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Everything posted by lungbing

  1. It's not only the 2 stage authentication, every time I use gmail they are pestering mre to give them my home address too.
  2. I gave up buying hom mali. I suspect it was being adulterated with too much ordinary rice.
  3. I bet they already have plans to power the Chinese submarines with them.
  4. "have a maximum production capacity of 5 horsepower." I did wonder where the flavour came from.
  5. So the army will be both the government and the opposition.
  6. After running to and from the local repair shop three times in two days, it turns out to be a memory card, which is near enough what many suggested. But the little perisher had to be replaced, not just cleaned. Thanks to everybody.
  7. When I start my admittedly old desktop running W10 it starts up fine, but after a two or three minutes it stops dead. No response from keyboard or mouse. I turn the power off, reboot and everything is fine for the rest of the session. In desperation I replaced the motherboard battery as I know that can cause intermittent errors but to no avail. Bootup is fine, W10 starts OK but then it freezes. But once only. Device manager shows no problem and I have done a Windows update but only after this problem first showed itself about a week ago. It's not a game changer, but I'm just hoping it isn't the prelude to something worse. Anybody with any ideas what to look at? Ta.
  8. I think he's referring to the OP's question.
  9. When I want to cut and paste I start my highlighting from the end of the cut and work back to the start point, then hit ctrl-C. I find it more controlable.
  10. I wonder how much land that lot own between them?
  11. And after showing all the guests the money in cash and gold my new mother in law gave it back to us to start married life.
  12. Save the negatives.
  13. I suppose white envelopes will be used instead of brown.
  14. In Khon Kaen the 90 day reporting system and your visa extension date are two unrelated item. They may coincide, but they are nothing to do with each other.
  15. Your point number 2) The child was actually 6 years old when he married her. But he did wait until she was 9 before having carnal knowledge of her. And that's her own words, not a made-up insult.
  16. Still quicker than Somchai with his phone.
  17. Thank you!
  18. for 'send' read 'sent'. (Where's the edit button gone?)
  19. I no longer need to fill in a yearly return as my sole income is from two UK based pensions and they never change. HMRC sent me a letter confirming this, only telling me that if my circumstances should change I must tell them. If your situation is the same then perhaps it's worth asking HMRC if this applies to you.
  20. In my company's scheme there is no deduction for more than a ten year age gap, and you have to be married before you started to claim the pension in order to enable her to eventually get her widow's 50% pension.
  21. I went right off LibreOffice when I found on my PC one of their files that listed the hyphenation rules for the Zulu language! No wonder it's so big.
  22. Don't forget to get your new passport number corrected on your bank account(s).
  23. The 'co-signers' or witnesses, only sign the will to say that they have seen the person whose will it is actually sign the will in front of them, there and then. They are not co-signing the will and the contents of the will are nothing to do with the witnesses. NB A witness to a will may not be a beneficiary. But the executor may be a beneficiary but not a witness!
  24. I qualify under their rules, so why would I need an agent? Sorry, yes, non-immigrant 'O', retirement. I try not to throw any paperwork away and there's a filing cabinet in our bedroom to prove it. But COYR indeed. The IO keeps the copy of the receipt and attaches it to the res of your paperwork, the original blue flimsy is now stapled in my passport. That's a first. I suspect the TM30 claim was so the IO found something. As I said, it was dated Nov 2018 and I haven't left the country nor moved address since then.
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