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Posts posted by welovesundaysatspace

  1. 1 hour ago, rixalex said:

    The UK isn't in a weak position.

    I see some Brexiteers still haven’t returned from lala land but prefer to live in denial. 


    3 hours ago, My Thai Life said:

    Well considering you were not eligible to vote you seem to know a lot about it.

    It might surprise you, but some people in fact like to see beyond their own nose.  



    Except that your quote above is just opinion.

    No, it was all over the European press and even told you by the Remain campaign. Everyone knew the EU would not give you anything.


    2 hours ago, My Thai Life said:

    It's fairly obvious that the reverse is true; it's the remainers that are trying to manipulate democracy.

    Would love to know how you “manipulate democracy”; if anything, it’s Brexiteers trying to block democracy by denying people to vote on this again. They know people would vote against this, otherwise they could with confidence say to go ahead. 


    • Haha 2
  2. 45 minutes ago, My Thai Life said:


    The combination of Labour's stance, the EU's intransigence particularly on the "backstop", and May's "plan" are driving us toward a "no deal" exit.

    The EU’s negotiation power and position was very clear from the very beginning on (before the referendum). So were the consequences of a no-deal. You knew what you were going to get. Still you decided to go through with it. 


    You can whine now that the EU is using its negotiation power and not giving you the fantasy deal you were dreaming of. But that you knew before. So you alone are responsible for the mess, because you decided, despite knowing better, to go through with it.  

  3. 45 minutes ago, My Thai Life said:


    The combination of Labour's stance, the EU's intransigence particularly on the "backstop", and May's "plan" are driving us toward a "no deal" exit.

    The EU’s negotiation power and position was very clear from the very beginning on (before the referendum). So were the consequences of a no-deal. You knew what you were going to get. Still you decided to go through with it. 


    You can whine now that the EU is using its negotiation power and not giving you the fantasy deal you were dreaming of. But that you knew before. So you alone are responsible for the mess, because you decided, despite knowing better, to go through with it.  

  4. 45 minutes ago, My Thai Life said:


    The combination of Labour's stance, the EU's intransigence particularly on the "backstop", and May's "plan" are driving us toward a "no deal" exit.

    The EU’s negotiation power and position was very clear from the very beginning on (before the referendum). So were the consequences of a no-deal. You knew what you were going to get. Still you decided to go through with it. 


    You can whine now that the EU is using its negotiation power and not giving you the fantasy deal you were dreaming of. But that you knew before. So you alone are responsible for the mess, because you decided, despite knowing better, to go through with it.  

    • Like 2
  5. 1 hour ago, vinny41 said:

    Thanks and if you read this link they are already stock piling medicines which is not the same as Kwilco scaremongering one liner without any supporting links of "A no deal Brexit will mean no medicines for some people. May even mean death for diabetics....."


    And how about the other articles contained in the link I provided? Or did you intentionally cherry-pick the one article that suits you best?

  6. 2 hours ago, Retiredandhappyhere said:

    Are you suggesting that, for example, when a wife demands a divorce, the husband cannot create problems over the divorce agreement?  If so, you have clearly never been involved in a divorce.

    There is no “divorce agreement”

    whatsoever. Such nonsense. 


    2 hours ago, Retiredandhappyhere said:

      The EU did not want the UK to leave, so it is in their interests to create as many problems as possible, either to get the UK to change its mind, or as a negotiating tactic.

    The EU isn’t creating a problem. Brexit causes the Irish situation to become a problem, and that was clear before Brexit (unless you were a Brexiter living in lala land). 

    • Like 1
  7. 23 minutes ago, melvinmelvin said:

    UK is leaving EU, after that border with EU is a EU problem not a UK problem.

    So why the waffling and where is the problem?

    Just continue as before.

    If EU is desperate for controls Commission must send teams and equipment to Ireland land/sea and do it themselves,

    not likely to happen.

    Just continue.

    Not sure what’s worse. That an Irish politician says such nonsense or that you’re reposting it here. What an imbecile. Did he really forget that his country is an EU member? 

    • Like 1
  8. 7 hours ago, Patriot1066 said:

    The referendum however was the largest democratic vote in the UK.

    No, it wasn’t. 


    7 hours ago, Patriot1066 said:

    Actually,  I supported us going to Iraq, but wasn't happy when we got there and Blair didn't send us the correct kit to do the job. Thank god for our American friends who had all the gear, as supported by a Republican Pressident who respected the military, unlike our socialist who really didn't.

    Just don’t cry about migrants and refugees some years later..

