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Everything posted by OJAS

  1. Just 1 omission from your comprehensive list that I can think of, Bill, relating to the cumbersomely bureaucratic procedure which has been inflicted on those needing to get UK official documents legalised for use in Thailand - spelt out in all its "wondrous glory" in the following link: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/5b173648e5274a190383bc14/Legalisation_info_June_2018.pdf
  2. And these 38 provinces are.......?
  3. I was under the impression that it was low-pressure systems which brought rain.
  4. Yep, the French doing maintenance on their Bangkok embassy website is something to be fulsomely praised to the highest heavens as being the very best thing since sliced bread. Whereas the Thais likewise doing maintenance on their Brussels website is, in the other hand, to be roundly condemned in the strongest terms. Right?
  5. The French and IT are an equally deadly combination IMHO - in their infinite wisdom they decided to take their Bangkok Embassy website down for supposed "maintenance" all day on Saturday at precisely the time I needed to download info from it in connection with a Schengen visa application for my Thai wife! ????
  6. The really irritating thing here IMHO is HMPO's abject refusal, for reasons best known only unto themselves, to permit VFS to offer a local payment service in THB, in exactly the same way as they are allowed to by HMPO's colleagues in UKVI in the case of UK visa applications. I'm sure that you would have had no difficulty with using your Bangkok Bank card to pay for your new passport had a local payment service been available!
  7. @khunjeff - have now come across this unofficial link following some Googling: https://www.schengenvisainfo.com/news/no-etias-wont-become-operational-in-2024-eu-sources-say/ The $64,000 question, of course, is whether the EU will get round to lifting its collective finger in order to update its official website any time before May 2025 (or even before they may subsequently feel sufficiently energised as to inflict ETIAS on third country nationals). An all-too-familiar example in my experience of the EU proceeding at a pace which makes a tortoise look like Speedy Gonzales!????
  8. Grateful for a link confirming this, please. The official EU website is still saying that ETIAS will be introduced some time in 2024: https://travel-europe.europa.eu/etias_en
  9. So we are presumably talking about another local Phuket Immigration initiative which, I take it, is not being replicated by any other office in LOS. They are, of course, the solitary office which does not enforce the mandatory health insurance requirement for non-immigrants who originally used an OA visa to enter Thailand up until October 2019. Even though both initiatives are IMHO to be applauded, it still beats me as to how the Immigration Bureau bigwigs in Bangkok seem prepared to let Phuket get away with them!
  10. IMHO this would all only work if the RD were to tear up each and every foreign double taxation agreement entered into by Thailand since the amounts which they would otherwise be able to screw us for by way of taxation would almost certainly amount to peanuts. And you can bet your bottom dollar that the international response to such unilateral action on the RD's part would take the form of punitive economic sanctions targetted at crippling the tourist industry upon which Thailand relies so much. Not to mention that hiso's with significant economic investments in our home countries would almost certainly find their assets and bank accounts there frozen. They alone should ensure that the RD's hare-brained proposals are unlikely ever to see the light of day in any meaningful way, I would have thought!
  11. https://www.rd.go.th/fileadmin/user_upload/AEC/AseanTax-Thailand.pdf
  12. And can RD tax returns be filed in English? Or is Thai the strict (& sole) order of the day?
  13. I strongly suspect that it will be more for Nationwide to decide whether @Keith5588 constitutes a UK resident within the meaning of their terms and conditions. However, it doesn't look to me like his chances of being regarded as such are that great. That said, If he still considers it worthwhile seeking clarification of his residency status from HMRC, then the following link would appear to be a good starting-point:- https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/rdr3-statutory-residence-test-srt/guidance-note-for-statutory-residence-test-srt-rdr3
  14. Looks like the water supply to the tea urns in HMPO's Liverpool office has been turbo-charged!????
  15. IMHO the finger of blame in your case would be far more appropriately pointed at those clowns at HMPO, whose bungling incompetence and ineptitude is presumably the reason why you didn't get your old passport back at the same time as your new one.
  16. Sorry to hear about your cancer situation. But the sneeringly patronising arrogance which you have thus far gleefully displayed in this thread with a "Me Mr High & Mighty Ultra-Perfect & Ultra-Superior Westerner" attitude is really doing you no favours at all IMHO.
  17. Just as is the case back in our home countries if you haven't already noticed, with many instances of expats here having their bank accounts back home, usually of many years' standing, summarily closed with minimal notice, solely on IMHO totally irrelevant non-residential grounds. A particularly sore point for us Brits at the present time, but equally true of the USA and other Western countries, I strongly suspect.
  18. Just be aware that your initial retirement extension will be dated from when you apply for it at Immigration rather than from when your current permission to stay expires. Subsequent annual extensions will, however, be dated from when the permission to stay granted under the preceding extension expires.
  19. I'm sure that any thread on here this time 5 years ago suggesting that the American, Australian and British embassies were about to discontinue their income confirmation services would similarly have been dismissed as rubbish. But we all know what, in the event, happened just a few months later.
  20. So does this mean that our mobiles are likely to start emitting deafening wailing sounds over which we have no control, like they did on a test basis in the UK last April? https://aseannow.com/topic/1292603-uk-emergency-alerts-service-test-23-april-2022/
  21. Looks to me like Smarty/Three are joining the UK party (along with HM Government and banks) in making our lives here in LOS just as difficult and miserable as they humanly can be.....
  22. Sadly the Paypal option is no longer available from Thailand for foreigners.????
  23. Yep, in typical Yes Minister-speak debit cards will no doubt be provided by Wise "in the fullness of time and at the appropriate juncture".???? I strongly suspect that it's Thai banking regulations that are proving a major stumbling-block here.
  24. Because the UK Government as a whole is out to make our lives in LOS just as difficult and miserable as they humanly can be, with the eager and willing assistance of its Thai counterpart.
  25. Nothing to do with the law but everything to do with individual UK banks' terms and conditions, I'm afraid. Even though they are IMHO effectively acting as a cartel as regards the residency requirement, successive UK governments have shown no appetite for flexing their legislative muscles in order to force any change - most likely, I strongly suspect, because of the general indifferent (and even downright hostile) attitude shown towards expats generally (not just those based in LOS) back in Blighty.
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