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Posts posted by LennyW

  1. And what has this got to do with Thailand....

    America has historically violated many free trade agreements and imposes many protectionist type systems to prevent the propagation of the economic system they profess is one of the corner stones of their so-called democratic country...Capitalism....

    While working in the US, a senior manager at an engineering company said to me that ISO 9001 was a worldwide conspiracy against the US to prevent US exports to Europe....at which point they had to pick me up off the floor because I was laughing so much...

    :o:D:D Thats a belter!!!!

  2. I just returned from the Jomtien Immigration office. I went in yesterday in the morning to find a huge crowd. After an hour I was sitting at dest #8...the woman said "up to you" when I asked about a marriage visa. I opted to get the retirement renewed and will go into the office come September and go after the marriage extension. When I picked up my passport this afternoon there was another huge crowd...what is going on?

    It is like that all day every day!!!

  3. I have noticed that the availability of quality English sausage has diminished somewhat in Pattaya. in the old days I used to get good fresh quality sausage in Friendship Supermarket actually labelled 'English pork sausage'.

    Any recommendations of where I might purchase some quality sausage in Pattaya/Jomtien?

    Yorkies on Jomtien beach road just past Chaiyapruek junction or Western Wholesale Food Group on Chaiyapruek 2 - he has excellent burgers and sausages and bacon mmmmm! :o

    I know where Yorkies is, but does he actually sell his fresh sausages direct from his restaurant?

    Yes Yes, full butchery department within the resturant!

  4. I have noticed that the availability of quality English sausage has diminished somewhat in Pattaya. in the old days I used to get good fresh quality sausage in Friendship Supermarket actually labelled 'English pork sausage'.

    Any recommendations of where I might purchase some quality sausage in Pattaya/Jomtien?

    Yorkies on Jomtien beach road just past Chaiyapruek junction or Western Wholesale Food Group on Chaiyapruek 2 - he has excellent burgers and sausages and bacon mmmmm! :o

  5. "

    They probably will not wanr the house photo's, but always atake just in case.

    They have always asked for them at Pattaya, but some offices are different, Johnweena incase you missed it.........

    This is exactly what was required from me at Pattaya for an application for extension made in December 2008 and granted mid January 2009 for one year.

    Not all immigration offices require as much, some require more, but this was what was required and was successful for me at Pattaya. Good luck.

    Immigration December 2008, for Foriegeners Married to a Thai .


    1) Form TM7 – Temporary Stay, completed both sides, 2 sets, photocopies of this form not allowed, must be 2 original forms.

    2) 2 of, 6cm x 4cm Passport style photos, one attached to each of the TM7 forms.

    3) Evidence photos, Evidence of together, in Bedroom, in Living room, in Kitchen, Outside house showing house number, 2 sets.

    4) Bank book, front page showing account holders name – NO JOINT ACCOUNTS ANYMORE, plus last 2 or 3 pages, 2 sets.

    Must show a minimum of 400,000 baht deposited for a minimum of 2 months prior to application, or certified evidence of a minimum of 40,000 Baht / month income – NOT A COMBINATION OF BOTH.

    5) Bank letter – confirming your account status above, dated as near as possible to the same day of application, and must correspond to what the book says. 2 copies.

    6) Passport – Front page with photo

    All stamped pages

    TM card

    Non IMM Visa

    Again 2 copies of all.

    7) Marriage certificate, if not in Thai, must have certified Thai translation, certified by the Ministry of foreign affairs in BKK, 2 Copies

    8) House book (blue book) showing Wife as resident of that property. 2 Copies

    9) Wife’s ID card. 2 Copies

    10)Map of house location. 2 copies.

    Hope this helps. :o

    And yes, the procedure must be carried out each year, but watch out for slight variations year on year. :D

  6. - Shug

    Long term durability of plastic? and more importantly the "O" rings inside joints? Ive seen a lot of pvc go crappy in 20 years are they made of pvc? easier to manouevre though and lightweight.

