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Posts posted by welovesundaysatspace

  1. 6 minutes ago, vinny41 said:

    All Eu nationals are required to register with the local authorities. of the EU country they reside in if they intend to stay longer than 90 days

    for example The ‘Anmeldung’

    If you are going to work or study in Germany or if you will be living there for more than 3 months, you need to get registered as a resident. The registration (Anmeldung) process can be complicated, so it is best to prepare beforehand.


    It's the opposite of "complicated". You make an appointment online, go there, done.

  2. 5 minutes ago, My Thai Life said:

    Hyped up by literally everyone? This just shows how narrow your reading is.

    Yes, literally everyone, except the hardcore Brexiteers, have realized by now that "no deal" is pretty bad. Do a Google search and then count the opinions.


    5 minutes ago, My Thai Life said:

    It doesn't come from a person, it comes self-determination - having control of one's own trade policy.

    Are you writing those "get rich quick" books? They also tell people you just need to believe in it.


    5 minutes ago, My Thai Life said:

    I've said this many times before, but it looks like I'll have to say it again. The WTO does not require a hard border between NI and Ireland.

    Does the WTO require a border between the USA and Mexico, or between Greece and Turkey?

  3. 3 minutes ago, My Thai Life said:


    The "better deal" part comes from an independent world-wide trade policy, of which the EU would be a part, a dimishing part, as it has been for the last decade or two.

    Does that “better deal” come from the same person who will invent the magic border technology for Ireland, who calculate the weekly NHS savings and who negotiates the easiest deals in history? 


    3 minutes ago, My Thai Life said:


    The "no deal" scenario has been hyped up by the CBI and other reactionaries, but it's just a bump in the road to an independent trade policy.

    It’s been “hyped up” by literally everyone. Instead we believe those people who couldn’t even calculate the weekly savings for the NHS correctly? Come on. 


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  4. 30 minutes ago, nontabury said:

    Well, some experts on boarder controls do in fact believe, a system can quickly be put in place. Just because you and other remoaners say it’s impossible, does not necessarily mean it’s true.

    Is that the same “experts” that calculated the weekly NHS savings? Thanks, but no thanks. While I enjoy listening to Brexit-experts when I want to have a good laugh, when it comes to our borders, I prefer to go with someone reliable. But hey, go ahead and develop such technology. You’ll have some years time now for that anyways ???? 

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  5. 46 minutes ago, rixalex said:

    A solution would be found. It's marvellous the things that can be achieved when people put their minds to it.

    Sure, in cloud cuckoo land there’s a solution for everything, and cloud cuckoo land people can do everything. They can invent border technology that doesn’t exist yet,  they can negotiate the best deals in history, they don’t even need medicine or supplies when they can have some pills of sovereignty and a dose of take-back-control. Fortunately, no ones buys into phantasy products anymore; people get back to reality. 

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  6. 48 minutes ago, rixalex said:

    There are many ways to control a country's borders, and how "hard" a border is, is the prerogative of the two countries involved. In this case, both countries have stated that in no circumstances do they want to have a hard border. So yes, if Britain just left tomorrow with a no deal, the reality is, people on all sides would have their minds sharpened to come up with a solution in ways they haven't been so far, otherwise, what exactly is the EU going to do? Set up its own hard border? Please, get real.

    Sent from my SM-G610F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    Ireland would setup the hard border, of course, to not risk getting fined for not controlling the EU external borders. So, before you’re telling someone to “get real”, you better do that yourself: As long as Ireland is an EU member, it is not just “two countries involved” but the EU (incl. Ireland) and the UK. And the EU, fortunately, takes protecting the single market seriously, as we can see with the EU fining the UK 2bn over letting in illegal Chinese goods ( https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/mar/08/uk-faces-2bn-fine-over-chinese-imports-scam-say-eu-anti-fraud-investigators). 


    Of course, you can deny that, same as you denied that the UK would be worse and so many other things that everyone told you but you denying it. Your Brexit is a phantasy product built on phantasies. 

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  7. 10 minutes ago, rixalex said:

    Look, if the Irish don't want a hard border and neither do the British, who is going to erect and police the damn thing?

    The whole issue has been politicised for leverage. If you believe otherwise you're naive.

    Sent from my SM-G610F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    I think the only who deserves to be called “naive” is the person claiming that a country will not protect its borders. How many countries do you know that do not erect and police borders? And Wasn’t that exactly one key issue of you Brexiteers, to control your borders? And wasn’t the border between Ireland and Northern Ireland one key issue (and prime target for attacks) during the troubles? And wasn’t it the creation of the EU that enabled opening that border? And now you wanna tell us that actually no one wants borders? 


    I guess that fantasy must come from the same cloud cuckoo land in which Brexit is the easiest deal in history. 

  8. 10 minutes ago, rixalex said:

    Look, if the Irish don't want a hard border and neither do the British, who is going to erect and police the damn thing?

    The whole issue has been politicised for leverage. If you believe otherwise you're naive.

    Sent from my SM-G610F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    I think the only who deserves to be called “naive” is the person claiming that a country will not protect its borders. How many countries do you know that do not erect and police borders? And Wasn’t that exactly one key issue of you Brexiteers, to control your borders? And wasn’t the border between Ireland and Northern Ireland one key issue (and prime target for attacks) during the troubles? And wasn’t it the creation of the EU that enabled opening that border? And now you wanna tell us that actually no one wants borders? 


    I guess that fantasy must come from the same cloud cuckoo land in which Brexit is the easiest deal in history. 

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  9. 4 minutes ago, rixalex said:


    Nonsense. If the EU insists there has to be a hard border, let THEM organise it. Like that's going to happen. It's brinksmanship, like everything the EU has been doing throughout the negotiations. The we-are-not-worthy Europhile remainers lap it up though, every time.

    Sent from my SM-G610F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    It’s not nonsense. Ireland is not an EU issue. It’s an Irish issue that started well before Brexit. But the creation of the EU was a crucial pillar for reaching peace there, because it enabled free movement of goods and people. So, again, of course everyone voting for Brexit knew that he was voting for what you have now. 

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