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Posts posted by narkeddiver

  1. Typical - I got a reply recommending that I create a custom resolution just as I'm heading out the door - fortunately the 12.04 download is still running so I will try this suggestion this evening when I get back home

  2. Thanks for the suggestion Psych - I followed all the steps and installed the recommended driver but still no joy - I guess I'm going to be stuck with the crummy resolution for the time being

    Time to break out google search ;)

    • Like 1
  3. Thanks for all your help with this guys - finally back from my travels and I got this set up and working in a few hours

    Downloaded Ubuntu 13.04 and installed it on an old laptop

    Downloaded virtual box and installed it

    Downloaded a trial iso of windows 7

    Setup a windows 7 machine in virtual box with a bridged network

    Downloaded iTunes 11 in windows 7, authenticated the new computer, downloaded a track from the cloud, switched on home sharing and the Apple TV picked up the track and played it

    The only issue I'm having is that Ubuntu isn't giving me the correct graphics resolutions

    In Ubuntu I can't go beyond 1280 x 800 but in windows I can go to 1600 x 1200 so I'm guessing its a driver issue in Ubuntu

    I'm running an nvidia g84m - does anyone know where I can get the correct driver from?


  4. I've worked out that pretty much all I need windows 7 for these days is iTunes as I use it to stream music and films to my Apple TV

    Can I install Ubuntu on my laptop and then create a virtual machine running Windows 7 that I can use to iTunes?

    The windows 7 virtual machine would need access to my wireless network so that it can stream to my Apple TV and access the Internet to grab the content I have stored in the iCloud - can the virtual machine share the Internet connection with the Ubuntu desktop?

    Thanks in advance

  5. After tonight's scientific test the reality didn't match up to the memory (but the memory may have been biased ;))

    But all in all I had a fun time, met some interesting people and came home with a smile on my face

    In conclusion - Loi Kroh, not as good as the memory but still a fun time

    • Like 2
  6. Hmm - in the interests of science maybe I should venture out this way tonight and do a comparison with the memories of the days when I was still single

    I just hope that the missus understands that this is a scientific experiment - comparing reality to rosé-tinted memories - and doesn't decide to introduce me to Mr Knife and Mr Duck ;)

    Thaivisa Bar Crawl Friday Night!!

    I'll definitely be meeting those 2 gentlemen if I go out 2 nights in a row!!!!

    Tonight I have an excuse as its my mates last night in CM so I'm blaming him (which again reminds me of my single days when I took the blame for all the lads nights out - I swear my mates' wives and girlfriends thought my surname was Mademedoit)

    • Like 1
  7. Hmm - in the interests of science maybe I should venture out this way tonight and do a comparison with the memories of the days when I was still single

    I just hope that the missus understands that this is a scientific experiment - comparing reality to rosé-tinted memories - and doesn't decide to introduce me to Mr Knife and Mr Duck ;)

    • Like 1
  8. You are working on the assumption that the old farts on this forum will actually be alive in 20 years, Winnie.

    No, the working assumption is that there will be new old farts (including myself in this) ranting about how everything was better in the old days. (i.e. today). ;)

    Does that mean that the current old farts will become the old old farts? ;)

    • Like 1
  9. Centara Duang Tawan Hotel?

    In that area it's mostly going to be hotel-based gyms.

    Been A while but I think the daily rates are high. When my boy was here he found it best to just take out a monthly rate.

    Thanks for the tip - I'll be sure to pass that along :)

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