    No O rings in the joints here, and the pvc will last a long time if not exposed to direct sunlight, long term exposure to sunlight tends to make it brittle. Most domestic pumps are set at 2.5 bar or less, provided you dont exceed that you will be fine.

  7. I find the name of this new shopping mall totally (stupid) ridiculous. You would think someone would have had the intelligence to give it a unique name to distinguish it from the other Central Festival shopping centre. Something short but catchy would have been the way to go, but of course, as seems to be the tradition in Thailand, they give it a stupid, confusing name.

    I do not understand your problem with mall's names ??

    The new one is "Central Festival" (short and easy name)

    The other one is "Central Center" but everybody call it "Big C"

    I can't see anything confusing in these names.

    That is completely wrong.

    The old one is "Central Festival Center"

    The New one is "Central Festival Pattaya Beach"

    Absolutely spot on Meg, the fact that the new one is on the beach should give some clue as to its name?? :o

  8. This is exactly what was required from me at Pattaya for an application for extension made in December 2008 and granted mid January 2009 for one year.

    Not all immigration offices require as much, some require more, but this was what was required and was successful for me at Pattaya. Good luck.

    Immigration December 2008, for Foriegeners Married to a Thai .


    1) Form TM7 – Temporary Stay, completed both sides, 2 sets, photocopies of this form not allowed, must be 2 original forms.

    2) 2 of, 6cm x 4cm Passport style photos, one attached to each of the TM7 forms.

    3) Evidence photos, Evidence of together, in Bedroom, in Living room, in Kitchen, Outside house showing house number, 2 sets.

    4) Bank book, front page showing account holders name – NO JOINT ACCOUNTS ANYMORE, plus last 2 or 3 pages, 2 sets.

    Must show a minimum of 400,000 baht deposited for a minimum of 2 months prior to application, or certified evidence of a minimum of 40,000 Baht / month income – NOT A COMBINATION OF BOTH.

    5) Bank letter – confirming your account status above, dated as near as possible to the same day of application, and must correspond to what the book says. 2 copies.

    6) Passport – Front page with photo

    All stamped pages

    TM card

    Non IMM Visa

    Again 2 copies of all.

    7) Marriage certificate, if not in Thai, must have certified Thai translation, certified by the Ministry of foreign affairs in BKK, 2 Copies

    8) House book (blue book) showing Wife as resident of that property. 2 Copies

    9) Wife’s ID card. 2 Copies

    10)Map of house location. 2 copies.

    Hope this helps. :o

  9. Twisting laws, truths etc to fit your requirements. Sounds like a lawyer or real estate agent in Thailand.

    The biggest nonsense i have ever seen written down.

    Because nobody on Thai Visa (what percentage does own via a company, 1%, 5%?) has been caught, therefore it is save to own via a company.

    Nobody is saying it is "safe" Kuhn Jean, but buy the same token, nobody is coming forward to say they have had property taken away from them via the company route. People have been asking the question for years, and no examples have been given, or can be found as Naam stated.

    Thai Visa member or not - can you give us an Actual and Factual confirmed, "non hearsay" example of anyone actually falling foul of the "law" on this one????

  10. Little Johnnie's neighbour had a baby...

    ...Unfortunately, the baby was born without ears.

    When mother and new baby came home from the hospital, Johnnie's family were invited over to see the baby.

    Before they left their house, Little Johnnie's dad had a talk with him and explained that the baby had no ears.

    His dad also told him that if he so much mentioned anything about the baby's missing ears or even said the word ears, he would get the smacking of his life when they came back home.

    Little Johnnie told his dad he understood completely.

    When Johnnie looked in the crib he said, 'What a beautiful baby.'

    The mother said, 'Why, thank you, Johnnie.

    Johnnie said, 'He has beautiful little feet and beautiful little hands, a cute little nose and really beautiful eyes. Can he see alright?'

