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Posts posted by FatherF

  1. I think the possible 2 year sentence is a bit harsh, the time he has already spent in prison to cool off & reflect on his actions, followed by a public, genuine, and humble apology to the official(s) concerned, and a "Don't come back for 5 years" and then only if you can be polite would suffice. It would also help with the prison overcrowding problems, and maybe, just maybe, teach this idiot some self discipline, self control, and respect of those in authority!


    Unreal that some people can still think like this... More Thai than Thai!

    What authority exactly.....? I would have thought he has the right to leave a country unless he has done something wrong which he had not as confirmed by the British Consul so actually he has the authority to tell the Thai idiot he is wrong as the Thai idiot detained him for no reason!

    I am glad that i do think like this!

    You ask "What authority?" well unless i am reading a completely different story.... the "Authority" was the Customs official who was inspecting his passport!

    His passport was confirmed by the British Consul after his insulting behavior.

    Whilst i agree that he has every right to let the Customs Official that he is wrong, there are certain ways of doing it, he chose the wrong one!

    I am really quite pleased that i don't live on the same planet as you!


  2. I think the possible 2 year sentence is a bit harsh, the time he has already spent in prison to cool off & reflect on his actions, followed by a public, genuine, and humble apology to the official(s) concerned, and a "Don't come back for 5 years" and then only if you can be polite would suffice. It would also help with the prison overcrowding problems, and maybe, just maybe, teach this idiot some self discipline, self control, and respect of those in authority!


  3. She's got a point...just check out the fathers and uncles any night of the week and brothers when they can con some money out of mum and granny....below THB20,000 a month most men are P**s heads. Everyone complains about the LOS but when a positive action comes along...some "wood duck" has a bright comment??? :o

    So, why then are the Thai government (TAT) actively encouraging people to drink, by advertising & advocating the new "Siam Sunrays" Cocktail? maybe they will have to arrest themselves? "Wood Duck"? does your mummy know you are awake?


  4. As it now maybe, that the head was severed by a single blow from a sword (or similar), i don't necessarily believe that the note left on the bridge was written by the poor chap who's head was found! Or are the suicide enthusiasts going to say that he wrote the note, placed the bag on his head, then cut his own head off and let his body fall into the river? I think we would all be better to wait until more, real facts are released before we all go off on speculation.

    RIP to the poor chap, I hope they find out who he was.


  5. Are we talking about the "Isle of man"?Wow,lucky blighter,i would love to be involved in that. :o

    I live on the Isle of Man, (but spend as much time in LOS as poss!) I will be doing the TT myself next year, racing the British Championship this year, as well as all the rounds here on the IOM!


  6. Possibly slightly off-topic, but i thought it may be of interest. I will be involved in this years "Green TT", i am supporting an American chap who has a v.v. fast electric bike, i will post some photo's and a report if anyone is interested!


    INTERESTED!!!! Post away!!! :o I would love to see it.

    Will do, the bike is the Mission One (featured above) 0 - 100mph sub 6.0, 150mph, should be interesting.......


  7. It's amazing that people cannot see the difference between female teacher/young boy and male teacher/young girl.

    A guy cannot have sex unless he's excited. It would have to be consensual by default. Even if he was apprehensive, he would have enjoyed the experience. The reverse is not true and consensuality could not be easily determined.

    So it would OK with you if the teacher was gay and the boy was gay? Same consensual rules apply by your reasoning.

    BTW, don't act like kids can't be gay. Ask most gay men and they will tell you they knew what they were at a young age.

    What if this had been a 13-year old Thai boy having sex with a 29-year old farang male teacher?

    But it was not! So, your argument is somewhat academic!


  8. I acknowledge the fathers comments above, but what i think is strange is that this thai guy is picking the other guys nose......nose picking is a personal thing, maybe bikers and side car riders are a little closer than the rest of us??? Father, do you pick ur mates nose?

    Nah! iv'e never picked his nose, but..... rather worryingly he has threat'nd to poke his finger up my a*se if i don't go faster! (think it must be a passenger thing!)


  9. Nice piccy's Zzinged,

    looks a little like an M21, now, not wishing to sound picky.. or ANAL! But........................ the sidecar looks like the wrong one, looks like it came off a Dneper (Russian) most of the BSA M21's were actually from the AA (Automobile Association) whose members voluntered for active service (i think about 55 were killed in action!) Also "UK ARMY"? never been called that! and the US Star on the sidecar.... but <deleted>, makes him happy! tis all good!


    Edited just because! lol

  10. Not bad for an ole geezer father :D ...like to rip that sidecar off the R6 & use it like the way it was designed to be used....aka sideways with the faring just mm from the tarmac :o

    Well, actually, the ride height is 75mm off the tarmac, and i get it sideways on most of the corners....... (Slidecar!)




  11. But Father F. They arn't here in Thailand where the sun shines and the girls are wet :D

    But good on you. i know a Thai guy that has what looks like a WW2 Vintage side car outfit, dunno what it is . will take a piccy next time i see him.


    I know they are not in Thailand :o , but come the day.................... (and import duties etc etc etc).........

    A piccy of the WW2 Sidecar would be good, anything like this one of mine?

    Any Sidecar racing in LOS?



  12. I think i must be in an enviable position as i have my dream bikes,

    Ducati 916 for the pure pleasure of riding.

    1977 Triumph 750 T140 Flat Tracker for those nice easy riding sunny days.

    1939 Excelsior H4 for the odd vintage rally

    2007 R6 F2 Sidecar outfit for the track!

    Happy days! :o:D:D


  13. Thai police arrest female teacher for sex with teenager

    Parents of the 13-year-old, who was big for his age group, pressed charges against the teacher after the boy told his friends of the affair, the newspaper said.

    Maybe this could explain it?.........

    But, all joking aside, and as some posters have already said, the law is now equal, this teacher was in a position of responsibility, and has overstepped the mark, therefore should be dealt with accordingly, it would certainly be different (as other posters have stated) if it was a male teacher (Farang or not) and a femail 13yr old girl!


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