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Everything posted by petermik

  1. Following last years award.....
  2. What a silly remark......... RIP.......
  3. give it a rest trans....we all know your position....we have ours...nowt better to do these days
  4. This thread was started by the OP as his pension is frozen and he is peed off that other folks here are receiving theirs in full....sad chap IMHO 👍
  5. Your speculation beggars belief.....there are millions in the UK claiming benefits in one form or another....so you seriously think they will target pensioners who have their pensions paid into a UK Bank as to are they actually resident or not
  6. Aaah.....but it does`nt do the washing does it......
  7. I called the DWP today and mentioned the OP,s topic on here and yes they are aware of it they said....however they advised me to take no notice whatsoever in his ramblings......they then went on to wish me and any other British expat pensioners here a very happy Xmas and prosperous New Year.....👍
  8. No....he wasn`t there
  9. No....just a meeting of two people where one person decides to compensate the other for their time....what a wicked mind you have
  10. Respectfully suggest that you stay and supervise.....saving any possible heartache afterwards 👍
  11. Try Pattaya2U just around the corner from Tukcom.......
  12. Tax number applies to self employed or someone setting up a company....my only reference is my NI number????
  13. Why did you give a UK address when living here....is there some advantage in this ? and where can I find my UK tax number from...or do you mean your tax coding number.......
  14. Bob....be honest....you aint got friends anywhere.
  15. Never had a problem ordering take aways from CC.......
  16. Dripping on bread......I used to serve some shops in Barnsley with bread deliveries many years ago and was delivering early one morning when a chap (flat cap on but no whippet LOL) called in asking in a broad Yorkshire accent for a "mucky fat butty" I thought at the time WTF was that.....being a Lancastrian visiting Barnsley in those days mid 70,s was an education in itself.....
  17. Don`t forget the "mucky fat butties" a Barnsley Yorkshire delicacy 👍
  18. No he,s just another wayne...kerr
  19. The underpass on third road by the junction for Jomtien is ideal for camping as your under cover and being mainly concrete you can safely cook your bush tucker unhindered
  20. If your not getting the login screen try putting into your browser search box?
  21. What you mean dogs can use a spray bottle now....
  22. Where exactly????
  23. A mixture of water and bleach in a spray bottle is often recommended on here........
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