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Everything posted by petermik

  1. United were left with no alternative....an upcoming talent now lost and a young lady who will have to live for the rest of her life with the actions she took....only two people know exactly what occurred the rest is pure speculation....and I am not condoning violence to women. I wonder in the future when their child is of age and starts asking questions what the mothers reply will be. Sad situation for all concerned and a high price to pay for someones thoughtlessness.
  2. Gree have a 5 year warranty.....????
  3. The horrendous Waterfront building could be completed for overnight stays..........
  4. Mcdonalds for anything/coffee....are you serious
  5. Pay for quality...not worth the risk ????
  6. Been promising this for days now......here in Pattaya nothing for weeks
  7. ooh deary me....I am shocked
  8. I knew my girl was different when she cried out "I,ve arrived"
  9. Not too long ago a Visa agent here in Central Pattaya did a vanishing act taking many passports with him....leaving a passport with an agent for any length of time is very risky IMHO......my renewal cost me 1900 baht and legal ????
  10. I am Thai and I want to die... many of them here believe they are invincible....
  11. What type of visas have been issued to these people I wonder........
  12. This is another troll from someone who reported he was having a beer a couple of weeks back in the Killkenny bar which has been closed for over 6 months....ignore gents
  13. I booked the 1000 baht small sedan and a Camry turned up ????
  14. Not me....
  15. Nowt....Thais are the experts at construction
  16. This was my first big bike late sixties....foolishly swapped if for an engagement ring Triumph 21 3TA 350 cc.
  17. Quite right....but all too common here...no shame where money is involved ????
  18. Lada Riva......????
  19. I remember a tale I overheard my father telling my mother many years ago.....my father was a part time Insurance collector and there was an elderly couple in their 70,s that he collected from...one day the old chap asked if my dad would help him out...my father replied what type of help do you mean the reply was that his wife was feeling frisky and could my dad give the old chap some assistance in climbing up to get his leg over....a bit nonplussed my dad said but if I do how will you dismount..so to speak....to which the chap replied "but you will be coming back next week won,t you"....
  20. No....drove back to Pattaya from the south on Thursday...little trouble ????
  21. Sad and desperate young girl....hope they both overcome this and share a happy life together....????
  22. Not for me it wasn`t.....did my first OK no email reminder for next renewal sent....tried for the second report and it said status pending......this was late last year and it never came through....10 minutes on my bike to do it in person at Jomtien.
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