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Posts posted by Gazza

  1. I guess the question should be: How do you know when a man really likes you?

    When a man crawls under barbed wire in the middle of a mine field. Then climbs a snow clad mountain only to dive off the otherside into shark infested waters then swim out to a boat....just to give you a box of Milk Tray chocolates.

    Then pisses off without waiting for a 'Thank you' or asking for a quickie. :o

  2. Save your money guys. Just use your foot. By the time you've reached for your home-made cocky killer equipment the roach will have scuttled under the furniture or somewhere.

    Just wait for the roach to come out into the open then....stamp away. It may take you as many as 3 or 4 attempts but you'll usually succeed.

    The more attempts you make the quicker you'll become a dancemaster of the 'Highland Hokey Cokey Stomp'. :o

  3. Personaly I'd revamp the "local forums"  somethin like......

    Bangkok forum

    Chaing Mai and the North


    Central Thailand

    Phuket and the South

    I'd leave in the Hua Hin and Ko Samui ones as they are a bit hard to define to an area but still major resorts, Pattaya is also big enough to have its own.

    This would cut it back to 8 forums insted of 9 but I'd open a "community forum" on somethin like "country life"(which has been discused previously http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=16832&st=0 ) for non area specific posts.

    Cheers RC

    I personally would go for the following;


    North (with sub forums of CM, CR, etc.)

    Issan (sub forums Khorat, Udon etc.)

    Central Thailand (including Phetchaburi.)

    Eastern (sub forums Pattaya, Rayong, Bang Saen etc)

    Southern (sub forums HH/Cha-am, Hat Yai etc.)

    Islands (sub forums Samui, Phuket etc.)

  4. Why is it that salmon always spawn up-river and have to swim miles against the current... are they <deleted> stupid?   :o

    Of course they're stupid. When was the last time you saw a salmon with a diploma?


    Here's an old one.

    If 7/11 are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 12 months a year.....why do they have locks on their doors? :D

  5. One beautiful December evening Somchai and his girlfriend

    Tarinee were sitting by the side of the ocean. It was a

    romantic full moon, when Somchai said "Hey Teerak, let's

    play Weeweechu."

    "Oh no, not now, lets look at the moon" said Tarinee.

    " Oh, c'mon baby, let's you and I play Weeweechu. I love

    you and it's the perfect time," Somchai begged.

    "But I rather just hold your hand and watch the moon."

    "Please Tarinee, just once play Weeweechu with me."

    Tarinee looked at Somchai and said, "OK, we'll play

    Weeweechu." !

    Then Somchai...................

    .........grabbed his guitar and they both sang.....

    "Weeweechu a Merry Christmas, Weeweechu a Merry Christmas,

    Weeweechu a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year."

  6. Waddee Khap,

    So department stores all close at 9:30 - 10 pm since the 9th of september?

    And until when?

    Even TESCO LOTUS Rama 4 isn't any more opened 24 hours?

    And Panthip also open at 11 am now?

    All this sounds crazy!


    This seems not to have been advertised but supermarkets have started to close at 11 or 12 pm again? (BIG C and LOTUS at least)

    Why so, no need to save energy anymore? Or somebody ;-) understood it was a stupid idea?

    Believe the malls and big dept stores lost tens of millions of baht in a month and told Thaksin that they would end up having to lay off hundreds of workers if the shorter opening hours remained in effect.

    Carrefour Rangsit have just laid off 7-8 cashiers according to my gf. She's obviously worried that she might be next. She's been there for 6 years so I hope it's the same as in England ref employees.... "first in, last to go".

  7. The male adult in question can be removed from the family unit without any long term upset - he is a single male and part of the extended family not a father or a brother.

    He is a very angry man at the moment and denies the accusations completely but all the signs from his behaviour and denials point to him being guilty - this simply adds to the urgency of the situation.

    The only thing that I can suggest is taking the kids to a high ranking policeman and having the kids confess to him. Then, offer the policeman a sum of money to stitch the guy up on a false charge (ie drug possession). He should be stuck away in jail for a long time and out of reach of everyone including the kids, You, and any possible contacts and/or friends that he has for seeking revenge.

