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Everything posted by lungbing

  1. We arrived at Khon Kaen immigration office at bus station #3 at 12.45 having been to my Kasikorn bank in the morning for the letter and year's statement. An IO sat just inside the door and gave a curory check to my papers before handing over my ticket number 018. The place was empty. Number 017 was already showing so when the officers started work at 1pm I was first up. She checked my forms then a quick look at the bank statements but by no means all transfers. Then checked the closing balance in the full bank book agreed with the opening balance in the new bank book. Then she stopped, picked up all the paperwork and went to the back. She came back and asked where my money comes from. Now my feeling is that so long as more than 65,000 is transferred every month, where it comes from is none of their business. But I have lived here a long time and had with me copies of the yearly statements from my government and private pensions. She was happy with this. Then she pointed out my TM30 was out of date. What??? It was dated Nov. 2018 and I have not left the country since that date. To keep her happy I collected a form and when I was sent out to copy the receipt for my 1900 baht fee my wife and I updated the TM30, there's a little window near the xerox. Back in. The IO stapled all three receipts, the 1,900 baht, the TM30 receipt I signed and the TM30 my wife signed all in my passport to join the 90 day and landing form already there. I asked the IO when they were moving to the new office. "Next year", she said. Then wais all round and we were back home for 2pm. My advice is to take everything with you but offer the minimum and see what else they ask for.
  2. He could always join the army, that would improve his chances a little.
  3. I've been with Kasikorn Thai (Thai Farmers Bank) for about 25 years. No problems at all. One advantage of that bank is that you can turn up and get a year's worth of statements immediately rather than waiting a week or so for head office to get their finger out. as happens with some other banks. The Kasikorn app is very good too, and yes, they are on the list to recive transfers of over 50,000 baht.
  4. Ring the Consular section of the British Embassy on 02 305 8333 and they will advise you. I suspect they will need a copy of the death certificate and a copy of your friend's wedding certificate. It may be possible to send them as email attachments, the Embassy will know. I think the phone is open 24/7. If you would be so kind, can you come back and post what happens to give us a definitive answer for UK people.
  5. Bitwarden for me. I've used it for years with no problem. But there's nothing to stop you trying them all out one at a time until you find one you like.
  6. I shall have to learn how to do my 90 day report online. At the moment I live about 3km from the office.
  7. I was there last month for my 90 day report and asked an IO. He said " Maybe December".
  8. If I remember correctly, when I downloaded the Kasikorn app (which works very well) I could not download it from my 3BB home wi-fi but had to turn my wi-fi off and buy a day's internet connection from my mobile provider, DTAC, and use that to download the app.
  9. Possibly because French was the language of diplomacy for hundreds of years.
  10. I highly recommend Terry Pratchett books.
  11. And cancelling the passport and probably informing the pension people to cancel that. As regards joint bank accounts, according to my branch of Kasikorn, if my wife gives them a copy of my death certificate then the account will be changed to her name only. We specifically asked this a year ago when I was there getting my bank statements and letter for my visa extension.
  12. I hope the Vietnamese authorities treat Thai banks exactly the same as Thai authorities treat foreign banks.
  13. A 'basic banking query' has generated three pages of answers so far.
  14. How do you make a small fortune in Thailand? Well, you start off with a large one......
  15. If you make your wife the sole beneficiary and sole executor to your will make sure she is not a witness to your signature as that would invalidate the will.
  16. Who is going to tell your UK bank that you are dead? And I'm sure probate applies only if your estate is over a certain value. After the final pension payment has gone in the new widow transfers the money from the UK bank to the Thai bank, perhaps leaving a fiver in, and then never uses that account again.
  17. When I open an article the left third of the page has the OP's name and logo, the right third has a newsletter offer and the centre barely a third is the article I'm trying to read, which usually consists of just 5 or 6 words per line. Can I adjust these proportions or remove the newsletter third completely? My browser is 'Brave' but I've just tried it on 'Vivaldi' and it's the same.
  18. Ditto. He's in Khon Kaen Thursday of next week, the 21st, so get your order in pdq.
  19. The word they usually use is not 'attract' but 'lure' and now you can see why.
  20. I closed my Paypal account in the middle of last year which was supposedly finally effective from December last year. I am still receiving the emails referred to in this thread.
  21. I believe you need two witnesses. I would think that they must both be of an age to understand what they are signing and must not be beneficiaries of the will. eg if your wife is the beneficary she cannot be a witness. But she can still be the executor to the will. That's my understanding but I'm not a lawyer.
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