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Everything posted by petermik

  1. Wave of terror throughout the building LOL πŸ˜†
  2. After many weeks Greater Manchester Police and the CPS have charged two Asian men with assault following a well reported incident in July at Manchester Airport in which a female Police officer suffered a vicious assault resulting in a broken nose....no police officer is being charged with any criminal offence relating to their actions in response to apprending the individuals....
  3. Welcome to the festive season 555.......numpties
  4. If they`re asking for more than 500 baht I,m not interested.......
  5. Any player not toeing the line should be shown the door......no matter who πŸ‘
  6. The "key information" is being filled in by the jumping to conclusion members on here and painting an entirely different view to what may have actually caused the incident
  7. Key Visa Pattaya....that is the cost of renewal
  8. My local agent quotes 14k baht for a passport renewal......
  9. And therefore left in a secure place......
  10. Have to agree....load of krap....
  11. They are only taught how to give tickets out....
  12. No I signed the photocopy of the passport and bank book.......
  13. Rather sleep with her than you Gottfried.......
  14. I called in yesterday at the KK branch in Big C Pattaya klang....waited 25 minutes to see a service agent and when she asked how can I help I replied about the email message I had received...her reply was "yes I know about this do you have your passport and Bank book with you" she photocopied both together and asked me to sign and said "that`s it all done" nothing else was asked for....2 minutes later I was out the door πŸ‘
  15. Good luck and speedy recovery young man....πŸ‘
  16. Some pork scratchings......
  17. Second thoughts.........
  18. Didn`t realise you actually witnessed it...... RIP to the gentleman
  19. Inter racial bonding....nowt wrong with that πŸ‘
  20. that`s 100k more than I would have offered........ p.s. sorry but I cannot send you a Christmas card this year as them buggers running our country have stopped my winter fuel allowance.....and I,m skint
  21. same same MG 5 18 months old πŸ‘ but before a certain person chimes in......they`re not really MG thas knows but Chinese Saic cars....πŸ˜‚
  22. I think that`s why the BIB are out in force every day on Beach Rd handing tickets out....and here`s me thinking it`s for their Christmas funds. Well done to the officer however....one of the few πŸ‘
  23. trans....sorry but your getting tiresome now.....let,s chat about Chinese MG cars instead πŸ‘
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