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Posts posted by Mario2008

  1. 1. You don't need your fiancee with you. You can do it well before you get married but the affadavid can not be older than 3 months. (not sure if it is 2 or 3 months).

    2. Can be done at any amphur.

    3. You can do it in Pattaya as well.

    Note that the way you want to do it is possible, but if you are on a tourist visa (or visa exempt entry) you need to have at least 21 days left on your permitted to stay stamp. Otherwise you have to do a visa run and get a 90 day non-O visa from aconsulate or if possible get a 30 day visa exempt entry and then convert to a non-O visa as you planned.

    4. To my best knowledge it is not possible.

  2. No problems regarding your visa, but if you might have trouble with the airline. You need to show that you will leave the country within 30 days or show a visa for your stay if it is longer than 30 days.

    You say that you will leave Thailand within 1 week and later come back to Thailand and arrange for the proper visa. The airline will asume that you will go to Thailand for the whole duration of your trip and will want you to show a visa. Unless you can proof that you will travel unwards to Laos and Cambodia, they might not let you board the plane.

  3. With your old and new passport you go to an immigration office, where you fill out a form. They will than put information about your old passport in your new passport. The whole process takes about 20 minutes and is free of charge.

    If you have a visa with more than one entries that is still valid you will need to take both passports with you when you leave the country and want to return.

  4. Since the parents were not married the legal staus of the childs father is unclear. I believe that if he is named on the birth certificate and registered the child himself he is considered to be the legal father.

    That being the case, both parents will have costudy over the child. Legaly the father will not have more right over the child than the mother. Both parents can change this situation and ask for sole costudy. A good lawyer can tell you more. Look on a few embassy websites. I know the German and US embassies have lists of lawyers they recommend. Other embassies will have also. Chose one with experience in family law.

    But before your girlfriends wants to start the legal process, she should consider this. Given the fact that the father has always taken care of the child, he has the best chances. A court proceding will also be lenghty and very stressfull for all, fahter, mother and child. If it comes to a court proceding they child often is the loser, regardles of who wins.

  5. i did a search but not much is coming up (maybe im using the wrong key words) but yeah, as title suggests, what is the process for converting a tourist visa into a non imm b... can it be done onshore or .... (yes i have the appropriate paperwork from a pential employer).

    Fill in a form and take all the required paperwork and money. But you wil need at least 22 days left on your permitted to stay stamp.

  6. You will probably get him on board of the airplane, but you will also destroy your relationship with your wife if you take your son with you without her knowing it. Seems you want to work things out with your wife. Than talk it over with her and don't make things worse.

  7. You can apply for a non-immigrant visa based on your marriage to a Thai. This will give you 90 days to stay in Thailand. In Thailand itself you can extend the time you are permitted to stay to 1 year if you can show a family income of 40,000 Thai baht per month. That is the income of you, your wife or combined income. Income can also be from outside Thailand.

    If your daughter doesn't have a Thai passport yet, now is the time to apply for it.

  8. Just checked the US embassy website.

    U.S. Consular officers are not empowered to authenticate public documents issued in the United States. Such documents include vital records (birth, marriage, death and divorce), as well as academic, commercial, or other credentials. Consular Officers do not have access to the records of the issuing office or the seal of the custodian of these records.


    It means the process of autentication must be done in the US and at the Thai embassy in Washington.

  9. You don't add an dependent on your visa, they will have to apply for a visa based on their dependency for themselves.

    It is necessary to show the family relationship. Problematic if you are not married. But if the children are yours and you have recognized them you will probably be ok, as you can show family relation with them through the birth certificates.

    Otherwise you have to enroll the children in a Thai school, so they can get a visa based on education. Your wife would be able to ask for a visa as dependend based on her childrens education, but would need to show 500,000 baht in a Thai bank account.

    Or they just have to do border runs till you can get officialy married.

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