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Posts posted by narkeddiver

  1. Hi,

    In the UK if I had a medical problem I'd go to my local GP for an initial diagnosis and a referal to a specialist if required ( and probably an 18 month wait - good old NHS :) )

    Does it work the same in Cgiang Mai - is there the equivalent of a GP? It seems to me that if I know which type of specialist I need I can go straight to the required specialist at a hospital but at the moment I don't know where to go for an initial diagnosis

    Any recommendations?

    Thanks in advance

  2. Hi,

    We have a couple of shallow fishponds running alongside the paths leading to our home. The ponds are only one to two centimetres deep

    As the water is still it goes green over the course of a couple of weeks which means catching the fish, draining the ponds (manually :) ), scrubbing them down and then refilling them - all very labour intensive

    Is it possible to get pumps and and/or aeration units (preferably solar powered) that will work in water this shallow

    We're in Chiang Mai so any local leads would be appreciated

    Also if this is the wrong forum please feel free to bump it to the correct one


  3. Hi,

    I hope these are a couple of easy to answer questions :)

    I am applying for a multi entry non immigration visa to visit my wife. Before this expires I will be applying for an extension based on supporting my wife - I have the 400K baht already set aside it is just a case of transfering it at the most oppurtune moment.

    My questions are:

    1) We got married in the UK and have a UK marriage cert. Before I apply for the extension will we have to register the marriage in Thailand? If so what is involved?

    2) I currently have a one way ticket to Thailand. Will I need to buy an onward ticket before I depart the UK? If so can this be a cheapy Air Asia one way flight to anywhere? Would it be worthwhile dating this ticket say 9 month in advance in case I need to show it if I do any 90 day visa runs?

    Thanks in advance for your help

  4. There is plenty of choice in Chiang Mai - its worth checking out tripadvisor

    My personal recommendation is Ban Kong Rao Guesthouse (bankongrao.com) - very friendly staff, great atmosphere, good food and the rooftop terrace has nice views of Doi Suthep.

    The price is around 800 baht for a superior room in low season

  5. Hi,

    I'm a 38 year old Brit and in November I'm looking to move to Thailand on a more permanent basis to join my wife

    Before I kick the process off I would just like to see if I've understood the process correctly (probably not :-))

    I'm going to start by applying for 12 month visa to visit family & friends - from what I understand this means I'll have to leave to country every 90 days to get the next 90 days activated

    At some point before the 12 months is up (probably after 7 or 8 months have passed) I'll transferr 400K baht to a bank account in my name and then make deposits and withdrawals to this account on a regular basis (ensuring that I don't go beneath 400K baht)

    30 days before the 12 months is up I will then need to go to immigration to apply for an extension based on supporting my wife

    Hopefully this will be granted and I then need to report to the police station every 90 days to prove I am still resident at the correct address

    Then on an annual basis I need to apply for further extension 30 days before the current extension expires

    If I want to leave the country whilst I am on the extrension I need to apply for a re-entry permit (I'm not entirely sure of this process and at what point I need to do it) otherwise I have to start the whole process again from the beginning

    Is this correct from a high level perspective?

    Thanks in advance,


  6. Finally some positive views on Chiang Mai - I was beginning to wonder whether I was the only person who loved living in this city :o

    The majority of what I read on this website is people complaining and generally making out they would rather be any where else on the planet an tbh I didn't recognise my home from those discussions.

    However this thread describes the Chiang Mai I have come to know and love - its not perfect but then nowhere is and the plusses here far outweigh the minuses

    What do I love here

    My wife and our family and friends - they have made me feel so welcome here

    The sense of peace and calm that exists amongst the noise and hubbub

    The variety and quality of the food - I'm still finding new noodle bars after all this time and I don't think I've been back to the same one more than twice but each one is as good as the last

    Singing Karaoke badly and sending my Thai friends running to the bar

    Having a bbq on our balcony with friends and enjoying the sun setting behind Doi Suthep with a cold beer

    and many many more thing that will bore you to death (if I haven't done that already)

  7. Hi,

    My wife has a 4 week break coming up and she is heading over to visit me

    I'm currently working in Dublin so the plan is that she will visit me there for 2 weeks and then we will have a 2 week holiday in the UK staying with my parents and possibly traveling around a little.

    Can she visit Ireland if she gets a UK visitor's visa or will she need to get an Irish visa as well?

    There shouldn't be an issue getting a UK visa (although you never can tell) as this will be her third trip in the last three years and she has 2 properties and 2 businesses in Thailand - more than enough reason to return home :-)

    We're just working out how long she will have to stay in Bangkok sorting out visas (1 week if she needs one, two weeks I guess if she needs 2)

    Thanks in advance

  8. Hi,

    My wife and I call each other every day on Skype and to support her visa application I'd like to provide the call log as history

    Now I can scroll through the history and take screenshots but I wondered if there was a more efficient way of accessing it?



  9. Try Cattleya -- you can google them and find their web site (I lost it). I asked for an anniversay bouquet to be delivered at 8:00 am on Saturday. They said that was too early, but they would do their best. It was there at 8:20 am in time for my wife to see when she came down stairs. She was impressed by the arrangement and I was impressed by the effort to meet my deliver time request. I highly recommend them.

    Other contact info follows:

    [email protected]

    Tel. 662-260-5655

    Fax 662-664-2007

    Mobile 661-8505030

    My wife is the Cattleya agent (Flora Flower Shop) in Chiang Mai and she remembers your order and we would both like to thank you for your kind words :-)

    If you need to order flowers for delivary in Chiang Mai then she can be contacted on 0816715656 or 0819600450

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