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Posts posted by welovesundaysatspace

  1. 48 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


    Actually, they don't have to pay a penny or a cent. If there is no deal, there is no deal.

    What the U.K. has to pay is not a deal. It’s outstanding obligations. When you sign up for a 12-Months gym membership and cancel after 6 months, you still have to pay the remaining 6 month (even if the gym doesn’t respond to your demand for a special deal in which you can use the gym without paying for it). 



  2. 48 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


    Actually, they don't have to pay a penny or a cent. If there is no deal, there is no deal.

    What the U.K. has to pay is not a deal. It’s outstanding obligations. When you sign up for a 12-Months gym membership and cancel after 6 months, you still have to pay the remaining 6 month (even if the gym doesn’t respond to your demand for a special deal in which you can use the gym without paying for it). 



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  3. 48 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


    Actually, they don't have to pay a penny or a cent. If there is no deal, there is no deal.

    What the U.K. has to pay is not a deal. It’s outstanding obligations. When you sign up for a 12-Months gym membership and cancel after 6 months, you still have to pay the remaining 6 month (even if the gym doesn’t respond to your demand for a special deal in which you can use the gym without paying for it). 



  4. 7 hours ago, roobaa01 said:

    afd will distant itself from the neo nazis publicly in order to prepare for government participation in saxonia, thueringen etc..in 2019. the ultimate patriot hoecke has commenced to distant himself from the neo nazis (...) for yr info im wearing kippa.

    “Hitler and the National Socialists are just bird shit in 1,000 years of successful German history,” AfD lawmaker Alexander Gauland.


    The German government's top integration official, Aydan Özoguz, could be "disposed of in Anatolia", said Alexander Gauland. 


    "We Germans are the only nation in the world to have planted a monument of shame in the heart of their capital". AfD leader Björn Hoecke about the holocaust Memorial in Berlin. 


    Germans should be "proud" of their soldiers in both world wars, said Alexander Gauland: “We have the right to be proud of our soldier’s achievements in two world wars.“


    Jewish organizations are warning about the AfD, saying “This alternative is not kosher. It’s a dangerous right-wing populist party (...) putting on a mask of ‘we are Jewish-friendly,' but it is really trying to use German's Jews for self-promotion.”


    So tell me: How exactly do those people “will distant itself from the neo nazis publicly” and what exactly does your kippa has to do with them? Could it be that you’re such an islamophob that you don’t even care if it’s Nazis that you cooperate with?


     Anyone seeing any parallels?

  5. 51 minutes ago, My Thai Life said:

    a FTA (...) also delivers on the referendum decision.

    The referendum wasn’t about future relationships, so an FTA doesn’t have anything to do with delivering on the referendum decision. Any deal about future relationships would deliver on the referendum result, as long as the U.K. leaves the EU prior to that future relationship. 


    One problem of the whole process is that people are mixing these two separate issues up. 

  6. 50 minutes ago, roobaa01 said:

     afd is german wide represented by 18 %¿ approx. 12 million people

    Less than 6 Million Germans according to the last general election, which would be 7.5%. 92.5% Germans didn’t vote for AfD. 



    any gruene koerner fresser = green seed munchers with their chicken brain have nothing to offer.

    Thanks for confirming what kind of people you and your fascist friends are. And btw: Looking at your poor language and spelling I’d be careful talking about other peoples’ brains. 


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  7. 7 hours ago, roobaa01 said:

    afd achieved on sunday to obtain 30000 labourer votes from the socialist loosers spd

    “achieved”? Only 30,000 you should add: 230,000 SPD voters changed to the Green; 150,000 voted for CSU; 80,000 to FW. The SPD actually lost more voters because they died or moved to a different state (130,000 total). The biggest moves happened in the center. 



    whereas in total the unhinged german left wing party mob obtained 27.2 %  versus right wing total vote of csu 37.4, fw 11.6, afd 10.2 % = 59.2 %  portrays a clear picture , which says no to political left wing distortion .

    You don’t have much clue about German politics. There is only one party that could be considered “left wing” which is Die Linke. They failed to reach the 5% needed. 


    There is only one true right wing party which is AfD. They got 10.2% thus -2.2. 


    Then there are conservatives (CSU, FW), liberals (FDP), Green Party and social Democrats. Maybe check here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_political_parties_in_Germany


    All these parties clearly said they will not work together with AfD, which should show you how isolated these extremists are. No one considers them a serious Democratic Party that anyone would work with, in every state and in the Bundestag. 


    What even became clear is that the conservative CSU lost votes because it tried to copy certain AfD positions (immigration) whereas the Green Party heavily won because it was the only party that didn’t join the annoying scaremongering about refugees and immigrants but actually offered positions that people actually care about because it really affects their life.



  8. 24 minutes ago, vinny41 said:

    As you stated yourself the options on the voting paper were Remain a member of the European Union” and “Leave the European Union”

    So can we assume as you are respecting democracy the Uk will leave

    Leave the EU, thus respecting the referendum result. At the same time, negotiate a post-Brexit deal which gives the UK access to the single market by implementing the four Freedoms etc. All problems solved.

    • Haha 1
  9. 47 minutes ago, vinny41 said:

    No Interpreation required every household in the UK receive a leaflet stating if you vote leave that means the Uk will be leaving the EU, Single Market and Customs union

    No, it only said “Remain a member of the European Union” and “Leave the European Union”. Nowhere did it say: “Future relationship will not include: Single market and customs union” or whatsoever.


  10. 2 hours ago, Retiredandhappyhere said:

    they want some 60 billion from the UK as part of any deal.

    The 39 billion are not part of any deal. It’s outstanding obligations the UK has, deal or no deal. When you sign up for a 12-months gym contract but leave after 6 months because you want to find a better gym, you’d still be obliged to pay the outstanding 6 months regardless of any future relationship with that gym. You wouldn’t tell them “oh, wait, there’s 6 months payments you want from me, so you give me another 12 months free access or I won’t pay you.” And I’m sure the last thing the U.K. needs now on top of the Brexit mess is a lawsuit from the EU. 

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  11. 4 hours ago, roobaa01 said:

     afd had achieved only single figures in previous state elections schleswig -holstein, hamburg, lower sxonia 6 to 8 %, hence now 10.2 is a great success


    25 minutes ago, roobaa01 said:

    state election is different from general election in germany coz of state specific topics.

     “state specific topics”? Weren’t you the one who compared Bavaria results with Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg and Lower-Saxonia? So what are those “state specific topics” that made 2.2% vote less for AfD than did in the last general election?

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