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Posts posted by narkeddiver

  1. The certificate of residence makes sense

    If I can anonymise the example we were given I will - failing that there is a space at the centre of the bottom of the form for my picture if that sounds familiar

    Despite all the extra paperwork required I was happy to be told that I was (relatively) young and that the majority of the people they process are retirees (hopefully in 10 years that will be me too ;))

  2. Not quite so easy as I had hoped to sort the yellow book out - have to get a few more things sorted

    They want a copy of my work permit (no problem), a form from immigration that has my picture on it (we have a picture of what the form should look like so hopefully the only issue here is the wait in immigration) and then my wife and another witness who knows me to vouch for me

    Oh they also want my wife's tambien baan (expected) and a copy of the chanot for the land our home is built on ( not expected)

    More trees to be fed into the Thai photocopying business ;)

  3. For me a deal that includes hassle, and ends up still costing more than that I would pay back home for a pizza isnt really a good value in my books.

    So pop home and get one... ;)
    Indeed. Besides you won't find a pizza in Europe or America for 350 THB. I recently checked a number of places I used to go to in both Europe and USA and the pizzas were around the 15 Euro/USD 20 mark.

    It might be possible to get a pizza cheaper than this in the uk but the quality certainly won't be as good as Duke's nor will there be a charitable donation involved

  4. With regards to the size of the US consulate I believe (but could be wrong) that it is possible for a Thai citizen to obtain a US visa at the US consulate but it is not possible for a Thai citizen to obtain a UK visa at the UK consulate (my wife has to go to Bangkok for this)

    The British Consulate has a vice consul and an honorary consul and whilst I have found the staff there friendly and professional I wonder what they do all day apart from charging £50 to stamp and sign forms I fill in ;)

  5. I've had it many time in southern US states where it was covered in white gravy that is made by adding milk and flour to the grease that remains from frying. Usually served with biscuits. Nothing healthy about it but it is very tasty.

    What type of biscuits do you serve with it - Rich Tea, Digestive, Hob Nob?

    Sorry - couldn't resist - I love the differences between the English and American languages ;)

  6. Go to Beer Republic, soi 11, nimman - start at page 1 of their beer menu, order beer, drink, beer, move to next page - repeat until you find a beer you like or you slide under the table ;) alternately order a taster tray

    • Like 1
  7. Flower delivery may be a Western concept but it has been keeping my wife busy for the last 15 years or so and I'd say that 90% of her deliveries (even on Valentines day - which is most definitely a western concept) are made on behalf of Thai customers to Thai recipients ;)

  8. Hi,

    My wife and I got married in the uk and we are trying to obtain a certified copy of our uk marriage certificate from the British consulate in Chiang Mai

    The first time my wife went to the consulate they said she could do everything and that I didn't need to go there

    When my wife went there today they said that if I wanted to use the copy to register our marriage at the amphur then I would have to go to get the copy so it would be in my name and not my wife's and that I wouldn't be able to use the copy in the future

    I figured that my wife would be able to register our marriage at the amphur once we got the permission from ministry of foreign affairs and after that I would use a copy of the amphur documentation and not my uk marriage certificate (e.g. To be put on my wife's tambien baan)

    So 2 questions - do I need to sign for the certified copy of our uk marriage certificate in order to get it translated for the mofa? And once our marriage is on the books at the local amphur will I have a need for the certified copy of our uk marriage certificate anymore?

    Thanks in advance

  9. Hi,

    I wonder if you can offer me some advice on a tax issue

    My UK employers are sending me to Thailand to work on a project with one of our Thai suppliers - I will be providing advice about the UK business processes

    My UK company and the Thai company are sponsoring me for a non imm B visa and the Thai company will sponsor me for a work permit

    I will be employed by my UK employers and my wages will be paid into my UK bank account

    The tax manager for my UK employers says that after 180 days residence in Thailand my UK earnings become can be taxed in Thailand - is this correct?

    Many thanks,


  10. Thanks again for the help - one last question (I hope :))

    This is my first time in Thailand on a non B visa - in the past I've been on a non O - do I still have to leave the country every 90 days before I get my extension sorted out? I have a feeling things are going to be quite hectic at work for the first couple of months at least and I'm not sure I'm going to get a chance to take a couple of days off to get down to Bangkok and visit the embassy and the MFA



  11. Thank you for the help guys.

    I've noted from another thread thread that I need at least the following to extend my visa

    (6) In case of marriage with a Thai lady, the husband who is an alien must have an average annual income of not less than 40,000 baht per month or a money deposit in a local Thai bank of not less than 400,000 baht for the past 2 months for expenses within a year.

    Letter from your Thai Bank showing balance and up to date bank book.


    Letter from your Embassy showing income. Now may also need proof of income as back up.

    Marriage Certificate

    Marriage Registry entry.

    Wife's Tabbien Baan and ID Card.

    Your Passport.

    Copies of everything.

    Photos of you and your Wife in and around the house.

    A map showing the way to your house.

    Passport size photos and 1,900 Baht fee.

    Take your Wife to be interviewed.

    I have a couple of further questions based on this

    1) Can I get the letter showing income from the British Consulate in Chiang Mai or does it have to be the British Embasy in Bangkok?

    2) My wife and I were married in the UK and so have a UK marriage certificate - up until now we have not registered our marriage in Thailand - can we register the marriage using our UK marriage certificate or do we have to get formally married in Thailand? I we can register in Thailand using our current certificate what would be the process?



  12. Thanks for the advice so far

    I'll ask the Thai company if they're willing to sponsor me - in the meantime I'll ask my uk employers to draw up a letter explaining their relationship with the Thai company and the role they wish me to undertake plus invoices we've received from the Thai company over the last 6 months

    If I get a similar letter from the Thai company that also states they are willing to sponsor me for the wp plus copies of paperwork showing receipt of payment for the invoices will that be enough or is there anything additional that you'd recommend?

  13. Hi,

    The company I work for in the UK is currently employing a Thai company to work on a project for us

    My company wants me to act as a liaison out in Thailand to help ensure that are requirements are understood

    I will be employed by the UK company and my wages will be paid into a UK bank account but I will be working in the office of the Thai company at least one day a week attending meetings and doing the job that I would normally do for the UK company

    I'm not sure of the duration yet but given the size of the project it could run into months more likely a couple of years

    My wife is a Thai national so I know I can get a visa to visit her and then get an extension based on supporting her

    It is the work permit side of things that I am not sure about

    If I was employed by the Thai company I know they would need to issue me with a visa but as I will still be employed my UK employers I'm not sure what I need to do

    All help and advice gratefully accepted

  14. Hi there,

    A mate of mine will be in Chiang Mai soon and as he will be there for a while he wants to get a 19" (or so) widescreen lcd monitor for his laptop

    Normally I'd pop in to Computer City or similar and get him a price but unfortunately I'll be out of the country until after he arrives

    Does anyone currently know how much these go for so I can let him know how much to budget for?

    Many thanks,


    P.S. If this is better of in the computer forum please move it

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