    • Like 1
  9. 22 minutes ago, vinny41 said:

    If the site is funded by the taxpayer yes it should publish its accounts, but since it isnt funding by the taxpayer its up to them to publish their accounts or not

    site has been up and running since 2004


    In order to find out who’s funding the website, and whether it’s the taxpayer or not, the site should publish their accounts. They don’t have anything to hide do they?

  10. 44 minutes ago, vinny41 said:

    Sure No problem

    Backdoor EU Funding for Losers' Vote March


    I look forward to the EU publishing their accounts in full in an equally speedly manner

    Looks like a Brexiteer website. Calling the march “losers vote” also looks like a site that cannot necessarily be taken seriously. Maybe that site should publish it accounts first to see where their funding comes from. 

  11. 10 minutes ago, vinny41 said:

    Your missing the point 1 million people plus march against stop the iraq war and Tony Blair and Alastair Campbell didn't take a blind bit on notice,

    What does the Iraq war have to do with Brexit?



      There are some reports that some of the groups attending today's march have received funding from the EU.

    Now the EU could disapprove these reports by publishing their Accounts

    I wouldnt give a damn or publish my accounts just because someone reports something. Would you?

    • Like 2
  12. 2 hours ago, Ulic said:

    Europe is not negotiating they are dictating.

    That’s happening when you have the bargaining power. 

    2 hours ago, Ulic said:

    I also believe the EU should be upfront.

    They have been since two years. 


    2 hours ago, Ulic said:

    Business can handle both good news and bad news, what it cant handle is no news and indecision.

    Agree to this. Economy needs clarity now and this has been going on for too long already. The options were known since two years and the EU generously gave the U.K. enough time to evaluate these options and which one to pick. If the U.K. after that long time still isn’t able to make a decision, we should just stop this now and let everyone move on. Give the U.K. a final deadline to decide between option a, b and c. One of it (and the default) is no deal.



    • Like 2
  13. 10 minutes ago, vogie said:

    Even the the Norwegian PM doesn't think it is the right deal for the UK.


    Supporters of a soft Brexit often cite a version of the “Norway model” — with close regulatory alignment with Brussels and membership of the single market — as a less economically damaging route out of the EU.


    But during a POLITICO interview in Brussels Tuesday, Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg pointed out that it would mean Britain continuing to abide by the four EU freedoms, including freedom of movement, as well as having no decision-making power in Brussels. “Then I should just ask why … should you leave the EU if you’re accepting that?” she said




    Doesn’t change the fact that the option is possible. 

  14. 5 minutes ago, My Thai Life said:

    No it doesn't help you. It merely confirms that you are an international ideologue with little knowledge of the detail. If you believe that the financial "settlement" is settled, maybe you could share your knowledge with us. Because there are hundreds of professionals and politicians in Europe at present trying to figure this out, and there is no consensus at all.


    If you've got the solution, email Raab-Barnier-May-Merkel etc etc.

    Sure, keep believing that. We won’t find out who’s right as the U.K. will pay their obligations anyway. 

  15. 5 minutes ago, My Thai Life said:

    Many people have used the example of a divorce.

    Well, when you split you don't continue to pay for projects for which you no longer receive the benefits. Hope this helps you understand the situation.


    Actually, when you split you receive a share of the assets. Civil servants are currently assessing how much the EU will owe the UK on 30th March 2019.



    You can use whatever apples and oranges you want to for comparison. Doesn’t change the contractual obligations the U.K. has. Those won’t just vanish because “Many people have used the example of divorce.” Hope that helps. 

  16. 55 minutes ago, My Thai Life said:

    Many people have used the example of divorce. When you split you don't continue to pay for developments from which you get no longer receive benefits. Hope that helps.

    You can use whatever apples and oranges you want to for comparison. Doesn’t change the contractual obligations the U.K. has. Those won’t just vanish because “Many people have used the example of divorce.” Hope that helps. 



  17. 1 hour ago, vogie said:

    We actually don't have to pay a penny if we don't want to, we are paying it because the UK is decent, and if the EU was the same we wouldn't be leaving, think about it.

    Sure, on top of the chaos on Day-1 the U.K. certainly wants a lawsuit and to be known as a state that doesn’t respect contractual obligations. Keep believing that. 

    • Thanks 1
  18. Just now, My Thai Life said:

    After "out" the 2 parties will be independent. Independent parties trade via FTAs.

    Oh, and you decide how two independent parties trade with each or structure their future relationship? You’re wrong; they can trade via FTA or via a Norway-style agreement or via whatever they agree on a two sovereign contractual parties. 


    Just now, My Thai Life said:

    Hope that helps.


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