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Posts posted by narkeddiver

  1. Thanks for that. I was curious about the place. The g/f's cousin was working there part-time and kept telling us that the sashimi is "the best in town" but she is only 17 so what does she know. I think she said it is owned by a farang and not Japanese-owned.

    Tenguko is owned by a Thai gentleman who really knows and enjoys his sushi and sashimi ;)

  2. Had intermittent problems Monday, Tuesday and yesterday morning but touch wood all is working well now and these are the only real issues we've had over the last year

    We have 2 separate true lines - one the guests at my wife's guesthouse and one for our personal use

    On Monday both had an issue but from Tuesday onwards one line was fine and the other was up and down a bit - found that strange as I'd expect them both to have a problem or neither of them

  3. One more candidate for an out of town venue: Sausage King Garden!

    That's a long way away for you (and for me), but it's excellent, laid back, very good British food at great prices, and also a good place to hang with friends with some beers..

    It's in the Meechoke area.

    Another vote for Sausage King here - plus the take home sausages and pies are good too

  4. I've got a Korean friend with an International license and he wants a Thai driving license after seeing mine smile.png

    Is it right he doesn't need to do theory test even? Just take along his license, passport, and medical certificate and that's it?

    If your friend has an Intrnational Driving Licence then he will need his licence, passport, medical certificate and either a certificate of residence or a work permit and he will have to do a colour blindness/reaction test

    I took my passport, IDL, national driving licence, medical and work permit with me 2 weeks ago and just had to do the colour blindness test which involved watching a traffic light and calling out the colours as they appeared - any of the 3 colours could appear in any of the 3 positions

  5. My wife's a florist and that's where she and most other florists get there roses from

    The quality of roses can vary by time of day - if you get there at the wrong time the best ones will have been nabbed already

    Unfortunately my wife is out (delivering flowers funnily enough!) otherwise I'd find out the best time to go for you

  6. sounds like Chiang Mai is more provincial than a peasant's village

    What we need is a local pub for local people ;)

    The Red Lion and O'Malley's caters to some local people, but really want the tourist market in that area.

    I guess The Pub on Huay Kaew is for local people, been there for some time

    Where did you have in mind when you said, local?

    Sorry - I was joking and playing on a quote from League of Gentleman (as I had to explain it it proves the joke wasn't funny!)

  7. If you do need a certificate of residence, allow at least a week extra. CM Immigration are issuing them but they only do 10 a day and they have to be signed by the Director of Immigration now. There is already a backlog. Perhaps you can get by with the work permit ..... I would give it a go. Please come back and report your experience.

    Just got back from the licence centre and a work permit is fine just as onthedarkside said

  8. Don't forget you need to bring a certificate of residence. If you use your U K licence you will not have to look at 2 hour video or do the written test or driving test. You will however have to do 2 second colour blindness test and 2 second brake reflex test. Don't know if piccies mean pictures but if it does you do not have to bring pictures they take them there and laminate it to the licence. Don't forget you have to be there between 8.10 and 8.50

    Rats - I was hoping that my work permit would let me off having to have a certificate of residence

  9. Medical certificate can be obtained from Klaimor Hospital, just before Tesco Hang Dong Rd on your way there.

    They just take your BP and ask you if you're breathing......I think 100 Baht now.

    Thanks for the info - BP should be fine - just have to remember to keep breathing ;)

  10. Can you just turn up ordoyouhave to book in advance?

    You can just show up. I'd recommend getting there at 830 if you're going to take the tests and get the license. It will take all day. If you only want to see the other people drive to get a feel of what the driving test is like, just show up at 1030 or 1PM and watch.

    Actually there is a time connected to the process. They open at 8.10 and close the area to start putting everything into gear at 8.50. When I was there 2 days ago people arriving after 8.50 were told to come back the next day.

    OK, thanks for the correction.

    Thanks guys

    I'm not sure if I'll have to take the full test - my international driving licence is still valid so I'm hoping I can skip some parts of the test

    I just need to get my arse in gear and get a medical done - I think that's the last thing I need - I've got my work permit, my international driving licence, my Uk driving licence and some piccies - have I forgotten anything?

  11. Ok from further research it appears that the LCD screen on my laptop will only support 1280 x 800 (it's an old machine ;)) hence ubuntu is quite logically only supporting 1280 x 800

    My main laptop runs 1920 x 1080 and currently dual boots ubuntu and windows 7 so I will install virtualbox and windows 7 in the Ubuntu boot and see what resolution I get in there

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