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Posts posted by welovesundaysatspace

  1. 2 hours ago, pegman said:

    The Express is reporting that there are enough Remainer MP's prepared to form a new party to stop a deal without a public vote.



    That’s exactly what I predicted earlier already in another thread on Brexit:


    Politicians are just waiting for Brexit to happen so that they can make “Rejoin“ their agenda and win the next election with it. Everyone knows it’s a sure win, because everyone knows that the majority doesn’t want Brexit but remain in the EU. Even the Brexiteers themselves know it which is why they are fighting a second referendum. Rallying for “Rejoin” means winning the election, so that’s what politicians will do. We might see new politicians emerging or even new parties emerging in the political landscape, because some of the existing ones where stupid enough to join Brexit. 

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  2. 43 minutes ago, i claudius said:

    Islam is a terrible religion as was their prophet a dispicable man who married a six year old girl , i have no time for religion ,but at least the two other main ones ,are far far better than , this one . Islam ,will just take over one way or another if the west does not stop it .

    Let me understand this: A religion whose people sexually abused hundreds and thousands of kids and teens worldwide over the last decades (Catholic Church) is “far far better” for you than a religion whose prophet thousands of years ago may have married a six year old? You should check your moral compass. 

  3. 3 hours ago, ivor bigun said:

    You just want me to say that other faiths are dying,and the moslems take over their buildings,and that most people dont notice their stealthy approach to taking over ,just like they have more than one "wife" and outbreed us stealthily taking over ,but hey dont worry about it and dont even bother to answer me

    Let’s assume (despite the lack of evidence for your claims) that’s true. Who cares? I couldn’t care less how many Christians, Jews, Buddhists and Muslims our world has. And if the outbreeding competition is so important for you, no one stops you bang more chicks and make more babies. Let us know when you made the highscore. 

  4. 5 hours ago, schlog said:

    Byebye Merkel. We will not miss her. First step on a way which will hopefully end in court.

    In your Fantasy court maybe. 


    5 hours ago, oilinki said:

    She is a thinker and a doer. Somewhat rarity in current political climate around the world. 


    We'll miss her in the future. I just hope Germany is able present new leaders to fit her rather large shoes. 

    There are certainly reasons for which you can like Merkel. But if there is one thing that she definitely is NOT then it’s being “a doer”. Merkel’s politics (and how she kept in power) have always been that of not having an opinion, not doing anything, but kicking the can down the road. She would only act or do in the very last minute when she couldn’t sit things out any longer, and then she would choose the way out that is most pragmatic, least disrupting, and most likely to maintain the status quo and her power. She is a cold power seeker without any principles, visions or ideas. She is not innovating but maintaining. She is not acting, not even reacting, but waiting and seeing. 


    For this, I have never really liked her as a chancellor. However, in times of political, economical and social turbulence she has been and continues to providing enormous stability, not only for Germany but for

    Europe and further. Fortunately, she only decided to not run for the CDU chair anymore, but hopefully will run for chancellor again. I wouldn’t mind a change in leadership at some point, but not at the moment during these crazy times. With all the maniacs running around, whether in the US, in the U.K., Italy, Poland, Hungary, Turkey, Saudi-Arabia or Russia, now even Brazil; it is better to have a powerful leader who provides stability and an antipole to all the irrational angry white men. 

    • Haha 2
  5. 10 minutes ago, giddyup said:

    Typical, you call everyone else's comments as BS, but offer absolutely nothing to dispute those comments.

    If it was to difficult for you to grasp: no one owns a country. Different ethnicities, religions, cultures and races can live there and practice their traditions. 


    10 minutes ago, giddyup said:

    I am no longer prepared to discuss the matter with someone who is only prepared to taunt and ridicule. You show yourself for exactly what you are.

    I hoped you would enlighten us and explain your theory what “natives” own a country. But it’s probably a good idea to leave before you make yourself look even more foolish. To be honest, I didn’t expect you were able to explain your ridiculous theory. 

    • Confused 2
  6. 5 minutes ago, giddyup said:

    As much as any native of their country "owns it". Who else owns Italy, the French, the British. Listen, if you don't have anything actually constructive to add, instead of telling everyone to "get educated", I suggest you desist from further comments and making yourself look even more foolish.

    If you don’t want to be told to educate yourself, maybe don’t post utter nonsense that even my 6 years old nephew would laugh about. I will not stop calling people out for their bullshit. 


    And if anyone makes himself look foolish then it’s the person saying a country is owned by its natives, whoever that is. Wanna share who those natives are that own France, Italy and the U.K.? 



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  7. 3 minutes ago, giddyup said:

    Italy is predominantly (80%) a catholic country, and has been for many centuries. Muslims make up 2.3%. What's your point, it comes across as rambling or troll-like behaviour? It seems it is you who needs the educating.

