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Posts posted by Mario2008

  1. The interview states the folowing:

    1. It is not allowed to work on to work for a school on the WP for another school.

    This is correct, but the person who asked the question could add the second school to the WP. The labour offical just states that it is not possible to work for 2 schools.

    2. If you are retired you are not allowed to work and can't apply for a WP. Not even for voluntering.

    Seems that is no longer true.

    3. You can do volunteer work for tourist police and immigration police because it is helping the government and only short time, not long time.

    That argument is total nonsense. Under the alien labour act an exemption would require a royal decree.

    4. The price of the new WP will be 20,000.

    The new price has not been decided upon. 20,000 is the maximum that can be asked for and the WP will be valid for a maximum of 2 years, but under the old rules it was 10,000 for 1 year. And they only charged 3,100.

    That is why I'm not impressed with the statements of this labour offical.

    I would agree that tourist- and immigration police volunteers don't need a WP, as the labour department follows that line all over the country. I just think there is no provision for it, without a royal decree.

  2. Thanks digitalchromakey. I already saw that post and it still gives me the impression the labour department offical doesn't know much about the regulations.

    A minimum of 20 hours a week for a workpermit? I work officialy 13 hours, (in reality it is more). I have a Work Permit on that base without any problems from the labour department. Although it is for volunteering.

  3. You apply for a non-immigrant O visa at a consulate, with proof of your marriage and a nice letter from your wife asking for a visa for you. When in Thailand during your last 30 days of perrmitted to stay you apply for an extension based on your marriage at the local immigration office, together with the misses. (better call the immigration office before you go, to see which documents you will need). You will need to show proof of a family income of 40,000 baht or more. For income from within Thailand you should show the tax-papers. For the part of income from abroad you have to go to your embassy and ask a letter from them stating your income. You will also need some photo's of you and your wife inside the house, a map to the house and they will interview your wife and visit your house.

    Note that your wife can immport the household goods duty free if she ships all the things in her name.

  4. You have to apply at the nearest office/office for your region. There is no neeed to have the embassy letter translated, immigration accepts the letter if it is in English.

    The requirements you can find here:

    http://www.lawyer.th.com/National_Police_O...er_Oct_2006.pdf point 7.17.

    Take your wife with you, they want to interview here as well. Also take some pictures of the inside of your house with you and the family and the clothing closet with clothes of the both of you in it. They also want a map to your house.

    Best is to call before and ask which documents immigraiton requires, as each office has different rules.

  5. In your situation you will have to start the whole proces of applying for a new non-immigrant visa again, when you meet the qualifications for that.

    For now you will have to do the 30 day's border runs, starting the day your permission of stay expires. Not knowing your nationality I asume you qualify for this and can get only 90 days on this in a 6 month period. If you need more time you have to do a visa run instead and ask for a tourist visa, which will give you 60 days and can be extended by 30 days.

    When you have 800,000 in the bank again you can apply for a non-immigrant visa again and at the end ask for an extension as usual.

  6. Your child has Australian nationality by way of birth. The passport just is a way to proof his claim to be a Australian national.

    I don't know about the procedure. But It won't be any problem. The birth certificate will show he was born in Thailand and therrefor hasn't got a visa. Also there is no fine for overstay for minors and they sure are not going to arrest a baby.

    You might contact immigration, explain the situation and ask for advise. Your embassy might be another option for information.

  7. You have to proof your income. If the incoem is from within Thailand you need to show it by way of your tax papers. Is the income is from abroad you need a letter from your embassy to certify your income.

    It is also possible to show an amount of 200,000 baht in a Thai bank account for the last 3 months or a combination of incoma and ammount in the bank account.

    The rules for extension on base of retirement you can find here:


    (point 7.21)


    Your embassy decides what they will accept as proof of your income.

  8. You do not apply for change of visa. You just apply for an extension of stay based on your mariage to a Thai national.

    Look here for the requirements, under point 7.17.


    As every immigration office more or less has its own rules call them first to see which documents they require and bring your wife with you. The proof of income of 40,000 baht can be your income, your wife's income or both combined. Income from within Thailand need tom be shown with tax documents. For income from abroad you have to go to your embassy and ask them for a letter stating you income.

  9. Rule regarding extension of stay based on money in the bank is as ubonjoe stated.

    New cases, after oct. 2006, only have the option of having an income of 40,000 baht a month (on avarage). This income can be yours, the wifes or both combined.

    Income from within Thailand needs to be shown by way of tax documents. If your wife has an income maybe she could pay taxes for the ammount of 40,000.


    income from another country most be proven by letter from your embassy.

  10. You mean a single entry? The answer is no. You can only knock on the door of Thailand and ask for permission to stay one time, that is way it is refered to as a single entry.

    A multiple entry means you can knock on the door an unlimited number of times within the frame of on year. That is why you can extend it by goinmg over the border and come back just before the visa expires. You are then already in the country when it expires and can stay till the date you are permitted to stay.


    On a single entry you can get an extension of 7 days max in country at immigration. Be sure to have a ticket out in those 7 days.

  11. Parenthood can be 3 things:

    1. biological (the conciever)

    2. social (the person raising the child)

    3. legal (the person who is the child father by law)

    Often they will be the same person, but it can be 3 different persons.

    Since the parents are not married, there is no legal father. Only a mother who would have sole costudy under Thai law.

    The ligitimisation would make the Thai boyfriend the legal father and because of the father being Thai, the child would then become a Thai national by way of birth. No legalisation means no Thai parent, means no Thai nationality, means no Thai passport. The child would only have the nationality of the mother.

  12. A tourist visa can be extended by 30 days for a fee of 1,900 baht. You can try to apply for a ouble entry tourist visa, wich means you get 2 entries intom Thailand for 60 days each. Both entries can be extended by 30 days at any immigration office. After the first entry and extension you would have to leave the country and can come right back in for your second entry.

    After the tourist visa you can always get a visa exempt entry for 30 days. Of these you can get a maximum of 90 days in a 6 month period. Note that you can also have 10 entries of 9 days and you can leave the country and can come right back, as long as you don't exceed 90 days in 6 months. This rule dus note count to other visa's.

    All presuming you qualify for visa exempt entry, as you don't state your nationality.

  13. You would have to do the whole WP application proces again.

    If you are on an extension of stay, the day our contract is terminated you have to notify immigration and leave the country the same day. You can get an extension of stay for 7 days at a cost of 1900 baht. If you find a new job within that time you wouldn't need to leave the country, provided you have all the documents for a extension of stay based on your new job. So get all the paperwork in order beforehand and try to be employed by your new employer before or on the ame day you quit your old job.

    If you are here on a multiple entry non-B your visa would remain valid.

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