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Posts posted by LennyW

  1. All i need is a large garden about 1000 square meter to lease ; there must be many thai people who owns large garden good for nothing and if i offer them to lease their rubbish garden which has only bush inside for 25 years and pay all the money as cash in one time ; they must be aggree..and after i can a buy a mobil bungalow house and put inside; thats it.. pattaya is okey; i need also civilitation ;except pattaya nothing going on in thailand; i want both garden and civilitation.. thanks for reply.

    You may think that you are looking at a "rubbish garden" but i can guarantee you every Thai person here knows the "value" of their "prime piece of real estate", and it will be a lot more than you think, particularly anywhere near Sukhumvit in Pattaya! :o

  2. Police are searching for a thief, or thieves, with a drinking, smoking, and mobile phone addiction. This should narrow the search to about 25 million people.


    Who writes these articles? :D

    Howard does, some of them are even funny. Some are a bit too near teh bone, though. It will all end in tears some day

    Yeah, they have been particularly amusing this week! :D

  3. We bought a Bosch fridge freezer from Numchai on Sukhumvit, reversible doors, the shop reversed them before delivery the same day. I thought it was normal??, what surprised me though was that it came with a UK type 3 pin plug and a super cheapo adapter to the Thai 2 pin!! :o

  4. Hey looong, great post mate & so true....you forgot to mention the media scum that then turns up and takes the pics of the people plastered all over the road, so it can be smeared accross the front page of tommorrows paper.

    Its an extra vote for me to stay on the farm and not leave the gate of the front boundary. :D

    Spot on ND, unfortunately around christmas time i was witness to a bad accident on Sukhumvit / Chaiyapruek crossroads whereby one of the victims was trapped in the cab of his truck, the rescue services were there quickly with the "jaws of life" to free the guy, but the rescuers had to physically manhandle some of the media photographers out of the way, they were leaning into the cab and stretching over the rescuers to get their pics - unbelievable!! :o

  5. Guess they could just put a floating market down there.

    Why Not , the new one in Pattaya is a bust , they could just move it in


    The new floating market in pattaya is packed out every day of the week, are you perhaps referring to the decorative floating market within the Village mall?

  6. Condos in Pattaya just seem overpriced and overbuilt here. I often find that the apartments here are much cheaper when I compare the amenities. So, what's the deal? People just prefer to live in big tall buildings?

    Get back under your bridge!!!

  7. Probably just reflects increased shipping costs - moving large quantities is done invariably by sea - so your probably seeing price increases based on huge increases in container costs due to the fuel cost spike a few months ago. having said that, dont expect anything to come down - Thailand seems to never reduce prices, when conditions change.

    Got to disagree there Digger, diesel came down from around 42 Bt / litre to around 19 Bt / litre, always made a mental note that Thailand was much quicker to adjust the pice of fuel than the UK, !!

  8. out to the grape field place cant think of the name of the place...then near it too the buddah on the side of the mountain.nice area and not far .lovely beach out in sattahip owned by the army....while there you can check out the big fighter ships near there worth a look ,then on the way back check out under water world ,where you walk around and the fish are over and around you everywhere ....sattahip is good place for some seafishing too if you are into it ,some lovely temples out around that area where grape and buddah on mountain are......then the new floating market on the way to sattahip is well worth a visit......

    Silverlake vineyard and Kow Chee Chan buddah image, both signposted from Sukhumvit just south of Ban Amphur.

    The temple near there is Wat Yansangwarasan or simply Wat Yan, and the Virayah Sien museum.

    If you drive south on Sukhumvit to AuTapao airport, take the airport road and follow the road towards the coast (turn off the 331 to your left not far after the airport turn), a lot of little roadside resturants on the way, you will come to a small fishing village - the name of which completely escapes me - Ban Samae San or something like that?? there is a marine museum on your right of the village, carry on straight into the village and do a sharp u turn to your left up a hill to a temple on top of the hill - some spectacular views from there!!!

    All worth a look! Enjoy :o

  9. People will have their opinions no doubt but just to let you know Pizza Company is doing their "buy one get one free" deal again up until the end of this month, makes their pizza's pretty good value. :o

    Is that on delivery only? Eat in only? or both?

    Delivery only it says in the advert.

    What's the catch? Are they as good a Pizza Hut?

    No catch they seem to do it every year, IMHO just as good if not better than PH.!

  10. People will have their opinions no doubt but just to let you know Pizza Company is doing their "buy one get one free" deal again up until the end of this month, makes their pizza's pretty good value. :o

    Is that on delivery only? Eat in only? or both?

    Delivery only it says in the advert.

  11. You can't beat good old Pizza Hut IMO... a little bit expensive for thailand but its well worth it :D

    Pizza Hut and Pizza Company are both terrible..all crust and little in the way of fresh ingredients......I'll take Italian style anyday

    That will be all tomato ketchup then eh?? :o

  12. Ironic isint it?? the Baht is weakining slightly, but the fkn Pound is weakening even more, hardly surprising with the banking news coming out of the UK in the past few days!! :o , i will stick my neck out though and say 55 + within the next 2 months, however i feel this will be because of the Baht weakening further and not the Pound gaining any significant strength.

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