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Posts posted by Mario2008

  1. It is to late to import your household goods duty free, as you should have done that within the first 6 months of your stay. Over your car you would have had to pay taxes anyway.

    Regarding your car, you would indeed pay a lot of tax. So consider carefully if it is worth it. You are probably wiser to sell it and buy a new car here.

    The link provided by Carib didn't work for me, but have a look here:



    Hmm, doesn't work either. Just go to: http://www.customs.go.th and take it from there.

  2. Depends on what part you read. Under requirements I agree with you, but under documentations it states:

    Nonresidents are required to submit the following documents:

    1. The letter issued by the Immigration Department confirming that an annual temporary stay is granted;

    2. A one-year (or more) work permit issued by the Department of Labor;

    3. The letter from a relevant government agency confirming that a non-immigrant visa from the Immigration Department is granted and that working period in Thailand is not less than 1 year, for those entering Thailand as an expert, specialist, or under government contracts;

  3. You don't switch from a non-immigrant O to a non-immigrant B. It is just the ground on which you were allowed to enter Thailand originaly.

    What you do is ask for an extension of stay, either on the grounds of being married to a Thai or employment. This you can always change. If you go for an extension based on employment you can always apply for an extension of stay beased on marriage when you lose your job.

  4. Not sure about your Thai difforce certificate. The embassy is to certify about you not being married outside of Thailand, the Thai government should check if you are married inside Thailand. But better just call the embassy about that.

    Translations must be certified by the translator, you can send them to a translation agency and pick them up when you go to your embassy and have the other papers translated.

  5. You can get a workpermit on a non-O, if you don't qualify for a non-O extension you can still ask for an extesion of stay to one year based on your employment.

    As ubonjoe said, if you are on a non-O based on retirement it is not possible to give a definite answer. It is allowed, but in practise not all labour offices will alow it.

  6. What do you think was in that sealed enveloppe? I bet immigration ask the local police to confirm you are living with the misses.

    If you decide to go for a PR then the marriage visa is the only option. For the OP the retirement option is the best, as he is already living from his pension. The retirement option would give him more security, as he wouldn't be dependend on the misses and it is also easier to get.

  7. For Thai nationals dual nationality is not an issue wether, minor or not. The Thai law states that you must choose, but doesn't specify what will happen if you don't choose. This means not choosing doesn't have consequenses. Many Thai adult have dual nationality.

    Also note that German law allowes dual nationality under certain circumstances.

  8. IIf I understand correctly from other threads, the foreigner must prove that they earn at least 40K baht per month, with or without the wife's help... and pay an appropriate amount of tax in Thailand. Is this correct?

    No. For income earned within Thailand you/your wife must show tax receipts. For income from abroad you need a letter from your embassy stating your income and you don't ned to pay tax over that in Thailand.

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