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Posts posted by welovesundaysatspace

  1. 26 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


    I think the point was that politicians who previously made money out of fossil fuels now see their revenue increasing on the climate change side.


    All about keeping the electorate "happy", and making sure the lobbyist cash comes rolling in.

    How is that any relevant? That’s a bit like saying “no, I won’t get my cancer treated, because I don’t want the Pharma industry and doctors make even more money”.

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  2. 15 hours ago, Loiner said:

    I'll take your "without a deal" option please. The sooner the better. That's all that matters for me.

    Probably won’t happen, but fine with me. Unless the UK can get rid of its cancer called Brexiteers I prefer them to leave, despite all the good British people having to suffer too. 



    Under what circumstances do you believe this is about Brexiteers winning and the EU losing?

    Under no circumstance will Brexiteers win and the EU lose. 



    Is this what all your nonsense is about? It's about the UK being able to Leave the EU. Make it easy without any tricks or cheats and the EU might get a few 'wins' out of it too. Just stop extending your shytshow. 

    No one is obliged to do anything for you. You wanted to take control and be a single fighter, now get your shyt together and act. Stop begging the EU for help; you sound desperate. 

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  3. 8 minutes ago, Loiner said:

    You're not going to give us another one are you. But you said........ M. Macron says........

    Hey, now that Theresa the Appeaser has gone, what if Boris does not ask for one??

    Then parliament will prevent it. Or you will crash out without a deal. Either way works for me. There is no outcome under which Brexiteers will win and the EU would lose. That’s all that matters for me. Until then, I will enjoy the shytshow you started. 

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  4. 1 hour ago, CG1 Blue said:

    And you have no idea how it would pan out if we withdrew article 50 and remained in the EU.


    You have no idea how much our position in the EU is already weakened with the other 27 member states knowing half of the UK want out, and therefore you don't know how the UK would be treated by the EU going forward. 

    You have no idea how the rest of the world would view the UK, having seen us try to leave the EU for 3 years and being prevented from doing so by the Remain heavy HoC, and then backing down and giving up. 

    You have no idea how the British public would respond to the referendum result not being implemented as promised, how many years of public discontent and disruption there would be as a result of half the country feeling betrayed. 

    You have no idea how the EU project will evolve over the next few years, with most commentators recognising the direction of travel, i.e. further integration, fiscal, military, etc. etc. 

    You have no idea how the EU economy will fare over the next few years, with massive financial problems and mass unemployment in countries like Greece, Italy, Spain, and even Germany's economy teetering on the brink of recession. 

    ...but you have. Amen. 

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  5. 37 minutes ago, Pedrogaz said:

    Ridiculous. The world is going mad. Crimes are things that you exercise some sort of free will to execute....havong a phobia about anything including gays is not a choice of free will.

    Yes, and pedophilia also is an illness that people have against their free will, but once they act on their feelings we want it to be punished. You are still free to dislike gays, don’t worry; unless you act on your feelings you won’t be punished. 


    37 minutes ago, Pedrogaz said:

    I am an older man with some traditional older man news, and I will admit that I dislike what now seems to be the obligatory scenes in soap operas and dramas on UK television showing two men necking. I have no beef with gays but I don't want to see it on my TV screen. I find it offensive.

    I find you offensive. 

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  6. 3 hours ago, evadgib said:

    Does this help?

    Or this?

    What are you trying to say? 


    The 39bn is an out-of-court settlement for outstanding financial obligations the UK has from its EU membership. Those obligations will not just vanish by crashing out without a deal — if the UK parliament ever agrees to such.


    In lieu of an agreement, the EU would just invoice the UK all the outstanding obligations. The UK could then disagree to that and likewise make claims. The two parties could then start the negotiations again; you are back at square one. Meanwhile, the EU would stop all payments to the UK until the issue has been settled, such as subsidies or infrastructure projects.


    Of course, either party could also go to court, which would take years. At the same time, since the UK has left without a deal, it is dependent on agreements with the EU and the EU’s goodwill to conclude such (and do it fast). 

    • Confused 1
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  7. 4 minutes ago, aright said:

    No. It comes from having a great deal of contract experience with businesses I own(ed) and companies I worked for. 

    What's your business/contract  experience?...…….don't tell me I can guess.

    I buy/sell companies for my Clients. Clients big enough to know when you carve-out you don’t do it in a suicide mission. (They listen to their advisors, not to the riff-raff.)


    And I wasn’t asking for your contract experience. I was asking where the joke comes from that the UK‘s agreements with the EU are somehow invalid or illegal because of “corruption”. 

  8. 1 hour ago, JonnyF said:

    If I left my gym contract early (let's say for example the management committee were charging me more than other members and then giving them my money, were corrupt and the president was often drunk) I would pay until the end of the current period.


    If I was asked to pay 3-4-5 times my annual subscription simply to leave, for nothing in return except a promise then I would not pay. If they said I couldn't join another gym until they agreed a solution to some massively exaggerated problem with the entrance to next door, I would tell them to go forth and multiply. I would walk away and pay nothing. As the UK will do in October.

    No, you would oblige the terms you agreed to when you signed your contact. Otherwise you would get sued and end up as one of those indebted riff raff losers who can’t manager their lives. Don’t be silly.

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    6 minutes ago, billd766 said:

    So get in some neutral accountants and auditors (the Swiss are good at accounting) to go through the estimate line by line and come up with the correct figure.

    That’s what will happen if you don’t pay. It will go to the courts and they will look at it very thoroughly, probably over many years. It would be a classic Brexiteer move; losing big bucks each and every year for the prospect of a small symbolic victory in far future. Geniuses. 

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