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Posts posted by LennyW

  1. Prices remain high. What about sales? :o

    I will wait till prices fall 30% and the baht drops to 45 / dollar.

    You will be in for a long wait then - on both counts!!! :D:D

    Can you explain what makes you think a 30% fall is not possible ?

    Common sense, but i guess if it was that common then everybody would have it!!

    But Midas, I am sure you will find something to cut & paste that says different though! :D

  2. There's also a Mum Aroy on Third road at the stop light halfway between North and Central roads (there's one in Sri Racha, too). Same good food--only open in the evenings.

    It is good food, but it is getting very hard to dodge the bullets on third road!

  3. I for one think the skyrail dream is a great idea.

    It took 5 years to bury the beach road cables - so about 50 to construct a skyrail should do it!!! :D

    What would concern me most about a skyrail is the fact that it would run on electricity. Both the reliability and safety of electricity in this city are deplorable! How often would folks be trapped in a skyrail car while waiting for the blown transformer, or other parts, to be replaced by these genius electrical crews?! :o

    This being Pattaya they might even have to dig up all the cables again to power it!! :D:D

  4. The Twit on High Vision is from the southern end of Ireland. Somewhere near Cork I would guess because he says "Ye" when he should be saying "You". Another annoying thing about that that program is that they play muzak over the so-called interviews. Why?

    Oh you of the correct grammar... don't you mean music??? :D

    No, I mean muzak. It's a word used to denote crappy music. Also, I forgot to mention that Cork is the Irish equivalent of Isaan.


  5. I would imagine "shock brown" would mean a rapid cook on a very high heat to make them look "brown", nothing more un-appetising than a poached white sausage??? :o

    "cooking" does not turn a sausage brown but frying or grilling does.

    fry1verb, fried, fry⋅ing, noun, plural fries. –verb (used with object) 1.to cook in a pan or on a griddle over direct heat, usually in fat or oil.2.Slang. to execute by electrocution in an electric chair.–verb (used without object) 3.to undergo cooking in fat or oil.4.Slang. to die by electrocution in an electric chair.–noun 5.a dish of something fried.6.a piece of french-fried potato.7.a party or gathering at which the chief food is fried, frequently outdoors: a fish fry.

  6. Haven't tried yet but another opportunity to plug another Japanese hole in the wall that is indeed very charming, cheap, and delicious and Japanese run. They mostly have ramen but much better than Oishi, and only 60 baht. Its to the left of the big Thai food market at the end of Soi 5, near Jomtien Immigration.

    PP massage? That sounds nasty.

    Yes indeed Jingthing, and their Coffee's and Fruit drinks are delicious too and inexpensive!! :o

  7. It seems you have taken sensible steps already by discussing that eventuality with your partner.

    Best you talk to a lwyer and whatever you do, dont rely on people on this forum to guide you!!

    Even though you clearly say you are buying a house which will be in your wifes name, there are those on this forum that cannot help themselves from telling you to buy a condo - dsfbrit did you actually read his post???? the OP has no desire to OWN the land, purely asking for advice on a pre nup of sorts.

    Talk to your lawyer to get an agreement drawn up that is suitable to you both and get on with enjoying your house! :o

    "Often people say they are buying a 'house' when in fact they mean a place to live - usually a condo." dsfbrit, <deleted> ????

  8. yeah, it's been charged to my account. I foolishly didn't pay via credit card though, so I don't have the option of getting the cash back from my credit card company. A school boy error. I shall learn from that mistake!

    I searched the guys name which showed that the email I received is from the owner of the business. It just pissed me off that he's saying Thailand is 'listed' as a 'scammer' country! What's that implying? That I'm scamming him? or it's been stolen in the post? It's an unprofessional response at any rate.

    I'm thinking that maybe there's a delay because of the recent protests at the airport. Perhaps there's a huge backlog of mail that they have to sort out. Wishful thinking perhaps... Note to self: purchase on credit card next time!

    Your OP says...

    "why are you shipping to an address in thailand that the US government has put on there list of scammer locations in Thailand?"

    So what is it, "a scammer location in Thailand" or "a scammer country" ??????

    Your 2 posts say 2 different things???

  9. When people ask how I like living here I reply without fail, "I hate living in thailand, but I would hate living in America more". That's a good conversation stopper, and always good for an awkward moment with thais and foreigners alike. The other one that gets people is that I say, "I tolerate the thais here because it is their country."

    I don't know how to say this nicely, but you really do sound like a dick. :D

    Ulysses G, couldnt have put it better myself!! :o

  10. Thanks to all the people who have posted on this topic and I can assure you that having lived here in Pattaya for eight years I have very much got a life, it just doesn't revolve around watching middle aged farang wannabee Hells Angels whose main transportation is a Honda Jazz or Ford pickup from parading up and down making as much noise as they can on a motorbike, you remind me of the "if you don't like it go back to your own country" brigade that post on these forums, as for the guy who thinks I might be his neighbour I can assure you that I do not have an inconsiderate pr**k like you living in my village, I'm glad that some people have informed me that it's more a family orientated meet but I will still be staying at home during this weekend if only to avoid the traffic.

    If you have lived here for 8 years then you should have known the answer to your opening post, or was it a vain attempt at shitstirring on your behalf?? Naughty naughty :o , you obviously picked the wrong subject!

  11. Thanks for your replies.

    I'm fairly lucky! As I approach the end of my first year in Thailand, I have the option of doing a border run before my origional O/A 1 year multi entry visa expires. On my return, I should recieve a stamp in my passport allowing me to stay for a second year before I have to apply at the immigration office for an extension of permission to stay, and present the financial paperwork that would currently be awkward in the present financial climate...

    So I have the luxury of waiting another year before I have to worry about the official financial requirements... I can only hope that the exchange rate improves in the meantime.

    Of course it would be very bad karma to hope that the Bhat suffers a similar collapse to the deminishing value of Stirling, for another financial breakdown in Thailand would hurt everyone, the poor most of all... on the other hand, it seems unlikely that the thai economy will be able to ride out the current global downtrend without suffering some problems of it's own.

    Nothing wrong with that nice place in Scotland, Sterling however, is a different matter!! :o

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