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Posts posted by Mario2008

  1. I agree with NHJ that it would be easier to get a non-O first, but since you already have a tourist visa.... Just make sure your visa is still valid. You have to make use of the visa within a certain time, often 3 months sometimes 6.

    The paperwork for a teacher is pretty straight forward, but it also depends on how soon you find a job. You can extend your tourist visa with 30 days in country if need be.

    If you need to go for a non-B visayou can get it from a neighbouring country.

  2. Correct. They would leave Australia on their Autsralian Passport, show the airline both passport to show that they don't need a visa for Thailand), enter Thailand on their Thai passport, check out of Thailand on their Thai passport and show the airline both passports again and enter Australia on their Australian passport.

    Technically an Australian ID would be enough to enter Australia, as they only need to show they are Australian nationals and don't need a visa. But they might run into trouble with the airline.

  3. If you are planning to get in and out of Thailand frequently, just get a tourist visa for 60 days. You than have a visa and no problem with having to have proof that you will leave the country within 30 days, as you would have on a visa exempt entry.

    After you enter Thailand you can just leave and enter again on visa exempt entries. You can stay a maximum of 30 days in Thailand of them, without having to leave the country. In total you can stay 90 days on visa exempt entries in a 6 month period. Staying 10 times 9 days is also fine. A visa exempt entry is free.

  4. I take it your wife is Thai. If your wife is Thai here children are automaticaly Thai. Your daughter can apply for a Thai passport at a Thai embassy. As your daughter is Thai by way of birth, her children are also Thai nationals and can apply for a Thai passport.


    Have you daughter contact the Thai embassy and see which documents she needs to get a Thai passport. The can than stay as long as they want for about the same price as a visa.

  5. The 15 months people are talking about is for a on-year multi entry visa. On this visa you have to leave the country after 90 days and come back right in. By leaving and entering the country just before this visa expires you get an extra 90 days, or almost 15 months.

    You have are here on a single non-immigrant visa, which you have extended to 1 year. This means you don't have to leave the country every 90 days, just report your addres every 90 days to immigration. I presume you enterd Thailand on your visa on 3 Oct. 2007 and got an extension for 1 year on 7 Nov. 2007. So yes, you need to ask for an extension of stay before 7 nov. 2008. Do it about 3 weeks before.

  6. For administrative purposses leave Thailand on the US passport.

    But where is it that they would be on overstay without extensions of stay? The immigration act doesn't provide for this case. Also it defines in art. 4 an alien as any person who is not of Thai nationality under the nationality act. They are no onger aliens. That immigration doesn't like it doesn't make it legal for them to fine for overstay or not doing 90 day reports. It is the same as fining people for not being able to show their ID, without a legal requirement to have them with you at all times that makes it an offence.

  7. Russians only have visa on arrival. He is here on tourist visa's, which are for Russions 30 days instead of 60 days for people who can apply for visa exempt entry.

    The idea of going to Myanmar for a visa is unusual. Most people will go to obtain a visa elswhere. But he can get an extension at any immigration office for 1,900 baht. Apply a week before the end of the visa, so he will have time to go to another country if the extension is denied.

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