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Everything posted by petermik

  1. In some countries they would have been shot by the Police and quite rightly so.....
  2. I have an MG5 that is mainly used for monthly return trips down to our property in the South from here in Pattaya 926 kms so an electric vehicle is useless to us at the moment....I get 20kms/litre on this long distance run
  3. For some it`s the only way they can get near to a pussy........
  4. Sorry but without more info/understanding it would be foolish of me to comment further......
  5. I had similar problems a few years ago not getting otp,s from my UK Banks...solution was simple I ditched True and went with AIS....ported my number over....never any problems since
  6. Thailand`s rulers know best.......
  7. You need to install a VPN on your phone....I used KIWI VPN its free and downloaded it from the PlayStore....set your location to the UK and google search for the Nationwide Banking app it should show it available through the Playstore download then log in.....I did this for a mate here last month and it worked a treat....
  8. Been living in Pattaya 12 years now and never even thought about having a drink in that place... hope the chap recovers and the thugs are brought to account...
  9. In YOUR opinion......personally I rate Time Bar in LK Metro for their 99 baht brekkie....
  10. Well done Pattaya.....City of honesty and virtue
  11. Thailand land of scams and rip-offs... get used to it.
  12. Nah they want the benefits but are not prepared to accept the laws of their adopted country...
  13. Post a pic of yourself Jim and we will give you some advice.....
  14. GMP over the last 10 years or so have done an excellent job catching these so and so`s along with their drug dealing....long prison sentences have been handed out but no condemnation for their behavior from their so called community has been heard.....I lived locally for many years and have seen how these parasites behave but it`s too late now sadly....ooh how Enoch was right....Police being attacked in Leeds last week now protesting in Rochdale....where will it end...tear gas them and lock them up then deport
  15. locally known as soi Arab.....draw your own conclusions.....been a nuisance for many months but the BIB do not crack down hard enough....
  16. Jealous bob????
  17. Who cares....are you bored this morning....nothing better to do
  18. Yes you learnt the hard way.......still visit the 500 baht BJ alley by the way
  19. From some of your distant past posts on here I,m guessing you will know where your local one is.......
  20. Pity she didn`t carry a torch with her.....hope she recovers soon
  21. You are under no obligation to open any thread you feel is unimportant to yourself.......
  22. What an observation....wayne kerr
  23. Relax it`s voluntary...no one will be asking you to contribute
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