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Posts posted by FatherF

  1. so its not an unconditonal offer of 6 months - according to Channel News Asia just now.

    surprise surprise :)

    Abhisit wants to change the Constitution before the election.

    Does anyone know the full extent of these proposed changes and how they would impact the reds ?

    Amendments were agreed upon by a multi-partisan committee several months ago. The committee was established as a reconciliation measure at the behest of the PTP. The PTP dropped out of the amendment process at the 11th hour after a video phone in by Thaksin stating his dissatisfaction. That would be a good starting point.

    well that suggests again this government was trying to be sneaky and introduce

    something that would only benefit the ruling elite ? :D

    I would think that it was more a case of proposing changes that Taksin did not like!


  2. At least people CAN return home because the airport is still open, unlike when the government-backed yellow shirts occupied it. By the way, their leaders are still walking around free so less of the indignation about the red shirt leaders please.

    Anyone with half a brain can see that there'll be no peace here until a government, democratically elected by the people, is allowed to serve it's full term of office without interference from the army or anyone else.

    Agreed. So let the current democratically elected government serve their full term in office without interference from the army or anyone else (ie red shirts).

    Hear Hear!


  3. this has turned into a dirty "war" both sides are just as guilty as each other of intimidation, violence, lies, propaganda and more.

    no side holds the high moral ground..

    But you still hear the av/yellow side on this forum claiming their side is whiter then white..

    the only ppl who might still believe that crap is someone just off the boat...

    The reds are now an illegal, insurgent force which has already used some terrorist tactics. Dirty? Indeed!

    are they?

    and i suppose theres not a dirty mark on the av/yellow side?

    Well gymboy33, you have now reached the dizzy heights of TROLL! Ignore activated!


  4. I think that using force by Abhisit is absolutely the wrong thing to do.

    It may disperse the crowd but it will NOT kill off the movement, peopel will still bear grudges and hold grievances and the movement will go underground.

    Underground movements tend to resort to violent tactics....we see this already in the southern provinces here in Thailand...and we have seen it before in Northern Ireland, the Basque country, Palestine etc

    The only hope for a peaceful outcome is negotiation

    Completely agree, unfortunately, the reds cannot/will not negotiate, it would seem that they are only capable of making demands!


    Don't be silly, Abhisit refused to talk last time when the reds softened their demands....

    Yes, because it was more "Demands!" He, however did offer more talks, but the reds refused!


  5. I think that using force by Abhisit is absolutely the wrong thing to do.

    It may disperse the crowd but it will NOT kill off the movement, peopel will still bear grudges and hold grievances and the movement will go underground.

    Underground movements tend to resort to violent tactics....we see this already in the southern provinces here in Thailand...and we have seen it before in Northern Ireland, the Basque country, Palestine etc

    The only hope for a peaceful outcome is negotiation

    Completely agree, unfortunately, the reds cannot/will not negotiate, it would seem that they are only capable of making demands!


  6. Good offer from the Reds.

    Dissolve House in 30 days. Followed by 60 days of campaigns before election.

    Meaning elections in 90 days from now.

    Excellent, lets hope Abhisit and his cronies do not now spit in the face of the people and refuse this offer. It will look very bad on them if they do.

    LOL .. you really are funny --- Abhisit made a good offer -- elections 1 year early. The reds spit on it and escalated violence. Abhisit should make the same offer again.

    Lets go back then, the Yellow side spat in the face of all Thai's when they held a coup in 2006.

    They then spat in the face of the people by putting in place a constitution by force and threat.

    They then spat again by holding elections under what was in effect martial law in places.

    They then spat again by dissolving the PPP and letting the Democrats get off for similar charges (PPP paying small parties to run in 2006, Democrats paying small parties not to run in 2005). Same offense, one dissolved and one let off.

    They then spat again in the face by arranging a "behind the scenes" parliamentary coup and getting the small parties to run with the "hated" Democrats in a coalition government.

    Or you want to forget all that........ ?

    A good offer, it came after foreign Diplomats visited the Reds area and discussed with them.

    Obviously the diplomats did not see any terrorists, perhaps lots of old people and children but not anything else ??

    Well done the Reds for listening to the Diplomats and making a good offer.

    Now its up to Abhisit to accept it, or spit in the face of the people once more.

    It's up to Abhisit to do what he feels is best for the Kingdom, not just give in to mob rule!


  7. Good offer from the Reds.

    Dissolve House in 30 days. Followed by 60 days of campaigns before election.

    Meaning elections in 90 days from now.

    Excellent, lets hope Abhisit and his cronies do not now spit in the face of the people and refuse this offer. It will look very bad on them if they do.

    You mean like the Reds "Spat in the face" of the government demanding 15 days or we take our toy's away and cause all sorts of problems?


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