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Posts posted by welovesundaysatspace

  1. 2 hours ago, Opl said:

    And the result is Millions of Trump followers turned into parrots to spread his lies.  

    Parrots? Watch some videos of that Capitol mob. It’s like the Walking Dead. Like they’ve opened a nuthouse. Zombies from a parallel reality hunting the aliens in their head on auto-pilot. Disturbing.  



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  2. 4 minutes ago, Jeffr2 said:

    Not sure better late than never is OK.  Without facebook allowing these nuts to spew their conspiracy theories and propaganda, we might not have had domestic terrorists break into the capitol.  Or, might not have had as many deaths from covid as the BS stuff about it being like the flu, masks don't work, blah, blah, blah, would have been banned. 


    Facebook is totally to blame for a lot of this. 

    Agree, that’s why I wrote “better late than never” which implies that “earlier” would have been better. 

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  3. 7 minutes ago, GrandPapillon said:

    a lot of participants in this thread are not interested in freedom of speech

    I’m counting you and the other guy who seem to advocate violating Twitter’s freedom of speech to give the rogue Fuhrer a propaganda tool. That’s hardly “a lot”. 

    7 minutes ago, GrandPapillon said:

    , and don't have a problem with censorship ????

    At least most participants have understood what censorship is and what not. Too bad you aren’t one of them. 

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  4. 9 minutes ago, CrunchWrapSupreme said:

    Indeed, this is the draw of most online forum nonsense. The lack of accountability, or at least perception of it.

    Exactly. Scream “bomb” in an airport and you will get punished. The guy next to you who tries to stop you from doing it or who tips off the police will not be blamed for violating your free speech rights. Do it online and some people think those rules shouldn’t apply. 

    Share kiddy porn with your neighbor and you will get punished. They guy who tries to stop you from doing it or who tips off the police will not be blamed for violating your free speech rights. Do it online and some people think those rules shouldn’t apply. 


    Put posters up in your neighborhood with a mugshot of your neighbors accusing him of being a kiddy fiddler and you will get punished for defamation. Your wife who rips off the posters will not be blamed for violating your free speech rights. But do it online and some people think those rules shouldn’t apply. 



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  5. 21 minutes ago, Virt said:

    Turn it around and ask yourself if this chaos would have started in the first place, if we didn't have social media. 

    I did, and it didn’t answer the question whether we had freedom of speech before Twitter. 

    It did answer the question whether it was right (albeit too late) to ban Trump though. 


    21 minutes ago, Virt said:

    At times i miss the days without cellphones or internet fora/platforms. 

    The days of Usenet and first discussion forums was quite constructive. I guess we need laws holding the platforms liable for harmful content they don’t delete. It’s not acceptable that every small website owner can be prosecuted if he doesn’t swiftly moderate what users post in his forum, whereas Facebook & Co. seem to get a free pass.


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  6. 3 minutes ago, GrandPapillon said:

    not sure in which country you are, or maybe you are ignoring the news, but Merkel, and a few other EU leaders are not happy with Twitter shutdown of Trump


    political commentaries on TV, opposition leaders (including leftists) are questioning Twitter and digital media future roles over Trump account banning

    Yeah, but where’s the “media uproar”? 

    3 minutes ago, GrandPapillon said:


    I think Twitter actions will eventually backfire, above all in the EU, where GAFA roles are being seriously questioned over the last few months


    Think GDPR++

    No, think Digital Services Act: “A core concern is the trade and exchange of illegal goods, services and content online. Online services are also being misused by manipulative algorithmic systems to amplify the spread of disinformation and for other harmful purposes.” (https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/digital-services-act-package)

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  7. 3 minutes ago, Hanaguma said:

    If those were the standards applied to all, Twitter would be a barren wasteland with the electronic equivalent of tumbleweeds blowing through the ether.

    So your point is that criminals and rule breakers should get a free pass based on the fact that others got away with it too? Would that apply to all types of criminals or only when it suits your agenda? 

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