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Posts posted by Mario2008

  1. Minors don't get fined for overstay.

    But is it realy the case that if you enter on a foreign passport and also have a Thai passport you need to get extensions of stay, etc? If you are Thai you are entitled to stay without any visa, the fact that you also have another nationality changes nothing to that fact. So on what basis would they get fined? I don't think the immigration act provides for this scenario.

    If someone finaly would aquire Thai nationality would he still have to go for visa extensions, make his 90 day reports, till the first time he leaves the country?

  2. When leaving Thailand on the Thai passport, not Thai immigration but the airline's check-in staff will want to see the US passport for confirmation that the children do not need a visa for the US.

    If the immigration officer also wants to see the US passport (unlikely) there is no harm in showing it to him.



    His grandchildren entered Thailand on their US passport and are in the immigration files as such, so for administrative purposes they have to check out of Thailand on their US passports.

  3. They entered Thailand on their US passport and should leave Thailand on their US passport and show their Thai passport to establish they didn't needed a visa. When come back just enter Thailand again on their Thai passport.

    It will be an administrative inconvienence for immigration to sort out, but it shouldn't be a problem. A Thai national has the right to stay in Thailand (without a visa).

  4. Saving face is a big problem indeed. But on the other side there also seems to be a necesity to give someone the blame. I have reported unwanted behaviour by a teacher once. Little was done. But in that case not only to save face. If the facts were as clear as in this reported case my director would have act, no doubt about that.

    You also have to deal with the Thai defamation laws, which makes people reluctant to act without solid evidence. And then if a director acts and reports it he faces the possibility of diciplinaire actions for allowing it to happen at his school.

  5. Blotty odd relationship if she has to find out for sure.

    At least she is honest enuff to say it could belong to someone else...... geeeeeez.

    If it is yours, do as suggested, register with British Embassy.

    You would have normal parental rights with the child, that is a BIG responsibilty for you.

    It would be on your concience for ever if you disowned the child.


    Registring the child at the British Embassy will (probably) not give you any parental rights under Thai law. Under Thai law the father has to register the child at the amphur. Only being named on the Thai BC is not enough.

    But I would do a DNA test if the girl isn't sure you are the father.

  6. Note that you have to be in Thailand for 3 years on extensions of stay. The reason for the extension of stay doesn't need to be the same. You can get an extension of stay based on marriage to a Thai, the next year because you have work and the next year because you meet the requierements for an extension based on retirement.

    Better also check the tread about acquiring permanent residency, if you didn't already.

  7. You just have to report your addres every 90 days. You do that with form t.m. 47. There is no fine for not having one, only for not reporting. You can download the form from here and do your reporting by mail:


    Check with your immigration office if you allow it by mail. Not all do. The procedure is also on the website I gave you above, but on another page. You find the link at the left side.

    Fine is normaly 2000 baht for not reporting. They can fine you for more, but in practise it is just 2000.

  8. If you are on an extension of stay you are no longer allowed to stay in Thailand when the reason for your extension of stay is no longer there. On a non-B you would have to leave the country immediatly when you lose your job. On a non-O based on marriage to a Thai you would have to leave the country also, but unsure within how many days. You would be able to get a 7 day extension of stay. If you were to remarry within that 7 days there should be no problem regarding your stay or PR.

  9. As a UK national you will get a "visa exempt entry", which means you will get a stamp in your passport allowing you to stay for 30 days. No photo's or forms are required for this. On board the plane they will give you a arrival card, that is the only thing you will have to fill in. Just go to the normal immigration lines.

    Your partner will have to apply for a "visa on arrival". You apply for that at BKK airport itself. Your partner just has to follow the signs for visa on arrival and fill in the paperwork there and go through immigration.

    The 10,000 baht is rearly checked and can be in travellerchecks etc. If need be you can use an ATM at the airport.

    No other things necesarry. Have a nice stay.

  10. TXMitch, the reality is that a lot of Thai nationals have dual nationality.

    The Thai nationality law requires you to choose bewteen the 2 nationalities. But it doesn't state what will happen if you don't choose. Resulting in people keeping dual nationality as the Thai goverment is not allowed to revoke the Thai nationality if they don't choose.

    Your wife will keep her Thai nationality when she becomes a US-citizen and have dual nationality.

  11. If they will give you an extension is based on what kind of visa you have. Only on a tourist visa will they give an extension of 30 days, all other kind of visa's a maximum of 7 days, which is to short.

    If you are not on a tourist visa you have 2 options:

    1. go to immigration in Chiang Mai with your ticket out of the country and pay the overstay fine in advance. (Fine is 500 baht a per day with a maximum of 20,000 baht).

    2. pay at the airport when you leave the country.

    The risk with option number 2 is that since you are on overstay you can be arrested and detained till you leave the country if your visa is checked. With option number 1 you eliminate that risk. In practise the risk is not that great and since you all ready have a ticket out of the country don't expect too much problems if you were to be checked. But it is up to you if you take e risk or not.

    i should have mentioned i am on a 60 day tourist visa. but i guess i just go to the immigration and see what the options are.not sure that they wouldn't already give me problems at the cm airport security check.

    Don't worry. Extensions of stay are often given after the expiry date of your permission of stay. But in your case it is cheaper to just pay the overstay fine. By the way, it is not a problem to have an overstay if you want to return to Thailand. Just don't make a habit of it, as they will note it in your passport (and their computer).

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