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Posts posted by Gazza

  1. The well-heeled in Bangkok would be surprised to see the pickups that I see going down Highway 2 from Udon Thani. To save on busfare and living costs, people form a group to hire a covered pickup to take their bags of rice down to Phuket etc and they travel hunched up on top of a platform over the rice sacks, for hour after hour after hour.

    That's real loyalty to the family, in spades.

    And if they are plush enough to be able to travel on the orange crush buses, they have to endure musicians at the back of the bus banging on spoons during the whole trip, the repetitious beat of;

    Ja! Chinnnng. Ja!-Ja! Ching-Chinnnng.

    Ja! Chinnnng. Ja!-Ja! Ching-Chinnnng.

    From sundown to sun up. :o

  2. As dry as a dry thing

    Isn't it a right bastard when you get writer's block for a one-liner? :D

    Pissed down heavily here sometime between around 4 and 8am.

    I was looking forward to seeing a bit of welcoming rain so that I could have a good moan about it either raining too much or too little. :D

    Now I can only moan about having missed seeing it. :o

  3. ...Now, I only answer it if it's already listed in my directory.


    I tried that, but just can't resist answering. The other day I got a call and the number was very strange. So I answered and didn't say anything. Then a woman's voice came on the line. It sounded familiar so I just said "Hello". And she said "<name> are you OK? You're still alive after the tsunami?". It was an ex-girlfriend in England I hadn't spoken to for 3 years.

    It's even more difficult to not answer now.

    I used to answer all calls but soon discovered that when I finish with a gf they'll often use their friend's mobiles or local public phones to try and trick me into talking with them. :D

  4. ..."You're in a large cave. You can go N, E, W, or S".

    Then you pressed the 'N' (north) key and you'd get something like

    "You're in a small cave. You can go E or S"....

    Was that the one that started with a house and a stream, and you follow the stream to a grating, and you go down through the hole and somewhere there's a vase and a soft cushion, and you have to put the cushion down first so you don't break the vase, an then the damned troll starts throwing knives at you and.... :o

    Misspent youth :D

    That sounds like it was from 'The Pilgrim's Tale'(?) which I think was re-named from 'The Adventure Game' which was also re-named 'The Big Cave Adventure Game' or something.

    You can DL that game from the link that Pablo gave.

    My location descriptions came from the earliest games; Velnor's Lair, Planet Adventure, etc. Just one-liner descriptions that gave you the atmosphere of the Antartic 'cos there wasn't a background screen other than white. :D

  5. i would like to know about

    how is good of bf or gf?

    this is my education.pls detail to me

    Guys, Come on! Give the poster a break.

    "i would like to know about" = The OP is asking for information for the following question;

    "how is good of bf or gf?" = Putting myself into the role of a non-native speaker of English, it can safely be assumed that for someone with a basic command of English grammatical usage, they are in fact asking "Which is better? Having a boyfriend(bf) or girlfriend(gf)?"

    The OP appears to be at that pre-pubescent T-junction in life where one is having conflicting attractions towards the opposite gender. Left - Do I head down to road to sexual fantasies involving Valerie Singleton (bearing in mind the fact that this is the only time in any male's life that one will find Valerie sexually attractive)

    Or, do I hang a Right and allow Mr James the school's PE instructor to scrub my back in the showers and follow his commands to pick up the soap?

    "this is my education.pls detail to me" = This translates as "This is for my better understanding as to how I should proceed with this dilemma. Please, O wise ones, give detailed information to someone suffering from mental and physical turmoil."

    To the OP, here's what you do.

    Seek advice elsewhere. Here, you'll only get your chain yanked.

  6. I remember these flimsy aluminum trays, turkey that tasted like cardboard, gellatinous gravy and mashed spuds that were more like paste than food. Maybe they've improved since then (that was 40 years ago), but I certainly haven't longed for one in all that time! :o

    They've improved in name only. They're now called 'In-flight Meals'.

  7. Are you guys serious??? :o

    Serious about coming from the 'Birk'?? Too right! It's not something you would want to joke about. :D

    Do you mean missing the place? Sure! I miss not being able to walk miles without working up a sweat. The local fish 'n' chip shops. Riding around Birk or even the entire outskirts of the Wirral and not see anyone else on two wheels. Miss family and friends and a few other things.

    I was even thinking of going back for a week or two just so that I could re-appreciate coming back to Thailand. Also I'd like to go back to look around the places where I used to play when growing up and to compare the 'then and now' changes to old haunts. Basically to re-live old memories.

    Being 15 years here, there are times when I know I should be more appreciative of what this country has to offer, and on those rare occassions that's when I think of home. :D

  8. Could anyone please define "mia noi"?

    Don't know if there is an actual clear cut definition anymore. :D

    I've had GFs refer to themselves as mia noi's even though they're self-supporting.

