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Posts posted by Gazza

  1. Actually, "Can't we all just get along?" is probably a quote from Rodney King of Los Angeles.
    I like it! :o:D
    Seriously, do farang have to cross back by 5 pm?  Mae Sai is not a 24 hour border crossing?  I've always gone through between 11:20 and 14:30, but is it really closed?  That's like Los Ebanos or Rancho Progreso, Texas.

    As far as I'm aware, all land border crossings close in the evenings.

  2. Re. The Getaway. Wasn't that old guy at the end Slim Pickens or Pickett?

    One of those actors that you see in tons of films but never see top billed. Also of which you can never name or recall what other movies you've seen them in.


  3. I've used NW plenty of times going to and fro Saipan. Their connecting flight times are ok though. Arrive Narita from BKK and the Saipan flight has already left so get to stay a free night in Narita. Arriving Narita from Saipan their BKK flight is already leaving so another free night in Narita. Nice little breaks but can get boring after a while. Good for the kids to take them to Ueno zoo on the Saipan - BKK stretch.


    I used to enjoy those overnights as well. In fact, I even put up a popular web page on what to do:

    Narita Layover Page

    Now that NW has the Saipan/Nagoya/Narita flights that arrive in time for the Narita/Bangkok flight you no longer get those free overnights at the Radisson....

    Great site. It's a pity I didn't come across it before. Now I'll have to use up my NW airmiles going somewhere else if the layover in Narita is no longer. Shame really. :o

  4. I suppose I could be considered a failure but I certainly don't deserve to be slagged off for it.

    Ok, so my business venture into making laces for flip flops didn't take off. But try finding someone with the experience of putting those little bits of plastic on the ends of the laces. It's not so bloody easy is it?

    After scraping enough money together, I then published a 300 page Bangkok bus timetable only to discover that bus drivers were never ones for being punctual.

    Having sold my house I went into jingjok breeding. With all the new moobans being built in and around Bangkok, I noticed a lack of these creatures and thought they would be in high demand. As you'll be well aware of, all time established homes have them.

    I realised my mistake with the above enterprise. Very little food source for jingjoks at newly built houses. Namely mosquitoes.

    So I also set up a mosquito farm. But one morning I discovered that they must've escaped through the barbed wire during the night. Either that or, someone obviously left the gate open.

    Now I'm going to try my hand at what I know best. Property.

    I've just paid out 2 mill baht for some beach front property in Laos. As soon as the Nigerian real estate company sends me the deeds I can then start planning ahead. But it's not going to be anything like my failed Dutch Alpine Resort venture. "Once bitten twice shy" as they say.

    So yeah, I'm a failure. But I feel like my luck has now changed for the good.


  5. The Cambo embassy in Bangkok charges $20 or 1000B.

    I wouldnt pay more than 1000B - if I had the chance I wouldnt pay more than 800B but....  Been told the best way round it is, just be polite and firm, offer 1000B and if that doesnt work ask for a receipt and or the officers badge number .

    Being polite or firm probably won't do much good. As with Burma, the 'tea money' is logged into a book. Presumably the officials higher up will tally the transit cards with the days 'tea donations'. Anything amiss might have repercussions for those responsible for the collection of the funds.

    I showed resentment (just huffing and tutting and asking why the difference in costs) to the Cambo officials at having to pay extra for the visa and the 200baht quick turnaround fee. That's about as far as I'm prepared to go.

    Anything more could lead to a slanging match if I was to be dealing with an official who had gotten up on the wrong side of the bed that particular morning.

    When you're in no-man's land, the ball is in their court, so to speak.

  6. which one was it crawling up your leg exactly ??

    Might've been one of those trouser snakes I've heard about. They supposedly have one eye. But that's probably just a myth.

    I've seen plenty of small, almost lime-green coloured snakes wiggling across the country roads and have had a few in the beams of my garage. They're only about 18 inches in length but still have the same effect on me as though they were 20 foot king cobras. Anyone know what these are called and if they are dangerous? :o

  7. I'm in north BKK and I don't mind too much the fee of 1,100B for the visa 'cos it saves me the hassle (paperwork, travel, money) of going to and fro the emb.

    But, with the added 200b for doing a quick hop, it does seem too bloody cheeky and greedy to me.

    I too thought of the possibility of paying perhaps 500b to the Thai imm to stamp me in and out but, I prefer to do things legally.

    It would surely make the Cambo imm think about reducing their fees if they knew they were losing too many 'customers' because of their greed. :o

  8. There was no problem at Thai Immigration with this.

    Is anyone aware of the actual true cost of a Khmer visa and on which currency it is based?

    Were the Thai immigration aware that he didn't actually enter Cambodia?

    They may have assumed that he had entered and left Cambodia and not bothered to look for the stamps and visa.

    I just come back from the Pong Nam Ron crossing and they wanted 1,100baht for visa and 200baht for doing a one day border hop. The on-the-spot visa didn't have an entry on it where it said 'Fee'. (I wonder why :o)

    Robbin' Twatstards they are. But TIS.(This is South Est Asia) :D:D

  9. P.S.  I have been informed that there is a loop-hole in the law that makes it possible to sell alcahol outside these times if it is accompanied with Rice Porridge

    ( this is probably so to not upset too many of the Chinese) :D  :D  :D

    Someone's pulling your leg, methinks. :D

    rice porridge = Jok (pronounced 'JOKE') :o


  10. >  would also not go into Robinson and try to chat up the girls in

    > the makeup department.

    Right!  Did that for a while, that was how I got my first girlfriend. :o  From listening to other guys experiences with bargirls, I can't say the dept store girls are too different.  Especially cosmetics. :D



    Not much difference with the Robinson Dept. girls on Soi 19.

    You can find some of them there after working hours freelancing in the Thermae. :D

  11. The farang on the small nonaircon green bus...get a f**king life will you

    I thought I would get abused for this thread but surprisingly many of you almost agreed.

    Give it time Pat, give it time. :o

    Do you remember this little gem of a quote? :D

    I once left a bag containing 5,000,000 Baht on a non-aircon green bus and a week later it was returned to me with not a satang missing.

    From Topic: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?sh...59entry192359

  12. Hey Pablo, thanks for the link. I started on the 'Amnesia' game and got out of the room by taking the bedsheet and then wearing it.

    Awww man, it brings back some memories playing those type of games again.

    OK, why didn't I think of that?

    I shall have another crack at it when I get the time. My patience doesn't last though, if I get stuck somewhere I usually end up quitting the game in a huff. :o

    Pablo, it's starts off as a good game but once you get out of the hotel you then have to get around NYC using trains and buses. Not only that, but you have to make money to buy food to stay alive and find places to sleep of an evening.

    It's a game only for the adventure purist. I like a challenge but this one's too much of a toughie for me. :D

  13. ....had to wait around all day to tape it off the radio and the DJ would usually talk over some part of it and <deleted> it all up! ....

    One of the reason I loved Alan "Fluff" Freeman... a DJ that knew when to shut up and just play the records. :D

    I found it better to tape the whole Top 20 on a Sunday evening off Radio 1(?).

    Just hang the mic from a tv knob (we had Redifussion) so that it dangled in front of the speaker.

    Only problem was, if I had to leave the room my Ol' man used to fart into the mic. :o

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