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Posts posted by Mario2008

  1. As an amariucan you can get a visa on arrival for Indonesia and do not need to apply for it in advance. Your 6 day visit wqill cost $10.


    As for your Thai non-immigrant visa, you state that you have a multiple non-immigrant. On a multiple non-immigrant you need to leave the country after a maximum of 90 days and when returning can get another 90 days, so a re-entry permit would not be necessary.

    Do you leave the country every 90 days, or do you report your adress every 90 days? In the first case you have a multiple entry, in the second case you will need to have a re-entry permit to comeback to Thailand on your visa.

  2. mmm oh dear. Can I do this in Phuket?/ Im awaiting my new passport too from Bangkok and have to transfer my visa or get a new stamp or whatever. My visa in my old passport is vaild till august, after that will i still be able to get a 30 day extension even though i wont actually have the visa in my new passport??

    No problem. You can do it at any immigration office and the transfer is free. Can apply for you extension at the same time.

  3. International Convention on Civil and Political Rights

    Article 26

    All persons are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to the equal protection of the law. In this respect, the law shall prohibit any discrimination and guarantee to all persons equal and effective protection against discrimination on any ground such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.

    International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination

    Article 5

    In compliance with the fundamental obligations laid down in article 2 of this Convention, States Parties undertake to prohibit and to eliminate racial discrimination in all its forms and to guarantee the right of everyone, without distinction as to race, colour, or national or ethnic origin, to equality before the law, notably in the enjoyment of the following rights:


    (f) The right of access to any place or service intended for use by the general public, such as transport hotels, restaurants, cafes, theatres and parks.

    Thailand is a member to both treaties.

  4. Acceptable?...hhhhmmm....If that would be all...So how about costs for teaching license?60 - 80 000 Bht....Plus who knows how much,by the new regulations for non B visa....Then, how about new regulation even with contract in your hands you will not get visa non B(work permit also) if you don't have teaching license...

    Realy,anybody know for REAL is it truth that Immigration Office will not give non B even we have a new contracts from school?If so- that would leave Thailand out of any farang in teaching industry ,soon...At least in public sector...If you ask me...

    Looks okay to me. I think the Baht 20,000 is a little high, but acceptable.


    On the ajarn.net forum it is reported that Suan Plu has informed a government school that teachers without a culture course will no longer receive an extension of their visa. 2 of their teachers did indeed not get a extension. So you can expect that without a (temporary) teachers license in due time (probably beginning next school year) you will indeed no longer get a non-B visa.

  5. My thai wife and me (dutch) would like to move to Phuket in 3 to 5 years.

    If I understand correctly I need to have arranged a job there that pays 20,000 baht per month.

    Or 40,000 baht per month for me and my wife together.

    Is that correct?


    No. To get a non-immigrant visa based on mariage you must have a family income of 40,000 baht per month. That means the income of either you, your wife or both combined. It doesn't mean that 20,000 baht for you is enough, unless your wife also earns 20,000 baht.

    The income doesn't have to be from Thailand. If you receive income from the Netherlands that will also be fine. In that case you need a letter from your embassy confirming your income. Income in Thailand needs to be shown with tax documents.

    For a workpermit you would require an income of 50,000 THB, otherwise none will be issued, unless you are a teacher or journalist.

  6. Hello Again!

    My visa is about to expire so I would like to resolve this problem as soon as possible

    I'm not Married, but we've lived together for about 10 years.

    My Daughter is 7 years old.

    I am 50 years old

    My name is shown as the father on her Thai birth certificate and her last name is the same as mine.

    I should have no problem producing photo of us at our appartment and together in many locations.

    The problem I have is the document called “proof of family relationship”!

    1. What is the name of this document in Thai?

    2. Can I get it at the Umpur?

    3. If I go to the Umpur will they understand what I'm trying to get, and for what purpose it will be used?

    4. Can my daughter sign this document, being 7 Years Old

    5. If I get this document, what are the odds that I will actually get a visa

    There is no such document. You simply need to proof is the family relationship. In your case that would be the birth certificate, naming you as the father. Further you would need proof of that you are actualy living together.

  7. They transfer the permitted to stay stamp, which state untill what date you are allowed to stay in the country and additional information as on what visa you arrived and on what date. They also log information of re-entry permits you have used. But they don't actually put a stamp in your new passport with your old visa. That is only a problem if you are on a multiple entry visa. Than you need to show the actual visa if you want to enter the country again on that visa.

    It's more that the visa allows you to knock on the door of Thailand and the permitted to stay stamp tells you till when you can stay. A visa you get from a consulate or embassy and the permitted to stay stamp from immigration.

  8. The visa will not get transfered, they will make entries of the relevant stamps in your new passport. But it is indeed as simple as going to an immigration office and filing out a form. Process takes about 15 minutes and is free of charge.

    If you have a multiple entry non-O you would need to carry both passports when going abroad and returning.

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