    I think one can rule out one-night flings as these are called 'gigs'(?)

    So I personally tend to think a mia noi now is a 'mistress' regardless of whether they are maintained financially, or their status as to whether they are married or single.

    If both parties are single then it's a BF/GF relationship.


  9. Knew a few teachers who done some modelling work for TV, catalogues etc.

    They were shorter than me and I'm 5' 10" too. Don't know about catwalk stuff though.

    An old farang lady and her husband, both around 70 ish, used to get TV commercial work very often. They were in good demand because of their ages and mostly played aged tourists.

    I was given the media agency's address but have since lost it. Somewhere out on Phattanakarn Rd.

    Shouldn't have too much problem getting some work of some kind.

    Good luck.

  10. I remember the Amstrad CPC. We typed out one of the games in the back of the manual printed in BASIC - took days! Tried to record it to tape (TAPE!!! :D) when finished, but the tape buggered up and we could never get it to load again!

    Bliss :o

    Ahhh! Nostalgia ain't what it used to be. :D

    So you're from the One-Eyed City then eh, Insight? :D

  11. Sonny Terry and Brownie McGee at some dive in Berkeley...classic...

    Saw them in Liverpool mid 80's. The lame leading the blind onto the stage.

    I wanna be sloppy drunk baby than anyway that I know...'. Big points for anyone that can name the singer...

    Can only guess it's from 'Sloppy Drunk Blues'. Can't recall the singer though. :o

    Also saw Clapton with Albert Lee.

    Pointer Sisters

    Dr. Hook before they went disco.

    Wilko Johnson (ex Dr. Feelgood)

    Bob Dylan early 80's

    Rory Gallagher

  12. My bf wanna have too much gf here, he often go home so late,

    he give some presents for girls,

    I hate that,

    Do all often do like that for thai girls?

    Lindaz, clearly you don't understand us foreigners. Here's some problems with solutions that you may encounter at a later date in your relationship.

    Problem: My BF wants a threesome with my best friend and me.

    Solution: Obviously your BF cannot get enough of you! Knowing that there is only one of you he can only settle for the next best thing, your best friend. Far from being an issue, this can bring you closer together. Why not get some of your old university roommates involved too? If you are still apprehensive, maybe you should let him be with your friends without you. If you're still not sure then just perform oral sex on him and cook him a nice meal while you think about it.

    Problem: My BF continually asks me to perform oral sex on him.

    Solution: Do it. Semen can help you lose weight and gives a great glow to your skin. Interestingly, men know this. His offer to allow you to perform oral sex on him is totally selfless. This shows he loves you. The best thing to do is to thank him by performing it twice a day; then cook him a nice meal.

    Problem: My BF has too many nights out with the boys.

    Solution: This is perfectly natural behaviour and it should be encouraged. The Man is a hunter and he needs to prove his prowess with other men. A night out chasing young single girls is a great stress relief and can foster a more peaceful and relaxing home.

    Remember, nothing can rekindle your relationship better than the man being away for a day or two (it's a great time to clean the house too)!

    Just look at how emotional and happy he is when he returns to his stable home. The best thing to do when he gets home is for you and your best friend to perform oral sex on him. Then cook him a nice meal.

    Problem: My BF doesn't know where my clitoris is.

    Solution; Your clitoris is of no concern to your BF. If you must mess with it, do it in your own time or ask your best friend to help. You may wish to videotape yourself while doing this, and present it to your husband as a birthday gift. To ease your selfish guilt, perform oral sex on him and cook him a nice meal.

    Problem: My BF is uninterested in foreplay.

    Solution: Foreplay to a man is very stressful and time consuming. Sex should be available to your BF on demand with no pesky requests for foreplay.

    What this means is that you do not love your man as much as you should; He should never have to work to get you in the mood. Stop being so selfish!

    Perhaps you can make it up to him by performing oral sex on him and cooking him a nice meal.

    Problem: My BF always has an orgasm then rolls over and goes to sleep without giving me one.

    Solution: I'm not sure I understand this problem. Perhaps you'll need to cook him a nice meal.


  13. Not sure if 'Popeyes' on Silom is still there or not as I rarely venture into the city anymore. Noticed the 'Popeyes' mannequin outside a fast food place in Mae Sot named 'Jumpin'.'

    Mid 90's it was reported/rumoured that Harry Ramsden was going to open a Fish 'n' Chip shop. There's one in Hong Kong and the original shop in Leeds(?).

    I remember eating baked potatoes in MBK at either 'Santa's' or 'Wendy's'.

    Chicken Treat had a few locations here and there, but as quickly as they arrived, they disappeared just as quick. (I suppose you could say that they were 'Fast')

    That's about as much as I know. :o

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