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Posts posted by welovesundaysatspace

  1. 14 hours ago, aright said:

    Thanks for your approval, the lads will be ever so grateful they can go ahead with it and negotiate the way they think fit.


    A few Brexiters threats regarding the honouring or disowning of a financial obligation is hardly important in negotiating terms, they are not sitting at the table, and nothing has been settled, although I'm sure their views would have been considered, but the refusal of nations to honour an agreement made in 2014 is quite another. Oh dear! We are back to the EU nations who went back on an agreement to fund NATO by at  least 2% of GDP.,

    Do you get the connection now or are you still in the land of pot, kettle , black.

    I have asked you if you are au fait with this position but then I remembered you don't answer questions do you?


    You can draw connections wherever you want to. But who would give a damn about it? 

  2. 55 minutes ago, JAG said:

    Your reply ignores Bild's very pertinent points. The claim for 39 billion is based on unaudited and unverified accounts. Accounts which have been unaudited and unverified for many years, maybe never. Now as a fervent European Unionist you may be content for your taxes to be used in that way, as a British Taxpayer I am not. If my government proposes to hand over a very large sum of money to the EU, then I expect the EUs accounts to be audited and verified before they do so.

    You can ask for whatever you want. Why would anyone give it to you though? 

    • Confused 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Loiner said:

    We don’t need EU agreement. Everyone that matters is prepared. You sound like the type who pokes fun at doomsday preppers, so why take the Remainers big truck stop seriously?
    And what exactly do you think is our threat, and what will it not work?

    Please read my post again; I completely agree: If you don’t need any agreements with the EU, your threat (of not fulfilling financial obligations) could actually work. Go ahead! Everyone is prepared. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, vogie said:

    The divorce settled does not count as we will have walked away from the EU, technically we have become estranged, and to make matters worse

    Another genius move from the Brexiteer playbook. That surely will work out. ???? 


    2 minutes ago, vogie said:

    we have been seeing the US behind your backs.

    Brexiteers and Donald Dumb certainly would make a dream team! ???? 

    • Thanks 1
  5. 12 hours ago, aright said:

    It's even more creative to accuse the UK of not paying their bills when nothing has been finalised yet (saying you won't do something puts a quid pro quo card up your sleeve) nor will it until a new PM is in post.  Saying you won't pay your bills is a negotiating position not a finality. You have obviously done very little negotiating.

    If I’m not mistaken, no one accused the UK of not paying their bills; it is Brexiteers threatening to do so. 


    If not paying your bills is a “negotiating position” for you then go ahead with it. I believe it wouldn’t be the first time that Brexiteers heavily overestimated their negotiation power and shot themselves in the foot. 



    As always the EU's interests are much more important to you than the UK's and you tend to hang your hat on anything which might show the UK in a bad light albeit speculation. 

    When Brexiteers threaten to refuse honoring financial obligations, then they are the ones showing themselves in bad light. 

    • Like 1
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  6. 11 minutes ago, nahkit said:

    " You really haven’t understood the purpose of an opinion poll, so I guess there is no point asking you to check what a sampling error is. "


    Yeah, no insult there right?

    Where do you see an insult? When someone doesn’t understand the basics of something, it is quite obvious that there is no point for the details. 




    Look at what I wrote in post #219


    " The smaller the sample, the less precise it is and the wider the margin of error. "


    That is a direct quotation from the Yougov website, not something I made up myself. Ask them for the finer details, not me. The fact is, they have stated that the smaller the sample, the less reliable it is. This appears to be something that you are not willing to acknowledge.

    So what? Everyone knows this. Did it really surprise you?

    • Sad 1
  7. Just now, nahkit said:

    " A poll of 1,000 people has a margin of error of +/- 3%, a poll of 2,000 people a margin of error of +/- 2%. The smaller the sample, the less precise it is and the wider the margin of error. "


    Taken from the Yougov website.




    The sample is this case was less than 1,000 so, in their own words. "the wider the margin of error".


    You can insult me and question my intelligence as much as you want but you can't alter the facts.

    I haven’t insulted you. Let us know how the margin of error would change by adding another 180 or so people to the poll and what that would mean in terms of the poll results. 

  8. 3 minutes ago, aright said:

    I will have one more, last attempt at making it simpler  for you

    No where have I said we shouldn't pay however I do sympathise with the don't pay argument.

    Like saying don't be a hypocrite to member states who complain about the possibility the UK won't pay severance when 22 of them don't pay and haven't paid for donkeys years the agreed 2% GDP dues for NATO.

    It seems member states are happy not to pay there dues but would expect the USA, UK and France to do the right thing and protect them if nudged or shoved. Comparing the 2 situations, goose and gander come to mind. 

    I see no attempt on your part to criticise members for not paying their NATO dues so assume you are as au fait with that situation as much as I am understanding of no payment views. 

    Hope this helps....off for a pint of Grimbergen.


    Why would I criticize anyone for not paying their bills? When two parties A and B have a bill to settle then that’s their business alone. I just find it very creative to believe that the fact that parties C and D also might have a bill to settle would make any difference. 

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  9. 13 minutes ago, nahkit said:

    So pointing out that less than 1% of Conservative members were polled is facetious in your opinion?


    Telling me to go away and do something constructive is neither facetious or rude in your opinion?


    I'm fully aware that there is no need to poll every constituent - a facetious reply if ever there was one.


    The poll was conducted with 829 people, no need to say "about", the numbers are there on the Yougov website.


    As for the approximately 110,00 members, the conservative party website says there are 124,000 and yesterday, a newspaper report said that the selection of the new prime minister would be carried out by the 160,000 conservative party members. I have no idea which number is correct but I certainly think it's more than 110,000.


    Yougov pays people to respond to polls, anyone can register, all surveys are conducted entirely on line.


    If you believe that "expert" pollsters are correct then why bother having voting anymore? We can just get Yougov to tell us what the outcome should be by polling less than 1,000 people and save everybody else the bother of having to go and vote.


    There again, they would probably have to change their name from Yougov to Wegov.

    You really haven’t understood the purpose of an opinion poll, so I guess there is no point asking you to check what a sampling error is. 

  10. 33 minutes ago, aright said:

    If NATO is to continue to exist It needs to be resolved with the USA, the major contributor, and those member states who are paying the agreed 2% of GDP and the possible future lives of their military personnel...……….Freeloaders should be ashamed.



    Since Donald Trump became President of the US, Washington has put increased pressure on NATO allies to up their military spending.

    Trump’s Vice President Mike Pence warned on a recent visit to Munich that “the promise to share the burden of our defence has gone unfulfilled for too many, for too long and it erodes the very foundation of our alliance."

    NATO members pledged in 2014 to spend 2 percent of the GDP on defence by the year 2024, but currently only five members of the 28-member alliance meet this target.




    Wrong thread?

  11. 1 hour ago, Loiner said:

    Come on Fritzy, you talk about getting shyt together, then talk in contradictions. Spaced out mid week?
    Offer No Deal, then refuse one.
    But you want us to Leave with cancer.
    Consider a Brexit win EU lose, then deny all possibility.
    Want us out but don’t feel obliged to stop giving extensions, or taking contributions.
    This is all typical Euro doublespeak, say one thing but do another. Even females can’t change their minds as quick as you do.

    The EU isn’t saying one thing but doing the other. YOU are not leaving (because you don’t have the necessary majority), that’s your issue alone. 

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