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Posts posted by Mario2008

  1. Thai nationality act:

    Chapter 2. Loss of Thai Nationality.

    Section 13. A woman of Thai nationality who marries an alien and may acquire the nationality of her husband according to the nationality law of her husband, shall, if she desires to renounce Thai nationality, make a declaration of her intention before the competent official according to the form and in the manner prescribed in the Ministerial Regulations.

    The ministry responsible is the Thai interior ministry. Your wife should contact them.

  2. The rules have recently changed, before you couldn't get a work permit in a retirement visa, now you can. As Lite Beer said, some people get a work permit, some not. It depends on the labour office you will be dealing with. For instance Sunbelt, a legal firm, has reported that they ware able to get work permits for clients in Bangkok, but not in Nontaburi (?).

    So it depends where you apply for your work permit.

  3. An extension must be applied for at an immigration office, not at the border.

    If you go tomorrow you can cross the order and avoid an overstay, but for the extension you will have to wait till Monday. Problem is if you leave the country, you can no longer apply for a extension of stay on your tourist visa. So then you will need to get an extension of stay on a visa exempt entry and it is not sure if they will give you that after having used up your 90 days. So it might be wise to take an overstay and apply for an extension on your tourist visa on Monday. Costs 500 baht extra, but might save you a visa run. You will get a mark in your passport for overstay, but so far it hasn't any consequences.

    If you want to try and get an extension of stay on a tourist exempt entry and it is refused, go to vientanne, Laos.

  4. Your main questioin can't be answered. It is clear that you are the father, but not if you are also legaly the father. At best you currently have joint costudy, but in all likely hood the mother has sole costudy. Find a lawyer to help you find out what your legal status is and how you can obtain sole costudy. You will have to negotiate about getting sole costudy with the mother.

    In the mean time, start keeping a diary and document what you do for/with your child. The purpose is that you can show that you are taking care of the child and not the mother. That includes the financial part. Keep the bills you pay for the docter, clothes etc. The help show that you take care of the child and not the mother.

  5. 1. Yes.

    2. You would only get another 2 days, as you already used 88 days. It is unclear if you would receive an extention on a visa exempt entry, after having used up all your days. If they give an extension they will give it for a maximum of 7 days, at a cost of 1900 baht. You could try it tomorrow, as it avoids an overstay. But otherwise just get an extension for your tourist visa, cost the same and will be no problem.

  6. Chapter 1. Acquisition of Thai Nationality

    Section 7. The following persons acquire Thai nationality by birth:

    (1) A person born of a father or a mother of Thai nationality, whether within or outside the Thai Kingdom;

    The birth certificate proofs someone is Thai, as is shows one of the parents is Thai. It doesn't make you Thai. When one of the parents is Thai the child has Thai nationality by law.

    Yes, this is correct, but you are now speaking in regards of the Thai BC, not the original USA one. The Thai government does not recognize the original USA BC alone, it needs to shown (birth from a Thai) by the Thai BC. But in order to obtain the Thai BC you need the original USA BC as well as other documentation. IT'S NOT FREAKIN AUTOMATIC FOLKS! That is my point from the post I replied to.

    Like maestro said, you confuse having thai nationality with proving thai citizenship. As far as the US-birthcertificate goes, itt might not show the nationality of the parents. But that is not relevant to the fact if your daughter is Thai. According to Thai law she is Thai, by way of birth. If she wants a Thai passport or ID-card she has to proof that she is Thai. The proof itself doesn't make her a Thai national, it just confirms her claim.

  7. Chapter 1. Acquisition of Thai Nationality

    Section 7. The following persons acquire Thai nationality by birth:

    (1) A person born of a father or a mother of Thai nationality, whether within or outside the Thai Kingdom;

    The birth certificate proofs someone is Thai, as is shows one of the parents is Thai. It doesn't make you Thai. When one of the parents is Thai the child has Thai nationality by law.

  8. Legalisation measn that you officiele recognize the child as yours before the law. Many countries require this for you to be the legal father in case parents are not married. I'm not sure about the Thai requirements for this. But have a look at the website of the German Embassy:


    It will also give you some information about the procedure in Thailand and how to obtain German nationality for your child. Thailand allows double nationality, not sure German law allows it. But the consular section of your embassy can help you with this. The also have a list of some lawyers in Bangkok.


  9. You can change the visa at any immigration office, doesn't have to be Bangkok.

    You will need a letter from the school, stating that you will be volunteering for them. Have the director to ad a copy of his ID-card to the letter.

    Know that for volunteering you will also need a work permit from the labour office.

    I'm a volunteer teacher also on a non-O visa. I myself applied for the original visa outside of the country at a consulate and for that the letter form the school dirctor was enough. For the extension to one year and the work permit there is however a lot more paperwork involved.

    If the director of your school doesn't know how to go about the process send me a PM and I will bring him in contact with a school that has gone through the process and know what to do.

    Best is to call first with immigration and the labour office to see which documents they will need, as each office has it's own rules.

  10. if he is married to a Thai national he needs to show a family income of 40,000 baht a month. (So he, his or combined). Income from within Thailand must be proved with tax-documents, income from abroad, like his retirement or disabillity must be shown with a letter from his embassy confirming his income.

    But if he was officialy married he should have been able to get a non-O, not a tourist visa.

  11. 1. Expect him to have to pay the fine, but maybe the hospital can help.

    2. Overstay is 500 baht per day, with a maximum of 20,000 baht.

    3. It is not possible. The maximum extension one can get is 7 days, if shown a ticket outside the country within 7 days.

    4. You can come to thailand for a maximum of 90 days in a 6 month period (starting the first time you entered) on visa exempt entries. So a maximum of 3 times 30 days. But For instance 9 times 10 days is also fine, as long you don't stay longer than 30 days per entry.

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