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Posts posted by Gazza

  1. Terminator, Arnie is in the motel room fixing his eye I think, the motel manager says, "hey, you got a dead cat in there?". Arnie replies, "###### you ######".

    Again another classic.

    And in the Thai version "Ja Khlap"???? (I'll be baaack) :D

    Somehow I don't think it would have the same ring to it. :o

  2. From the Thai version of Casablanca - "Len eek Saam" ???? :o

    Not to hijack this thread but I don't think there'll be memorable one-liners from many Thai movies. So, staying on the theme of Thai movies, has anyone seen any obvious mistakes that were overlooked when making the movie (or soap opera)?

    e.g. While watching a period drama set a few centuries ago, I could clearly see in the background of one scene, the rooftops of a row of townhouses.

    And in various other period dramas I rarely fail to see actors with an untanned stripe were they normally wear their watches.

    In one Thai gangster type movie, a couple of good guys were shooting the gangsters as they poured into a room. The scene lasted for about 5 mins and the bad guys were getting mown down one after the other by the machine-gun-totting good guys. About 50 gangsters got blasted away trying to get into the room, and yet when the smoke cleared, there was only 5 dead bodies on the floor.


  3. Talking of whistling.

    In 15 years here I've never yet seen or heard a Thai person whistle a tune or to beckon someone just by using their mouth. :o

    The only Thai person I've ever heard whistling is my wife.

    She can follow the rhythm ok but whistles the same note over and over. Being a musician I find it amusing...and a bit annoying :D

    :D:D And yet uses 5 tones when speaking?? :D:D

    Speaking of tones, I just remembered. About a week ago I farted while showering and it had a rising tone to it. I thought 'bloody 'ell, I've been here too long. I'm even farting in Thai now'. :D

  4. Hello again,

    Thanks for all the great info!  I have some more research to do.  Can someone remind me how much you pay in say a 7-11 for 150ml Krating Daeng (Red Bull). 

    Easy enough to remember prices of Red Bull and M150(used to be M100). 10 baht.

    They're the only thing that I can recall that haven't increased in price in over 15 years. :o

  5. Wilko, I don't know where you're located but here's a couple of links of some offroad destinations.

    This one is in Kanchanburi so maybe ideal for a weekend challenge if you're in BKK.

    The site is in Thai but there's plenty of photos to show how arduous it can be.


    This second link is handy if located in the north of Thailand or for a long weekend trip from BKK.


    Hope these are useful to you. :o

  6. I've wondered, do they have to buy their own whistle or does it come with the job?, do they share whistles?

    I think it comes with the military style emblems, the Helmet and the honarary medals :D

    and the truncheon...and the handcuffs....and the little vest that says 'Air Guard'. :D

    What the heck is an 'Air Guard' anyway? :o

  7. It really lashed down here again today around 8am. It's cleared a lot of dust off everything and the roads are a bit cleaner. Got caught in a light drizzle around 1pm which eased off at around 2pm.

    Cold as a witches tit as well. :o

  8. Any idea of prices? Saw it in Carrefour but was distracted from looking at the price by this gorgeous bird in spray-on-jeans. She had a lovely, firm.....etc. etc. :D

    Shame on you...........the real Gazza would have gone for the booze first :D:D

    The Old Gazza a few weeks ago would've but I was in the wrong time zone (after 2pm). :D

    Figured the beer would still be there for next time anyway. But when I see a nice booty I'm always compelled to see what the face is like, otherwise it's like reading a book with the last page missing. :o

    Just bought some cans of Red Horse at 19baht. Doing a test run tonght while watching the El FC vs Man Ure match.

    Contemplated trying the Blue Ice but sounds too much like a drink that comes with a little pink umbrella to me. :D

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