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Posts posted by narkeddiver

  1. Closer than I thought but I couldn't see him losing Posted Image

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


    Not a chance. Just as I had predicted in an earlier thread. I would have bet the bank on it.


    I have a funny feeling that if number 1 had got 27,001 votes then number 3 may have got at least 27,100 ;)

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  2. Something I don't understand and maybe someone can help with.  


    If number 3 was already mayor, why did he quit and several days later decide to run for the office he just quit?


    I understand he wanted to make merit and show respect for his late uncle, I think it was, by going into the monkhood.

    But making merit and showing respect could just as easily have been done and he could have kept the job that was entrusted to him.  If he was doing it for Buddah, ok Buddah would have known, but the way he did it looks like he did it for public recognition of what he was doing. 


    It was good that he was going into the monkhood, but the time in could have been measured in hours, only to then announce that he wanted his old job back.   One that the people gave to him and he then threw it away.


    Why would anyone vote for someone who gave up the job they gave him and he threw away??   Thats what I don't understand.  Little help with this please.



    My understanding (which could well be incorrect) is that if he had completed his term in office he would be be ineligible to stand for election again (similar to American presidents)

    However by resigning early he was able to stand again

    As members of his family apparently hold several other elected positions I can't see him being allowed to lose ;)

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  3. Not sure how it works in other countries but when I last renewed my uk passport I did it early and so my current passport runs for 10 years 7 months - the issue date is September 07 (when I renewed it) but the expiry date is April 18 (10 years after my previous passport was due to expire - April 08)

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  4. . Bugs don't give a dam_n about Michelin Restaurant Ratings.



    Post of the day :)

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Actually you would think that but there are several post in the Chiang Mai forum of Cockroach Visa discussing the merits of the different recipes of boric acid available at various households in the neighbourhood - lots of arguments and nasty posts - plus an obligatory rain post ;)

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  5. Thanks Null,

    I might try going down the network range route

    Currently the home and business have their own internet providers - 1 is true and the other is 3BB - so each location has a separate incoming line and router

    Occasionally one of the services stops working (T.I.T after all ) and for those situations I am planning on running a spare Ethernet cable between the 2 locations and leaving it unplugged

    When one service goes down I'll use the cable to connect the working modem to both the switch and the AirPort

    Once both services are up and running again then the spare cable will be disconnected and the switch and the airport will be attached to separate modems again

    $40 isn't the end of the world to throw an extra router into mix but (hopefully) most of the time it would be redundant

  6. Hi,

    I have a modem that I want to connect to a switch to provide internet connections to my wife's business and to an AirPort Extreme to provide internet connections to our apartment

    I want to set up the AirPort Extreme so that it cant't be accessed by computers that are connected to the business switch - I don't want the business users being able to access data that is on the AirPort Extreme hard disk, nor do I want them being able any data on the computers that connect to the AirPort Extreme (these computers have got shared drives on them so that we can share photos, etc)

    Does anyone know if this is possible?

    I've posted this on the apple forum as I want to secure an apple device but please move to the general it forum if the solution is a general network configuration issue

    Thanks in advance

  7. With great timing my mate is arriving in CM on November 1st - from what I remember of elections the bars will be dry from 18:00 on the 1st

    I normally stock up with a few beers at home but what happens in the tourist areas such as Loi Kroh - is my mate going to be marooned for a couple of days?

  8. Also, where is AirDrop, Parrallax, AirPlay and Radio? Ive seen them in menu screenshots, but they aint on my phone. THAI banned? or did I miss something whilst on the road?

    Air Drop and AirPlay are accessible from the Control Centre

    Air play is available on all models of iPhone and iPad but only when connected to a wifi network that has an airplay device on it (e.g. Apple TV or airport express)

    Air drop is not available on iPhone 4 or iPad 2 (and I think you have to be on the same wireless network as the recipient but I haven't played around with it on my wife's iPhone 5 yet)

    Parallax is not available on iPhone 4 as far as I am aware but does appear to work on iPad 2

    iTunes Radio only currently available in the states

    Hope this helps ;)

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  9. These services can be used in Thailand - I bought my Apple TV in the uk and I have access to netflix, etc

    I also have linked my iTunes Store to my uk account so I get the uk store and not the Thai store - can't remember the settings I used and I can't check right now as I'm at work but have a look around and see if there is a location setting that you can set to 'USA'

  10. FANS awaiting Apple’s new operating system have lined up in their front rooms to be the first to download it.

    iOS7, which promises to bring thrilling cosmetic differences to iPhones and iPads, comes out later today and Apple fanatics are predictably losing their shit.

    Tom Logan said: “The wireless isn’t as strong in the bedroom, so I could have been as much as six seconds late to the download party.

    “But because of my unswerving devotion I took the week off work and am now seated two feet nearer the modem than my housemate.”

    The sad thing is that every technology has its fanboys that give users of that technology a bad name - they seem to take personally if you prefer another technology to their chosen one

    I'm sure there are android fanboys waiting to download kitkat and windows 8 fanboys waiting to download whatever the latest release of windows 8 is

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