    You claimed Catholics somehow own Italy (“it’s their country”), so the only one who appears to be trolling or in the need of education would be you. What’s your point? 

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  8. 1 minute ago, giddyup said:

    It's their country, they can build as many as they like.

    Italy is owned by the Catholics? Very interesting. Again, talk about education. 


    Just now, giddyup said:

    Perhaps you can educate all of us, is Italy home for Italians or not?

    Italy is home for many. Italians and non-Italians, Christians and other religions. Again, educate yourself. 

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  9. 55 minutes ago, Brunolem said:


    Then why wouldn't the Germans welcome the immigrants that the Southern countries, like Italy, don't want, and why are they instead trying to force other EU countries who don't want immigrants to accept them anyway?

    Germany isn’t forcing anyone and isn’t even able to do. Not sure if you noticed, but all EU countries are sovereign states. 




    Having said that, being opposed to (uncontrolled) immigration and being on the far right are two different things.

    “being opposed to (uncontrolled) immigration” is just the euphemism of the far-right to make their xenophobia sound less radical.  





    Some people are attached to their centuries old culture and want to preserve it, and some people, like the Germans apparently, do not care much about their culture.


    This has nothing to do with politics, it's a cultural issue...

    Nonsense, no one is taking away your Weißwurst or beer. Or what “centuries old culture” are you actually afraid to lose? Again, this is just nonsense used by the far-right to make a case for their xenophobia. 


    If there is anything to be afraid then it’s the hatred and terrorism the far-right is spreading. 

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  10. 1 hour ago, sweatalot said:

    the important issues: 

    That is solving the "so called refugee"  issue - undoing merkel's mistake

    That’s not what is important for people. There’s isnt even an issue. That’s just noise created by the far-right. Unfortunately, incumbent parties failed to ignore that noise. Instead of working on people’s real issues and ignoring the neo-nazi parties, they waste time dealing with them and their accusations, fear-mongering and lies. 




    I wonder why the green party scored - they applauded to merkel's disaster decision

    Because they did exactly that: ignoring the far-right’s noise and make people’s issues their party programme. 

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  11. 2 hours ago, nontabury said:

    The problem was caused by politicians deceiving the people, when they transformed the ECC into the E.U. Without the explicit agreement of the people. 

    What country exactly was forced to join and remain in the EU against their will? 



    Thankfully many Germans also now realise what the dictatorial Bureaucrats in Brussels have achieved.

    You don’t have much clue about Germany. Most Germans are pretty happy to be in the EU. And watching the UK’s self-made chaos, even more so than before. 



    Allthough I’m sure some remoaners on these threads, will try to discredit this persons veiws, based on what they have been fed in the controlled media.

    “controlled media” lol. I hope you find a good therapist for your paranoia. Maybe consume less right-wing conspiracy theories. A good start would be watching less AfD and Gauland. 

    • Thanks 1
  12. 1 hour ago, CanterbrigianBangkoker said:






    'your stroke of genius' - oh my, judging from the above it would seem your sanity is unraveling in front of the whole of the TVF community. ????

    I find my English quite ok for not being a native speaker. And definitely less funny than Brexit ???? 


    46 minutes ago, vinny41 said:

    Car sales down 20% because of DieselGate(VW) and loss of sales in China


    ...and Brexit, says the SMMT. 

  13. 1 hour ago, CanterbrigianBangkoker said:





    Yeh, at least he's good for a laugh...if nothing else. ????


    Talking about laughing, can’t complain about not having enough of a good laugh every day since two years or so when reading the latest Brexit news ???? 


    SMMT now reported domestic car sales in September went down 19%, exports 16%. Good news every day since your stroke of genius. 

  14. 22 hours ago, JAG said:

    Italy is a sovereign nation within the EU, yes?


    It has elected a government, (one which I suspect I would not much like, were I an Italian, but that is not relevant) with a particular program, yes?


    The EU commission has now instructed that government that it cannot follow it's mandate, yes?


    Right ho. Italy is a sovereign nation within the EU?

    The m next time you sign up for a gym contract or a car loan, will we see you at the European Court of Human Rights complaining that you as a sovereign individual shouldn’t be required to respect the obligations you signed up for? 

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  15. 1 hour ago, CanterbrigianBangkoker said:


    Wow, this one just beggars belief.

    Keep believing what you want to believe, whether it’s 350m for the NHS, easiest deal of history, or that my prediction is wrong. Eventually,  this belief will burst too and you will have to return back from lala land into reality, as you did so many times already. (Of course, i don’t expect that you’ll remember my post then, you’ll just keep denying everything as you’re used to as a Brexiteer.)

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