could not eat quick enough and get back to their online games!!

    A good new year to one and all!!

    Lang may yer lum reek wi ither fowks coal!!!

  16. After a few initial searches we have always ended up using the same garden centre for all the grass we use.

    From Pattaya head towards Sattahip on the Sukhumvit, just after Bang Saray you will come to a major intersection with traffic lights do a U turn there and then the garden centre is the first one you come too on your left heading back towards Pattaya. (app 100m).

    Delevired every day so always fresh, depends how much you need they can deliver.

    They have both kinds too. For your info each Turf is 0.5 Sqm.

    Happy Landscaping!! :o

    Read that topic through, to avoid the same mistakes as th OP on that thread!!

  17. We have always used Na-Jomtien Animal Hospital, about 500m south of underwater world on Sukhumvit, good job and reasonable prices. Tried another one once nearer Tesco on Sukhumvit but we left rather sharply when we heard their prices!!

    Did you know that if you dont want to go the operation route of speying, you can get annual injections to stop the bitches coming into season.

    Good luck.

  18. i'm confused too cause Tony's map from the website shows highway 331 being parallel to Sukumvit highway 3.

    331 is parralel to Sukhumvit, 36 goes to Rayong. Easiest way is to go left on Sukhumvit at Na Jomtien junction to Huay Yai, keep going straight till you come to 331 and take a right, just carry on that road and you will come to it on the left side.

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