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Posts posted by Mario2008

  1. If they will give you an extension is based on what kind of visa you have. Only on a tourist visa will they give an extension of 30 days, all other kind of visa's a maximum of 7 days, which is to short.

    If you are not on a tourist visa you have 2 options:

    1. go to immigration in Chiang Mai with your ticket out of the country and pay the overstay fine in advance. (Fine is 500 baht a per day with a maximum of 20,000 baht).

    2. pay at the airport when you leave the country.

    The risk with option number 2 is that since you are on overstay you can be arrested and detained till you leave the country if your visa is checked. With option number 1 you eliminate that risk. In practise the risk is not that great and since you all ready have a ticket out of the country don't expect too much problems if you were to be checked. But it is up to you if you take e risk or not.

  2. The visa was your permission to come to Thailand and to ask for permission to stay. A visa is not a permission to stay, that wil be determined at the border itself. At the border itself you recieve permission to enter Thailand and get a stamp in your passport which tells you till what date you can stay. It is this permission of stay you extend every year, not the visa.

    You do not need a new visa, since you are already in Thailand. Only if you would leave Thailand without a re-entry permit you would need a new visa.

  3. The question of wqhen you have to elave the country is determined by your visa. If you are here on a non-B visa with out an extension of stay aquired at an immigration office you can stay until the end of your permitted to stay stamp. If you are here on an extension of your non-B visa you have to leave the country the same day your contract is terminated. At immigration you can apply for an extension of stay for 7 days, cost 1,900 baht.

    If you are here on a multiple non-B, also no problem. Only when you are here on an extension of stay do you have to leave the country.

    Seems you are on an extension of stay. You could do a border run an get a visa exempt entry for 30 days.

  4. No. You would need proof of an income of 40,000 baht. That can be your, your wifes or combined income. For income withing thailand you need to show tax documents. For income gained outside of Thailand you need a declaration of your embassy stating your income.

    Also you need to take your wife with you for an interview. They will require photo's of you and your wife in and outside the house and of your clothing closet with clothing of both of you in it. You will need a map to your house, etc. They will than give you 30 days and after final aproval you get the rest of the one year extension.

    Best to check with the immigration office where you will aplly, as each office has some different rules as to which documents they require.

  5. It is the same situation, an internship. And yes, for a student with a part-time job would need a WP (which he won't get under current rueles). But it is my understanding a student is allowed to do an internship as part of his education and doesn't need a WP for this.

    OP's problem is that he is not a student of a Thai educational institute. But people from abroad do internships in Thailand. I'm not saying you are wrong, I'm just not sure. The link I gave OP states that there are people being trained as divemasters on internships. Might be worth for OP checking out.

    By the way, on a non-immigrant O visa you can get a WP. On a educational visa you can't.

  6. Not sure if WP would be needed and he can't go on an visa based on education.

    It is my understanding that some dive operators have people "working" for them who they train as dive masters, etc. They are here on an educational visa and considered interns. Might be worth looking into.

    OP can have a look at this link (in Dutch) and read post nr. 7.


    Might be usefull to contact the poster.

    Reason edit: added link and info.

  7. Yes. But you would have to act quickly, as you would need to convert your visa exempt entry within 9 days of entering Thailand.

    Also, from where are you entering Thailand? If you are coming from the UK you might want to try to get a non-O visa for 90 days, based on friends or family in Thailand from the consulate in Hull. It would cost you a visa, but it would give you more time to arrange things and you could come on a one-way ticket.

  8. If you get an extension of stay you don't need to leave the country every 90 days and do a visa run. You can just stay in the country until your permission of stay stamp expires. However if you want to leave the country you now would have to apply for a re-entry permit. If you leave the country without a re-entry permit your permission to stay expires.

    You would have to do 90 day reporting to the immigration police, you can also do this by mail. But check, as some immigration offices don't allow you to do this.

  9. Agree with Tywais. I understand that the entry on june 16 was on a non-O and you extended your permission to stay on june 27. That would would mean the 90 day clock started june 27.

    Note that you can do it by mail and have a window of 7 days before till 7 days after you should make your 90 day reporting. So doing it on 19 Sept. would be good under both dates. But the first time you applied for an extension of stay is considered reporting your 90 days. Subsequent extension of stay however not!

  10. From immigration police website:


    1) Qualification of the eligible applicant to be considered for residential permit:

    1.1 Foreign national applicant must hold a passport that bears a Non-Immigrant Visa and was granted with one-year visa extensions which reveal that up until the date of application submission, the applicant have been staying in the Kingdom for at least 3 consecutive years.

    Seems you are not elligable since you are not on a one-year extention. You only have a 2 month extension.

  11. An important question will be if you have legitimized the child. (recognized the child as yours before the law). Under Thai law the fact that you are named on the birt certificate itself would not be enough. You would also had to be the one who registered the child.

    Article 1547 of the Thai Civil Code states:

    "A child born of the parents who are not married to each other is legitimated by the subsequent marriage of the parents, or by registration made on application by the father, or by a judgment of the Court."

    Maybe contact isaan lawyers, one of the forum sponsers with excellent knowledge about Thai family law.

  12. Correct, if you have more than 21 days left on your permitted to stay stamp you can apply for in Thailand it self. would be in English. But have your employer contact the labour office to see which documents they require. It is he who has to do all the work. In the mea time you can have a few nice photo's taken for immigration and labour department and go to the hospital for a health check (cost 30 or 50 baht).

  13. You can get a non-O visa based on marriage to a Thai. You will need to show a copy of the mariage certificate and a letter from your wife asking for a vis for you would also be handy, together with a copy of her ID card.

    This will get you 90 days of stay. During the last 30 days of your permission of stay you can apply for an extension of stay at an immigration office. This requires some more paperwork. You will need to show an income of 40,000, the marriage pappers, a map to the house, pictures of you together with your family etc. Your wife need to be present when applying formextension. Best caal the immigration office to see what they want, each office has a bit different rules.

    Regarding your income. The rule is 40,000 baht per month. This can be your income, your wife's income or a

    combination of both. For the income that is earned in Thailand, they ant to see the Thai tax-papers showing the income. For income from abroad you have to go to your embassy and ask for a statement regarding your income. Call your embassy what they accept as proof.

    You can convert your visa exempt entry into a non-immigrant visa if you have more than 21 days left of permission to stay.

  14. As an Australian you don't have a visa on arrival, you were here on visa exempt entry.

    The date of arrival is the date you expect to be in Thailand. Just try to be accurate, but don't make a problem of it.

    For a tourist visa you will have 3 months in which you have to make use of the visa (stamp will say uttilize before *****). You have to enter Thailand before that date and get 60 days of stay. If needed you can ask for an extention of stay for another 30 days at an immigration office. Will cost you 1,900 baht.

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