    'Yes', the mother replied, 'we are so thankful; the Doctor said he will have 20/20 vision.'




    'That's great', said Little Johnnie,'coz he'd be f****d if he needed glasses'.[/size]

  11. mmm I've been thinking of taking up golf again so started searching golf things in Pattaya - where I now live.

    Didn't know what to think when I read the headline .. thought maybe he shot an under par round.

    As it turns out nothing to do with golf .. or is it?

    You are right!! Just the usual Pattaya sensational headline brigade in overdrive!

  12. There is no "Office depot" in Tukcom Pattaya. As sotsira already pointed out there is an Office depot next to Lotus on Sukhumvit. They have a dozen different shredders.

    Its in the homeworks complex next to big C on Sukhumvit, not Tesco - not too far though! :o

  13. Since when does common sense need to be supported?

    Just so you know what it is...

    noun- sound practical judgment that is independent of specialized knowledge, training, or the like; normal native intelligence.

    Like i said earlier, not everybody has it, and you have just proved me right, thankyou! :o

    That is really interesting Lenny so you are you saying that markets

    only need to respond to feelings of " common sense " ? :D

    No No, i am saying you should use common sense to make an informed judgement! Feeling or Gut feelings have a different definition.

    So the next round of job cuts should include all those economists,

    analysts, chartists because they are no longer needed.

    No more MBA degree holders - the adverts will just say

    - " all you need is common sense " :D

    Yes indeed that would be a good start! :D

  14. Common sense, but i guess if it was that common then everybody would have it!!

    But Midas, I am sure you will find something to cut & paste that says different though! :D

    Common sense - is that all :o No statistics - no hard evidence

    - gut feelings and all that crap which is the same on the stock markets

    which give us these totally bizarre rallies with nothing to support them.

    Your " common sense " Lenny isnt supported by anything :D

    Since when does common sense need to be supported?

    Just so you know what it is...

    noun- sound practical judgment that is independent of specialized knowledge, training, or the like; normal native intelligence.

    Like i said earlier, not everybody has it, and you have just proved me right, thankyou! :D

  15. Is TV forum currently having some technical problems?

    For the last 2 or 3 days it seems to be getting slower and slower and occasion stalling/sticking altogether? It seems to be intermittent though, right now for instance it is 100%

    And in the last couple of hours i have had problems accesing local forums, a message comes up saying "IPS Driver Error - There is a problem with the database." again an intermittent issue.

    I have had no problems with other sites, and my download speeds are ok / normal.

    Any advice / info??

  16. I'm no expert on the philosophy of TV advertising but I first noticed when I visited the USA last year that much of the TV advertising there seemd to be based on fear. The tube was dominated by adverts for health insurance, property and personal security and religion.

    I did a quick survey of what is advertised on Thai channels of the TV, as well as on the BTS in BKK. In order of popularity, the adverts content was about:

    1. Junk food - often deep fried westernised shit, especially Pizzas and other indescribables.

    2. 'Health' and 'beauty' products.

    3. Technology, especially phones, computers and cars.

    The style of the adverts also seems 'full of fun', trivial and unoriginal, although a couple are quite funny.

    Does this tell us anything about Thai society, apart from the obvious focus on pleasure, fun, consumerism and appearance?

    Does the content and style of TV adverts in your home countries differ from these? And if so, why do you think it is?

    Please stay focused - I'm not looking for a Thai bashing session.

    Although packaged differently, pretty much the same back home Cars, Computers, Insurance, Pizza, Beer

    But for a country so concerned with exposing its youth to bad influences of alcohol advertising and the like, they sure dont appear to care about subjecting their kids to non-stop chocolate covered this and that commercials - take a look sometime on saturday morning on the local channels.

    Yeah!! Strict times for supermarkets selling, blurred out pictures on TV, yet there are massive signs on Sukhumvit in Pattaya for, Singha and Leo - go figure?? :o

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