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Everything posted by mommysboy

  1. He didn't just step out. Yes, if say he made a sudden dash across the road just metres before, or say jumped from the middle verge in to the third lane then there would be some mitigation provided the driver was not breaking any road law. But that didn't happen did it.
  2. Yes 'dead right' for the pedestrian who paid with his life for his stupidity. And as long as you agree that the driver is 100% at fault then we could leave it at that. Mind you, could you PM me next time you go out in the car, so I can hide behind my sofa?????
  3. It's very evident from the video that this was an appalling piece of driving at high speed imo. A driver must be able to stop his/her vehicle within a reasonable distance/time frame, and must be in control of his vehicle at all times with regard to the road conditions and speed laws. What's more it is hardly the case that the victim suddenly appeared in the road, like a poltergeist. And the accident appeared to occur a short distance from a signalled intersection! You seem to be arguing the case that under certain circumstances, perhaps the pedestrians intoxication, disability, age, or whatever, it is ok for a car driver to plough through them, which is what happened here, didn't it?
  4. I don't know how the point can be made any clearer: the driver is 100% at fault.
  5. It's always up to the driver to observe speed traffic laws and drive with due care and attention. Both are an automatic 'red card'. Even the police in an emergency are subject to such laws.
  6. Your postings are normally so good/rational/right. What happened? Did you wake up and put on somebody elses' head this morning.
  7. Legally, I'm pretty sure there is a far greater onus on the driver to observe traffic laws, as well as drive with due care and attention. If he/she hurtles in to a pedestrian at high speed there are questions to be answered. Why is it that way? Perhaps because the driver is the one in charge of a moving ton of metal (or whatever it weighs).
  8. That's a different point you've made. Of course you have to watch out for yourself, as you can't argue a case from a morgue. I watched the video and it was dangerous driving- so fast, so reckless. But some people. perhaps you're one of them, believe that if a pedestrian also makes a mistake then it's 50/50. It's not- it's absolutely not. If a motorist speeds he/she is always at fault.
  9. I see.... good walkers in.. bad walkers out!????
  10. Just to clarify: When an accident involves speeding it's always, but always, the driver's fault. This was terrible driving at high speed - manslaughter really.
  11. Teachers get paid a very poor wage. Life isn't getting any cheaper these days.
  12. I think they are referring to Evusheld from AZ which is a sort of passive vaccine which also has a curative effect. It's the best on the market imo but very expensive, so can only be used for people with immune suppression. Amazing really!
  13. 'Next year will undoubtedly be better,' Probably you're right, but I don't think the average UK punter is going to be able to afford a long haul holiday next year. I think it's the same for most other countries. Tough times. Maybe the legendary, though hitherto elusive, 5 star tourists will rescue the day.
  14. The dollar is really strong at the moment- against most currencies.
  15. The original variant was much more dangerous though, plus there was no natural immunity, or vaccines. But yeah no worries now!
  16. I have witnessed long covid in a member of my family and it really was quite disturbing for a thankfully short while. But things like ear infection, sinus pressure/infection, hoarse voice, residual cough, mild wheezing, and fatigue are common temporary problems associated with all manner of URTI including a heavy head cold. They should not be interpreted as long covid. Diet is an important general consideration for health.
  17. And in doing so you will pick up enough vitamin D for the day in about 15 minutes.
  18. Yes that sounds about right. My first thought was middle ear infection as I have had them before. Glad you are on the mend.
  19. 'Headspin'. How long have the symptoms been going on?
  20. In the absence of other symptoms, I think it likely it wasn't covid. Typically, one might also suffer cold like symptoms- you know runny nose, headache, sneezing, spluttery cough. On the other hand, if you did have any of those other symptoms, then yes very likely you did have Omicron. Strep throat perhaps or even tonsillitis.
  21. Norway is a staunch ally in troubled times. I think many people, both in the UK and around the world are beginning to realize just how important she was, and are feeling her sudden absence keenly. Somebody like Elizabeth II belongs to the whole world. There has been an unprecedented global response. I think people are sick and tired of shallow politicians and the way big business rules their lives. Long live King Charles III.
  22. The Government did little to help its people imo. The global economic outlook is utterly dismal for many years.
  23. Frankly that doesn't stand any scrutiny. The important factors are length, duration, and amount of viral exposure, and any prior immunity. One thing we know is that nearly everyone gets colds/flu/upper respiratory viral infections- young, old, healthy, and unhealthy. Indeed, healthy people are more likely to get out and about and pick up colds, and also go to school, etc. I'm not sure that having a health regime even prevents you from getting a real 'stonker' of a cold- some professional football teams have been known to cancel matches when a virus strikes. It doesn't matter so much with Omicron whether you get vaccinated or not. Personally, I think it's a sensible precaution above 50.
  24. You can keep your immune system healthy, but it's not possible to boost it beyond that as such. I didn't get symptomatic covid infection until a month ago. My family had it four months ago and I was surrounded by the virus at that time in a confined space for hours on end. It's the nature of these things- nothing happens until one day it happens. My best guess would be you have been infected on at least one occasion, maybe multiple times. Possibly you had a similar virus many moons ago and your immune system is wise to it.
  25. Yes, well that and of course your own immune system. Wouldn't put my faith in anything else, save keeping in shape. I was surprised aspirin didn't help with symptomatic infection.
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