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Everything posted by petermik

  1. There`s a rumour flying round these motoring threads that transam doesn`t like Saic MG cars....can anyone confirm
  2. Superglue works a treat...never a problem again 👍
  3. Contact City Hall sam they will be only too willing to listen to your gripe...
  4. Replacement "O" rings can be bought on Lazada quite cheaply and regular use of silicone grease will keep them in good order....mine are fine after 9 years of use 👍
  5. Hilarious.....not
  6. That`s assuming logic...it`s in short supply here LOL
  7. the only other alternative is to give the missus a red flag and make her walk in front...works for me.
  8. Unless you give them an incentive....bribe....nothing will get done sadly.
  9. Try driving in reverse....that`ll fool em
  10. I,ts not yer complaint bob but it`s looking at yer blaady face that upsets em.....LOL
  11. Road and rain conditions blamed not the senseless somchai behind the wheel TIT.
  12. Electrical repair shop on 3rd Road near soi 19 and Jasmine Restaurant shop front filled with old TV,s and other electrical appliances....one of the guys is diasbled and works inside his mate works outside repairing larger items eg fridges/washing machines etc. well recommended and honest folk.
  13. Ever heard the term...Rome wasn`t built in a day.....methinks you should put your name forward next time there is another upgrade....patience is a virtue bild.........
  14. 2000 Baht....
  15. Talk a relaxing walk if your bored bignok......
  16. Visited Ao Nang 7 times this year already...returned to Pattaya last Thursday....never seen it "crazy busy" for quite a number of years Last weekend paid 720 baht/night incl. breakfast at a well known and relatively new 4* Hotel + tax....next month they are asking 2,100 baht absolutely crazy.
  17. The BIB will soon be reporting....it was all a misunderstanding...LOL
  18. After midnight it increases to 80 baht.
  19. I,ll stick to LK Metro prices from 50 BAHT for a bottle of beer,????
  20. Tried but without success...downloaded Uttorent and Bittorrent no problem both working fine...deleted qBittorrent and Utorrent and I,ll use Bittorrent for a while and maybe try qBittorent in a few weeks time. Thanks for the help ????
  21. This is all I am getting unfortunately deleted and downloaded qBittorrent again but still thhe same.
  22. Installed Win 11 on my pc all is fine except with qBittorrent when I click on the magnet download a pop up box appears asking do I allow qBittorrent to download this file I answer yes and tick the box for to use qBittorrent all the time but for some reason the link does not appear in downloading in the torrent list....no problem on my other pc running windows 10? Any help much appreciated ???? p.s. using Firefox browser but same issue exists on the Edge browser.
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