    I would be ultra careful taking the law into your own hands as it could come back on you. The last thing you would want is to get deported while he remains free to carry on his sick perversions.

  8. Something else to ponder. :o

    An old Native American Indian Chief sat in his hut on the reservation smoking a ceremonial pipe and eyeing two United States government officials who had been sent to interview him on the subject of how he viewed the progress made over the years by the white man in the country which once was his domain.

    One of the officials spoke, "Chief Two Eagles, you have observed the white man and his culture for over ninety years, you’ve seen his wars and his material wealth, you’ve seen his progress and the damage that he has done, so when you consider all the events that have happened during your lifetime, perhaps you would give us your opinion as to where the white men went wrong."

    The Chief stared at the officials for a moment and then calmly pronounced, "When white men found this land, Indians were running it. No taxes, no debt, plenty buffalo, plenty beaver, women did all the work, medicine man consultations were free, Indian man spent all day hunting and fishing, and all night having sex".

    Then the old Indian chief leaned back, smiled and said, "Only white men would be dumb enough to think that they could improve a system as good as that".


  9. why doesn't the guy use his time and talent to invent something useful , like x ray specs for seeing through ladies clothes  :D  :D

    Sony mistakenly invented a camcorder lens that could see through clothes a few years back.

    Only a few camcorder with x-ray lens were sold in Thailand before getting taken off the shelves. Some stupid law about 'Invasion of Privacy' or something was mentioned. :o

  10. I think it might just be coincidental that you haven't heard females singing it.

    Definately not coincidence, Jai Dee.

    Have you ever heard a girl singing it?

    Has anyone?

    Occassionally I overhear my 12 yo daughter singing along to the one played at 6pm.

    Can't say I recall ever seeing anyone sing it in public places. Standing to attention yes, singing...no.

  11. I'm been thinking lately why the local handyman (Chang) has to sleep with my wife during the daytime. My wife said that he's waiting for the materials to put up a shelf in the bedroom. Yeah, sure. But waiting for two weeks? :D

    And why does he have to size up a tiling job several times in the bathroom everytime my wife has a shower? It's good to see that he's conscientious to do things right but leaving his 'sizing up' tools lying around the bathroom floor only results in my wife groaning and moaning in pain when she obviously steps on them. :o

    I feel something is going on, but it's so damned hard to get a good handyman. :D

  12. What about the old sitting on your hand until its numb, put on nail varnish and a couple of rings?

    But when the circulation returns it's a real passion killer. :o

    Better to do what Dudley Moore did. Grease out a toilet roll and hook it up to the trainset. Everytime the train goes over a junction you get some really terrific vibes. :D

  13. fattening the ants (with the food) before you put them into the microwave, would that help heat them up enough?

    Jesus......................you really do want me to put them on the menu

    I thought ants and ants eggs were part of Isaan's cuisine.

    Along with scrambled spiders legs and tadpole tits. :o


  14. :o I picked up on this as well... It really became crystal clear during New Years's in Hua Hin when the missus and I were having dinner at La Villa's.  Place was packed with big hair all over the place. I thought all the gals from the Thai soap operas had come in to town. I made the comment.. no actually.. I made her promise that when we were rich, that she couldn't make her hair like that   :D


    I made my wife promise that she wouldn't pluck her eyebrows, then waste time and money painting on false ones every day. :D

  15. No, he means that everything has wilted and turned to seed.

    It only wilts after a few minutes of use.

    wow! i tought 30 seconds was exiting and long!

    Being probably the world's worst lover, I dream of the day when I only last for 30 seconds. :D

    I just want to get my end away, have a ciggie, then get a bit of kip. Sod all that foreplay stuff! Sounds too much like hard work to me. :D

    :D what about letting her doing the hard work, and having a good night's rest after? :o

    I usually do let her do all the work providing she doesn't block my view of the tv. :D

    I can't have a good nights rest because I then have to go back home to the wife.:D

  16. <deleted>? I was woken up this morning maybe around 4-5am by a deluge of rain.

    The rain peltered down with such a force it was almost deafening. Never known there to be rain at this time of year. Usually it comes very close to Songkran.

    Is this the effects of climate change? Should I pack up and 'head for the hills'? :o

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