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Everything posted by petermik

  1. A gun at the bum removes the scum........
  2. Plenty of guys here seek these creatures out.....
  3. Tax for morcy is 100 baht.......
  4. petermik

    Soil Bukhao

  5. Mr Warin here in Pattaya charged me 500 baht.....
  6. It,s a glitch in their website been going on for nearly a week....click the refresh button a few times and the pricing comes up.....usually anyhow LOL
  7. There you go....it says NO Brand....fake/copy whatever you want to call it........
  8. Penalty was dodgy....we had a similar one turned down at OT earlier in the season...
  9. I visit Trang often...some nice beaches nearby 👍
  10. No but common sense would be a good start.....idiots....if it was your daughter would you still be asking an idiotic question?
  11. A happy wife means a happy life........
  12. Sausage egg and chips https://assets.aseannow.com/forum/uploads/emoticons/thumbsup.gif
  13. sorry I misread the wandering "ducks" 😂
  14. And who is going to enforce this....
  15. Just regurgitating the same old story... don't drink and drive... until they get an efficient Police force nothing will change...🙄
  16. Hugging and a kissing with Katoyes leads to kissing goodbye to your jewelry...there that's a better headline 🤣
  17. Being aware of what is around you on the road aught to be common sense here...sadly this is lacking hence the daily carnage. RIP to these two individuals.
  18. Surely they have his passport details?
  19. Lubricate it well with engine oil... the pop up mechanism responds well to this...
  20. My best friend was killed by a Thai man with connections in a road rage incident here in January 2023...he admitted it and turned himself into the police...he was given a 4 year jail sentence reduced to 2 for admitting it... last I heard he was out on bail as he was appealing it... the justice system here stinks 😩
  21. RIP to the young lady 45 is no age.... questions need asking as to how this lady died.
  22. Well I never...who would have believed it...a Thai Police officer accepting bribes 😜
  23. This incident follows a meeting last week by the Police in Pattaya about stepping up security for tourists over the festive period.....🙄
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